Assisting Grovehart [ Master Rank Mission ]

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The ping that reached his device was cause for concern, it wasn’t just a normal ping either, it was rapid and flashed before his eyes, his TD opening up the screen on its own almost, and that’s how Aeson knew that it was quite serious. He clicked on the alert, it didn’t seem to be around Brookfell however, and when he read the details of the message, he assumed right. It was located in Grovehart, a call to any experienced trainers that would be willing to help. He knew that he’d need to hurry and get around so he could help as many as he possibly could. He called to his three pokemon, Queen, Knight, and Lil King, before he placed each up in their pokeball. He was out of the door before anything could stop him, nearly forgetting some water for the trip in case his throat got dry. 

Calling a hovercraft took some time, but he threw himself into the vehicle without concern, and told the taxi driver where they were headed in a hurry, settling back in the vehicle with his seatbelt clipped and his eyes closed. He felt the taxi take off, and the sights that passed by his eyes were a blur. Perhaps they were speeding, but Aeson didn’t care, nor was he worried about it. Instead his mind was focused on what was going on in Grovehart currently. The need to help others, it called to him not just as an officer, but as a good samaritan, he didn’t like knowing there was others suffering, and if there was something within his power he could do to help them, then he would.

It took several hours of the scenery changing out the window from the pit and buildings of Brookfell to the dirt path that would lead to Grovehart. The desert would give way to sparse trees and foliage and slowly it would increase in height and size, as well as amount, until the more common scenery of Groveharts luscious vegetation came into view. Aeson gave a small smile, at least he was finally within the city, and the driver dropped him off. He was sure to pay him with credits, and took off to the police station to be assigned to a job to help with the refugees. Aeson had released his three pokemon, who were quick to follow after him and stand at attention to the best of their ability when reporting. 

As he reported to the head officers, he quickly gave them a rundown of his skill set and what uses his three pokemon could have in helping with their valiant efforts. He was quickly assigned to help with search and rescue any injured person in the collapsed buildings. Aeson was quick to nod, thank the officer, and took off toward the quadrant the man had marked on his TD. Knight was quick to follow him, as his other pokemon were. Most of them being canine or feline would have a better sense of smell, and they should be able to pick up on the scent of blood pretty easily if anyone was bleeding, and maybe any other scents humans infused or not, would release.

They were at the south of the Quadrant, checking some of the collapsed buildings there, moving large, broken vines and shrugs out of their way with each building they checked. While he didn’t have any pokemon with any kind of healing capabilities, he was given a medical pack with first aid items that could help with quick and easy wounds to fix. Others would need to be transported back to the station and taken care of by the medical staff that was waiting there. The first few buildings, there was nothing but just rubble and debris, broken plants and destroyed vegetation. Knight had moved up from the tip of the south point, to the middle of it, nose to the ground sniffing and his ears perked. 

Queen wasn’t far from him, in the direction of more buildings, and LIl King was doing the same as well. Aeson was also manually still checking each building he came across, and finally he found some survivors. They didn’t seem too injured, as there was a pokemon with them that looked to be exhausted. Aeson quickly gave a short exchange with them, asking if any of them was severely injured, checking their pain levels, and helping them where he could. He gave the weakened pokemon a potion to help with its injuries, and some berries to help it regain some strength and energy. He asked Queen to lead them back to the station since they were in good enough condition to walk on their own. 

The Jolteon-Vespiquen hybrid was quick to nod, and took off at a slower pace than normal to help get them back safely. While she was gone, it left Lil King and Knight. There were more survivors found in their search, and with each set that was able to move on their own, Aeson would send one of his pokemon to take them back to the station. Some of them got rid of the big enough pokemon, and others just had to walk. They were almost done searching their entire quadrant at this point, they were at the northern point of the south quadrant. There were many buildings in this direction, it almost looked like it might have been a small business or tourist attraction perhaps. Either way, that didn’t stop him from checking.

All of his pokemon were back at his side, checking each building, and with each step he took, Aeson couldn’t help but to feel like he was missing something obvious. There seemed to be a large building in the center, with a cracked and broken display screen that flashes on and off constantly. The building itself was half of what it once was, tall and elegant, now cracked and destroyed. HIs pokemon seemed centered around that building, and not wanting to leave it, like there was something inside of it. Cautiously, Aeson walked toward the building and forced the bent and misshapen doors open. He walked into the main center of the room, signs, desks, chairs and debris from the building decorated this floor.

