[[Front Line Mission]] Rampage!

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Normally, Dialup didn't bother to get herself involved in any job she wasn't explicitly being paid for. Didn't make any kind of sense to put her neck on the line, after all, unless it paid for the medical fees at least, and putting her pokemon at risk, well- Wattson was retired from active service, and Mother and Other were still more or less wild. And the gibles- those were just babies. Until they had more training up with her and Wattson, they were not to see active battles. Her hand stroked over the smooth, white-splotched hide on Nibble's back, just enjoying the peaceful afternoon.

Well, it had been peaceful, until about five minutes ago, and Dialup was still debating with herself whether it was worth getting off her ass and actually answering that alarm bell that was ringing in the back of her head, pressing itself to the forefront of her HUD. It was a rather unpleasant shade of red, and it lingered in front of her eyes as she grumbled, and rolled to set aside the gible. She rustled her leaves in mild annoyance, and fixated on Dialup as she sat up and lifted up her right hand, let the alert go 'full screen'.

What it read out was certainly worth taking a look at, as a massive beast loomed over a fog tower. Its overall shape looked like the mountain-eater, a tyranitar, but it was nearly as tall as the Anti-Fog devices it was trying to topple. On top of that, electricity arced between its spikes, a glimmer in its chest holes. An unnatural aura danced over its surface, and, as it snapped up a cable like spaghetti. Its sharp teeth latched on and it slurped on the electrical power from the cord. As that showed, the power flickered in her home. The wailing of several of the gible gang had Dialup tensing, and glancing into the other room.

Wattson approached, carrying two of the gibles to their pokeballs and helping them settle down and pop back in to safety. The rest filed in and squeaked and snarled their displeasure and fear as the power waned, and then finally went out completely. Naturally, their distress calls brought out Mother. She floated ominously in from the porch outside, and began to gently juggle the distressed whelps until Wattson could find their pokeballs and store them away. Dialup pinched the bridge of her nose, rubbed her eyes softly to self-soothe, and then sighed. Well. The call for help had been raised, and it was actively affecting Dialup's peace of mind and home. There was even an admittedly small reward offered for helping 'dissuade' the beast from his current meals. Mother had opened her eyes, just a sliver, and Dialup stiffened under that pitch black gaze.

"Fine, fine, you win. Go get Other, we'll go out there, see what we can do." Her tone may have sounded dismissive, but there was a tension between her shoulders, behind her teeth, that betrayed her nerves. Wattson tipped his head down just so, looking up at her as if to say, 'I see right through you.' She flipped him the bird, and his stance slackened, head tipping back and hair flickering in amusement. He held out the pokeballs, and she slotted them into a belt, then pulled out Mother, Other, and Wattson's balls as the pale garchomp hovered into the other room, where Wattson had come through. There was the briefest grunt of startle, and then soft clicks, and grumbles, and then out lurched the vibrantly colored Other, her ears twitching as she itched them, fluffing her wild mane. She yawned, wide maw snapping shut as she leaned in and peered at Dialup. Warm breath and wild, clever eyes met hers, and Dialup smiled in some relief.

Other was a good balance for Mother. Literally more grounded than the matriarch, vastly more tolerant of Dialup's handling of the Gible Gang, and her capturing- well, all of them. She was also much more willing to listen to Dialup's instruction, too, and soothed Mother by leaning against her when she seemed particularly upset. Dialup lifted a hand, and gently patted her on the shoulder. "I know I'm not your favorite, but- you three are my toughest pokemon by a long stretch, and I think we could do something about that thing rampaging about. If you can keep it busy, or drive it off, I can- ah, right-" Other's eyes had glazed over. Dialup looked at Wattson, who simply nodded, and began to gather up potions and such for them. She tugged on her long coat, and pulled out a toolbox, strapping it to her side opposite the potions. Mother was invading her personal space, and she could feel the pressure of her aura. Dialup didn't flinch, instead offering up a sitrus berry. After a few seconds hesitation, it floated from her hand to somewhere near Mother's head. Other, too, took a sitrus, and tucked it into her mane. Wattson already had one of his own, and was stretching to limber up as he sauntered out the door.

A quick jaunt to the outskirts of Groveheart, a jog down the road- and they could hear the roars and snapping of metal. The beast was nearly twice as tall as it ought to have been- nobody else had arrived yet, despite the call. Dialup sighed, and then whistled to attract its attention. As it wheeled towards her, Wattson flitted off to flank it. Other had the good sense to circle around the opposite direction- the tried and true pincher maneuver. Dialup grinned, hopping up and down in place and waving her arms. Lightning arced off the beast with a deafening crack of thunder, near blinding, straight towards her, but, at the last second, it struck a near invisible wall of energy, dispersing as Mother lofted her arms.

She knew better than to stay put and count on the solidity of a Protective barrier, and dashed away, towards the woods. Mother dropped the barrier as the lightning dispersed. Other slammed her full weight into the tyranitar-rotom, near its midsection. A roar of fury tore out of her, pain echoed in its wake. The thing barely had time to react before Wattson was on it, flames wreathing his body. It wasn't a terribly effective strike, but it did draw the blow meant for Other to him. It struck, and Dialup winced as she heard Wattson grunt in pain, the ground denting beneath him. He almost lost his footing, but Other lifted her arm and brought it down, hard. Hard enough to pierce the armor and inflict pain. The beast turned on her, and there was a howl of pain as she was thrown into a tree hard enough to splinter it.

That was when Mother opened her eyes, and her maw opened wide, soundlessly. The light sucked in around them all, and time seemed to halt as a single pinprick of pitch black appeared near it. For a split second, the world bent towards that singularity- and it all went quiet.

It was only long enough to suck the massive hybrid to its knees, and then Mother's eyes closed again. She set her feet to the ground, for a moment, and let out a questioning chirp. Other answered with a reassuring groan, but Dialup did not look. She was focused solely on the panting behemoth, and Wattson. It staggered to its feet, and then started to flee- thankfully. Wattson collapsed, and Dialup flitted forward while Mother waddled to Other, to help her up.

"Repairs can wait, let's take a look at you two..." Dialup muttered, carefully rolling him onto his side, and drawing out the potions from her pack. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too bad- and if their luck held out, the beast wouldn't return to cause more havoc.

[[Front Line Mission]] Rampage!
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By wrigglingwyvernContent Warning: Pokemon Fighting

Prompt: No Risk No Reward - Rampage
Credits, Advanced Grovehart City Bundle, Bandage x2, Brewing Ingredients x2, Cooking Ingredients x2
Pokemon Present: Wattson [Stage 1], Mother [Stage 3], and Other [Stage 3]

1309 words

Submitted By wrigglingwyvern for No Risk, No RewardLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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[[[Front Line Mission]] Rampage! by wrigglingwyvern (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Pokemon Fighting](https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/1122)
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