Water Pokemon be silly

In Rank-Up ・ By Harowaja
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The soft afternoon sun shone onto the thin blanket spread over Anya’s body. It’s rays were slowly warming up the tall woman and making the sofa an even more comfortable place than it would have been without. Pillows spread across it for Anya to rest her head on.

Only a slight sprinkling sound, like a leaking tap, stirred the trainer from her after work nap.

She slowly opened her eyes, a slight heaviness to them after the long nap, and rubbed the sleep from them. Turning towards where she could hear the sound coming from led her to the little kiddy pool she had set up in the corner to allow Damo inside without adding to the amounts of water damage he had already caused to her cottage.
Damo was laying inside, on his back and letting a small stream of water sprinkle from his mouth like a tiny water fountain. Next to the pool sat Aurelia, letting out her own little water stream into the pool and slowly forming puddles inside the pool.

A groan, telling of the tiredness still lingering in every one of Anya’s limbs, escaped her as she looked upon the silly little things her Pokemon were up to again…

With a swift motion, she pulled the blanket off herself and grabbed 2 of the corners, each in one hand, to fold it neatly and lay it down on the sofa again.
She turned back towards her Pokemon. She made her way over and bent down to pick up both Damo and Aurelia. If they were so keen on playing with water, they could help Anya water the plants in the back. Their little streams seemed perfect for it. Soft enough to not wash away too much of the soil.

With one Pokemon under each of her arms she trotted outside, opening the back door to her small garden with her elbow.

Following a little path towards her right, she arrived at the new vegetable garden she had set up just a few weeks ago. Anya carefully put down the two Pokemon in front of it and motioned towards the bed.
At first both Damo and Aurelia were a little confused, but soon Damo caught onto the idea and laid back down again. It seems it was funnier to him that way?
But unlike before he didn’t angle the stream to be straight up and hit himself. Instead he angled it to rain onto the still small plants. Tomato Plants, Cucumber Plants and a lot more variety. Though he still seemed to enjoy it when the droplets rolled off the leaves and hit his face.

Aurelia seemed to slowly catch on too and simply followed Damo’s lead. She sat down a little further from Damo and let a small water stream rain down upon the plants further in the back where Damo’s technique didn’t quite reach anymore.
She was careful not to get herself wet. Unlike Damo it seems watching the sun rays break inside the droplets was what had gotten her to join Damo’s water games. Just like it had inside, the afternoon sun combined with Damo and Aurelia’s little streams formed a beautiful rainbow spreading across Anya’s vegetable garden.
It made Anya smile and feel a comfortable warmth inside to see that her Pokemon were so happy to actually help her out inside her garden.

Water Pokemon be silly
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In Rank-Up ・ By Harowaja

Anya slowly learning that combining her Pokemon's silly games with her gardening actually works and that the babies still enjoy it \o/


Submitted By Harowaja for Level UPLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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