Cleaning House [Spring Cleaning]

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“This is driving me crazy,” Ahimoth groaned, falling down onto his couch with a huff, arm thrown over his face and hiding his eyes from the view. He couldn’t see his ceiling anymore, but Ahimoth didn’t need to, he could see the patterning of his ceiling with his eyes closed. He could tell if the light was on or off, he could even hear Snatcher shuffling through the house, moving around some of the things that were on the floor, or had piled up over the past weeks of the battle royale. His hand slid off of his pink eyes, and he looked at the ceiling still, almost seeming a bit numb or ‘dead’ in a sense.

“I know, I know,” he finally muttered toward Snatcher when he felt the pokemons’ hand touch his own for the moment. He could feel the cold breath hitting the back of his head, signaling that Snatcher was leaned over a little to be close to Ahimoth’s face. “Alright, alright. I know I need to do some cleaning, I know the house won’t clean itself. I am aware…” 

Snatcher let out a snort as he flared his nostrils, eyes narrowing at his trainer that had given him some attitude, and Ahimoth moved to rub the back of his neck as well. “Sorry Snatcher, I’m just really annoyed. Being cooped up inside for weeks, without being able to leave without being seen as a ‘criminal’.”

Snatcher didn’t entirely seem to sympathize with Ahimoth’s words, but he moved to grasp a few of the items on the floor, as if signaling to Ahimoth what he needed to do. Some of the seashells he had gathered before the battles were lying spread among the desk and stands. Ahimoth moved to get off the couch, his long white hair flowed over his shoulder, it was still early in the morning, and he had a lot of cleaning to do. It was hard to get items delivered to the house, and he was running low on food a bit, not too bad but he never bought a whole lot of food anyways. 

He couldn’t very well let Snatcher do all the work, so Ahimoth walked toward the stand that held the seashells he liked to collect and enjoyed polishing or staring at them at times, so he needed to organize them and rearrange them. Most of them were arranged by color or by value at least, and that was what he was doing. While Snatcher picked up some of the little things around the house, placing recyclables into the recycling trash can, and non-recyclable materials into the normal trash. 

It took an hour at the most for Ahimoth rearrange everything that was behind his glass, that held the shells he’d use as the display case. Once it was all done, he started to close the glass once he was done, and turned to look toward Snatcher who was looking at him and waiting. At first Ahimoth was curious about what he was waiting on, but Snatcher motioned his head towards the table, some old food that hadn’t been thrown away sat there, and it was apparent to Ahimoth then, Snatcher didn’t know where the old food was meant to go. He did know he wasn’t allowed to eat it.

“Thanks for not eating it, Snatcher,” Ahimoth smiled gently, moving his hand out to softly pat his companions’ shoulder, before he walked toward the table with a bit of an annoyed sigh. Yeah he let some of the things pile up a bit too much. “Too bad I don’t have a Trubbish or Garbodor,” he grumbled as a joke toward Snatcher. Seeing his friend wrinkle up his nose and the blegh like sound that left his maw caused him to let out a laugh.

“They only smell bad if they’re threatened, remember. Otherwise they’re not that bad, it would help with the garbage,” he hummed, scraping the food scraps into the garbage disposal. Once all of it was off his plates, he put them in the sink and ran the water so they could soak. Before working on breaking down and throwing away any of the boxes that needed to be taken care of. 

With most of the chores done, he looked toward Snatcher once more, the pokemon seemed to give him a smile, showing off his teeth a little as well, before he went to go find his spot in the living room, so he could get comfortable. Ahimoth smiled a bit as well and entered back into the living room, grabbing the remote for the television so he could change the channels. As he leaned his head against the back of the couch, he huffed to himself.

“After this short break, I guess I'll go through my room and see what all I may need tossed away.”


Word Count: 809

Cleaning House [Spring Cleaning]
0 ・ 0
In Side Events ・ By Umbra-Moon

Ahimoth gains +10AXP

Snatcher gains +2EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Spring CleaningLocation: Wintervale
Submitted: 1 year and 4 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 4 months ago

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