Cookies for my Love

In Rank-Up ・ By Harowaja
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Distant chatter, small aisles stocked with flour, sugar and much more.
Behind her the screeching of small shopping cart isles and a slight crunch as Fiona pushed the cart towards where Anya was standing. Small indents starting to show where Fiona’s Jaws had grabbed onto the cart.
Before her Chocolate chips. Cheap and expensive, small sprinkles or big chunks. Chocolate bars or syrup. Dark, Milk or White. Personally, Anya thought that it was way too many choices and she was starting to get a little overwhelmed. The recipe she had chosen didn’t clarify which kind would be best… and her experience baking cookies was close to zero.
That was when Fiona caught up and without hesitation grabbed the next best pack and flung it into the cart before grabbing the next, a different choice this time.
The second pack landed in the cart too, but not before smacking Nom right in his chubby little face. A little squawk of protest before he settled right back and closed his eyes again.
But this settled the decision on what chips to add to her cookies…
Anya turned away from her little duo and continued further down the aisle towards the other baking ingredients that lined the shelves. At least for the Baking Soda they didn’t quite have as many choices so Anya just grabbed the first one she saw and flung it towards the cart that was slowly following her moves.

She grabbed into the right pocket of her sweatpants and pulled out a small, yellow and very crumpled up piece of paper. With barely legible writing it read the ingredients she still needed for said recipe. Eggs, Baking Soda, Chocolate Chips.
A quick look back at the cart and she saw everything she needed along with various snacks and junk either she or Fiona had grabbed on their way through the Store.
Nom was just contently slobbering all over an apple he had managed to roll towards… a healthy choice for once.

Exiting the baking isle, Anya turned to her left and walked towards the registry. The screeching of the wheels behind her reassured her that her Pokemon were coming along as well. Losing them, especially with that screeching wheel, was quite hard…

Once arriving at the registry Anya turned back towards the cart and grabbed whatever they had. When she grabbed the spit slick apple a slight look of disgust crossed her face and she quickly rubbed it against the sleeve of her hoodie. No need to push this onto the poor store clerk…

Nom loudly voiced his protests at this, but she was already used to this.

The Clerk quickly rang up Anya’s small cart and soon she was out of the store again with everything neatly packed into the bag she brought along. Including Nom.

Fiona looked up at her expectantly. Seeing that Nom was packed away she knew they’d choose a fast pace for their way home. A quick smile crossed Anya’s Face at just how used Fiona had gotten to their day to day life and she nodded at the Mawgoat and picked up her pace to a fast jog. The short Mawgoat was easily keeping up with the stride and even overtook her from time to time before falling back again. Like a little game she was playing.

After just 10 minutes the streets changed from the pothole riddled, but asphalt streets of the village center to the mostly gravel streets of the outer parts and it didn’t take much longer until Anya’s little cottage came into sight.

They entered through the small gate and Anya quickly unlocked the old wooden door, rushing Fiona inside.

She handed the snacks over to Fiona to put away before assembling the ingredients she needed to prepare the cookies and turning the oven on to preheat just like the recipe had said.
Just to be sure she also pulled the recipe back up on her Tech Display, scrolling through the steps again and quickly taking a look at the comments for any extra tips.

It seemed easy enough…
A quick glance at the traditional clock hanging on the wall of Anya’s kitchen told her that Iris likely wouldn’t be home for another few hours. Enough time for her to figure out the cookies and for them to cool down enough to be easily edible.

She bent down towards her cupboards and took out a mixing bowl and a whisk she had bought weeks ago to try and get into baking.

Slowly she followed the steps one by one.
Mixing the flour, baking soda and sugar. Melting the butter and adding it along with the eggs and milk into the bowl. Mixing it until smooth and adding the chips, half dark and half milk chocolate. And finally forming the batter into small balls and placing them onto the prepared tray before pushing said tray into the hot oven.
Anya pulled up her Tech Display again and set a timer for 10 minutes.

Those 10 minutes were over sooner than Anya expected while she was busying herself with cleaning up the bowl and any mess she had produced in the kitchen.

Her implant flashed brightly and a jingle signalled her that the timer was done and she swiped to turn it off. Her hand grabbed hold of the oven mitts she had set aside while cleaning and after pulling them on, she opened the oven and grabbed the tray of cookies.
They had come along nicely, even if they had spread a little more than Anya would have liked… Maybe she had added too much milk into the batter ?

Still they were firm enough that one could grab them and the room was filled with the sweet scent of baked goods.
Anya couldn’t hold back a wide smile when she thought abt how much Iris might enjoy these when she came home in just a bit.

Cookies for my Love
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In Rank-Up ・ By Harowaja

Anya making Cookies for her roommate who she totally isn't in love with

Submitted By Harowaja for Level UPLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago

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