Saturday Class

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Atreus looked up at the tall, sleek, reflective building with a sense of apprehension and curiosity. She clung to the bag slung over her shoulder as she ducked her head and walked up to the entrance, eager but also nervous. Such a strange combination of emotions! The doors swooshed open with the type of nearly soundless hydraulics one might expect of a state of the art Grovehart building, and Atreus found herself in the atrium of a beautifully decorated and cared for space.

Plants covered much of the walls and halfwalls in the place, which Atreus approved of, and what wasn't covered in plants was decorated in that modern way that most people in Grovehart tended to love. Atreus was not immune to those trends, so it made her feel at home despite hoe obviously clinical the space was underneath.

Approaching what she assumed was a 'front desk' sort of thing, Atreus cleared her throat and smiled over at a well dressed, green haired woman with flashy gold cybernetic eyes. "H-hello! I'm here for uhm, the herbal training and medicinal craft course?" Atreus spoke like she wasn't sure she'd even gone to the right place, but the woman smiled almost instantly and nodded before she'd finished speaking.

"Ah yes, of course," Her voice was soft and smooth like a beautiful melody, and Atreus instantly found herself at ease, "Small show for this morning, though I suspect that's to do with the fact it's so early rather than a disinterest." Atreus couldn't help but giggle a little, hand over her mouth as if to hide it, when the woman called her out for coming to the earliest session possible. On a Saturday.

"I tend to rise with the sun, couldn't help myself," Atreus explained with a bright smile, which was matched easily by the woman across the glass desk.

"I'm much the same, I can hardly blame you. Besides, having Professor Blackthorn to yourself will no doubt prove a more fullfilling experience," The woman was shooting her a knowing look, and Atreus felt herself blush a little at the insinuation. It was well known the professor was a bit of a looker, but that wasn't why she was here! She really wanted to learn!

"Aha, of course," Atreus said, fumbling for her words a bit. The nice woman came to her rescue, chuckling and waving the tension right out of the air easily.

"Don't worry, he's a kind man and he'll be able to teach you plenty. Just head down the hall to the biodome center and you'll probably find him toiling away, ready to start," The woman gestured in the correct direction, and Atreus nodded eagerly.

"Thank you so much! I can't wait," Atreus immediatly started for the hallway, waving to the woman as she left the atrium and headed for the mentioned location. She could hardly contain her excitement! Of course, she had her own biodome back home, but it would never compare to something officially built and managed by Grovehart, officially. The plants she would see in there would surely be worth the trip alone, medical training or not.

Pushing the heavy metal doors open - no hydraulics this time - Atreus was greeted to a beautiful sight. Lush greenery as far as she could see, tropicals in every corner, rare and unique plant species dotting the grow-beds and within reach! She must have been standing there for a few minutes, because she heard someone clear their throat and knock her out of her stupor.

"O-oh! Hello," Atreus said nervously, turning with wide eyes as Professor Blackthorn smiled reassuringly over at her, "Sorry, I got so caught up in all the plants here. It's beautiful."

"No need to be sorry, it's always nice to see someone who appreciates these things," The man said with a soft chuckle, gesturing Atreus over to the workbench he was standing at. "Here for the medicinal training, I assume?" Atreus nodded vigorously, before realizing he wasn't looking.

"Yep! I work with plants and medicine at home, but nothing quite this advanced," Her enthusiasm was contagious, Blackthorn turning and beaming a wide smile at her.

"Is that so? Well then, I dare say we've got a bit of an apprentice here. Most I work with are barely novices, but I get the sense you'll catch on quick," Blackthorn picked up some instruments, guiding Atreus to follow suit with a nod towards her own set of equipment.

"Well I certainly hope I don't dissapoint!" Atreus rolled up her sleeves eagerly as she picked up the tools, meeting Blackthorn's amused gaze with a determined look, "Let's get to it!"

Saturday Class
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Livard

Atreus wants to know MORE about plants!! And Medicine!!!

Submitted By Livard for Medical TrainingLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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