[Tracking License] Against Wattrel

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“Mrow!” Kurai twitched lightly, holding an arm in front of his face as the attack hit Frida full-force, making the Dratini and Purrloin fusion fall back and skitter across the ground, electricity cackling around the field. Wind from the Wattrel’s previous attack still shook the leaves and bushes so close to Brookfell, making the hair of the trainer shake in the wind.

A light grumble escaped Kurai as he lowered his arm, looking at the flying creature in front of them. The Wattrel continued letting out chirps that almost would sound cute, if it wasn’t so dead set on getting the trainer-pokemon pair out of its territory. The territory that neither of them had noticed were its territory, up until Frida had tried to pick up an oran berry from the ground.


Frida pushed herself back onto her feet, for a moment struggling figuring out how to place her backlegs as she tried to straighten out her body. Then she fell into a light crouch, hissing at the bird in front of her. The wattrel immediately puffed out more of its chest, seemingly in an attempt to intimidate the dark-dragon type.

Kurai glanced down at his pokemon. “Well”, he mused a bit to himself, though the sound made the fusion look up with narrowed eyes. “It seems even the wild pokemon got into a fighting spirit with all the recent battles.”

The bright eyes of the purrloin fusion lit up ever so lightly, before she unsheathed her claws and focussed her gaze back on the wattrel. “Tackle!” The moment the order left the mouth of her trainer, Frida dashed forward.

The wattrel looked back at Frida, watching her approach, before it simply spread its wings and avoided the attack with a loud chirp. The dratini-fusion’s attack missed, landing back down on the ground after her jump, tilting her head to follow the movements of the flying type that now was up in the air.

Kurai grunted lightly. “This is really not a good matchup for us, eh?”, asked the trainer, his own wings twitching ever so lightly. In a pokemon battle that Frida wanted to fight, he wouldn’t intervene.


Yet Frida seemed to have another idea. She suddenly whirled around, then dashed the same way back that she had come. As the wattrel suddenly dashed down, its wings glimmering ever so lightly in the dim light, Frida was faster. The purrloin-dratini fusion dashed forward, then jumped up, just as the flying type crashed down to the ground, the thundershock hitting nothing, only once more creeping along the ground and disappearing.

Kurai blinked as he caught his pokemon, with Frida dashing up his arms, laying her long body around his neck and hissing down at the wattrel, before giving one of his wings a slap with her paw, claws sheathed. The bird quickly spread its wings and pushed itself back up, wanting to gain more height. Kurai however, understood what his pokemon had wanted to do. 

He lowered his wing and immediately Frida jumped down on it, balancing there for a moment, her eyes completely focussed on the enemy.


With a wide grin, Kurai moved to the side, shoving his wing forward. “Alright, Frida! Get it down!” With a powerful push he opened his wing, throwing his partner off it and into the sky. The fusion let out a loud hiss, the wattrel turning to look at it with a surprised gleam in its eyes - then the tackle landed, Frida crashing into the bird and forcing it down as gravity took the purrloin-fusion back to its earthly ground. The loud screeching of the bird was drowned out by the hisses of the cat-like pokemon, as Frida continued to bat at it with her paws, as her longer, snake like body curled around the wattrel.

Kurai blinked lightly. It seemed as if his partner had not taken lightly to being suddenly attacked with electricity, yet in this moment, the battle looked already won, the wattrel not interested in further damaging its feathers. “That’s enough, Frida”, he called, watching as the fusion raised her head to look back at him almost indignantly.

But, she listened. Slowly her body uncurled and the slaps with her paw came to a halt. The wattrel quickly pushed itself out of her tight grip, then opened its wings and dashed off on foot, screeching as if a whole army of cats was after it.


Frida cocked her head up and, full of pride, strode back up to Kurai to curl around his legs. He sighed, his tail wrapping around his partner to pick her up and take her into his arms, while his eyes followed after the wattrel. “We better be careful of where we step.”

[Tracking License] Against Wattrel
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In Tracking and Battles ・ By Shizena

Kurai and his Pokemon Frida in their first battle after they left the city of Brookfell, gaining the tracking license.


Kurai: 5AXP

Frida: 1EXP

Submitted By ShizenaLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago

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