With a frown, he looked around for any signs or clues, as did his pokemon, all three were heading in a specific direction which caused Aeson to follow them. There were a few small blood drips, a trail that he was following, while his pokemon searched a different section. The blood trail leads to a dead end, Aeson figuring that the bleeder may have managed to wrap up their wounds, or it stopped bleeding for that matter. The further in they went, the more destruction they saw, and the worse Aeson felt. He hadn’t seen such a thing before until now, and while his pokemon were stuck on their task, Aeson found himself a bit more in shock.

There was a howl that reached his ears, as he had zoned out for a little bit, and when he turned, Knight, Lil King, and Queen all were moving some rubble that seemed to have blocked off a set of stairs that lead underneath the building. Quickly he ran to the stairs, some of them were broken, crumbled or cracked, their stability was questionable, but either way he had to descend them to check to see if perhaps there were survivors in the underground of this building. With each step, he could hear small pieces break off, and with each touch of his hand against the wall, the structure almost threatened to cave inwards on them all. He had to be extremely slow and cautious. 

When he reached the bottom of the building, using his high-powered light to see, he could tell that once you were underneath at the bottom of the stairs, the structure was stable, there didn’t seem to be any damage here at all. Probably thanks to all the support structures. HIs pokemon went back to searching for survivors, and they finally found a group of them. They were of varying ages, humans and pokemon alike. Some had head wrappings placed on, a few had some wrappings on their arms. Aeson gave them a reassuring smile, knowing that he’d need to keep them calm and let them know who he was that had come to help them.

He approached them a little so they could better see him, flashing the base that he had on his shirt for their eyes, well for the ones that could see. “My name is Aeson Ralohorn, I'm from the Brookfell City Police Department, working with the Grovehart Police to search and find survivors. I see quite a few of you have some makeshift bandages, how bad are your injuries? ANd how many of you are down here?” 

He got his answers, many of them were not in the condition to really be traveling, and the thought of what would be the best way to alert the rest of the force. He pulled up his TD quickly, typing a few things as fast as he could and sending the message and coordinates to the Grovehart Police, but he did also turn towards Queen, with her being part Jolteon, she was much faster than his other pokemon. “I’d like the best one with memory and directions to get on Queen here,” Aeson informed, patting her gently. “I sent the coordinates and details to the Grovehart Police, but there’s a possibility they may still get lost, and time is of the essence as the building above seems to be ready to crumble any moment. Get on Queen and get to the Grovehart police and let them know where we are. I will stay with the rest of you and tend to you the best that I can, as well as my pokemon will help where they can as well. Knight and Lil King can be great comfort pokemon.” 

A few were hesitant at first, but a younger female stepped up, she looked to be roughly eighteen, and nodded to Aeson, she got on Queen, before sparing a glance at the others worried still. There was no other exchange before Queen took off when she felt her side being patted, to be told that she could head out. 

Once the two of them were out of sight, Aeson turned to the rest of the group and began to assess each member individually the best he could. He re-wrapped some injuries, and worked on disinfecting a few that hadn’t been wrapped before wrapping them up. While Knight and Lil King offered support where they could to either humans or the pokemon alike. Chattering with some of them, and making gentle noises. Aeson was proud of how well Lil King was taking to all the pets and attention he was getting, since he knew usually he could be quite snappy or even prissy, but here he was, putting up with everything and almost anything - mostly it was just pets and chin scratches, or just laying with a person for a little while.

Aeson was unsure how much time had passed since he’d been down there, but he heard more noises and the sounds of feet coming down the stairs as they were warned about how crumbly and dangerous it was. The female that had left earlier with Queen had returned, with more of the police force behind her. Aeson gave them a smile, not that he was bragging or anything. He was glad to see them, and carefully one by one, each survivor was transported out of the unstable structure and carefully taken to a vehicle where they could be transported quickly back to the police station. Aeson rubbed his brow, obviously tired and burning up from being underground for so long with a lot of bodies.

“Good work,” came another officer’s voice, patting his shoulder with a huge grin of his own. “Maybe we should see if we could get you to transfer here, huh?” 

The words caused Aeson to laugh softly before simply commenting, “Brookfell needs all the officers it can get, I’d have to respectfully decline.” 


Word Count: 2032

Assisting Grovehart [ Master Rank Mission ]
0 ・ 0
In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Aeson got the ping and decided that it was time to spring into action and try to help out!

Aeson has gained +10AXP

Lil King has gained +1EXP

Knight and Queen have gained +2EXP ( thanks to king's motor drive)

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Master Rank MissionLocation: Grovehart
Submitted: 1 year and 4 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 4 months ago

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[Assisting Grovehart [ Master Rank Mission ] by Umbra-Moon (Literature)](
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