Refreshing Time (Event May 2023)

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Up up!”
Kurai yelled surprised as he got lifted off the Couch. Falling on the ground.
Frida snarling and hissing, as she just barely dodged her trainer.

Pesky grinned excited. His visor flashing a bright sun symbol. “Time for some fresh air!”
Kurai groaned and clawed his way back up on the couch. “It's too early.” “It's nine. We are so ready!”
Haruki watched Kurai, jumping off his chair. Frida hissed once more, before climbing on her trainers back. Who huffed at the added weight. She clearly was not the small little purrloin fusion anymore.

But she clearly did not care.

Pesky looked at Kurai.
“If you try to snooze again, I'll fry you only veggies for the coming week.”
“But ...meat is so much better.”
“Yeah then up up! So we can get some meat.”
“Oh you just want to go outside for the market?”
Pesky laughed and grabbed his bag. “I want to get out for the fresh air. Haruki.” The eevee quickly walked to his trainer, who squatted down and held his arm out. Just enough so the eevee could climb on his shoulder.

Oh Frida was watching with envy.

Kurai sighed dramatically, twitching his tail and flopping down more on the couch. “Can't we do it later?”
“Fried Veggies.” Pesky hummed, already leaving the flat. The permafused trainer sighed once more, getting up and struggling first to lift his pokemon as well. She was just so long.

Lets go I guess.”
With that he followed Pesky.

The two leaving their apartment and stepping into the warm morning light. It didn't take long for Kurai to warm up to it all. Rivertide was a beautiful city. Fresh air and always buzzing with comforting business. It never felt threatening. Though he did still kind of try to avoid eye contact with any kind of police he saw.

Pesky had less struggles in that regard.

He just whistled, strolling through the streets.
“How about we head to the beach first.”
Not really a request, he already had taken the fitting direction. Kurai only could follow. Frida followed after him. He really couldn't easily carry her and she had to get used to that form. Which was a good reason for a stroll. Haruki on Pesky's shoulders had more of a nap time in mind again. He was quite the lazy bugger at times.

The eevee enjoying a few gentle scratches as Pesky made sure to secure him with a hand. Taking the stairs with a quick step.

Kurai followed and looked to the beach.

Didn't we want to get meat?”
“Meat won't run away.” Pesky replied with a cackle. “It's not breathing anymore after all.” “You are so morbid.” “It's true though, isn't it.”
“I would hope so.”

Frida jumped the last stairs, stumbling briefly as the landing was not what she expected. But she caught up to Kurai and Pesky after a moment.

Kurai smiled and looked down to her as they started to walk along the beach.

Want to have a quick dip?”
Frida narrowed her eyes at Kurai, who laughed. Moments later he caught the bag with surprise, seeing Pesky just dash into the water. Jumping in with little regard for anything.

The permafused trainer blinked surprised. Seeing Haruki slowly walk out the water, fur just drenched. He looked like a mop.

He chuckled and eyed the eevee, before flinching as the pokemon shook the water out of his fur.

Quickly spreading it to Frida and Kurai.
“Hey hey! Careful lil buddy!”

Haruki huffed and looked back to the Water.

Pesky just leaving it with a cackle. Kurai looked at him. “ you gotta get dry first.” “Why?” “You want to go wet like that to the market?” Pesky looked at him and spit out some algae, before shaking himself as well.
“Not you too!”

“That does- You know what. Fine fine,” Kurai said with a sigh and a smile. Frida was clearly not as forgiving, one could see how she plotted to scratch some faces later for that audacity.

Kurai and Pesky walked down the beach.

Pesky quickly finding another way up to the city. Haruki and Frida following them, the eevee avoided shaking any more water out of his fur. Frida was already moody enough as it was. To everyone's luck she hadn't gotten wet in the end. At least not much.

We should do that every day!”
“Pesky I don't think you can dry your clothes quick enough for that. Nor wash them.”
He laughed and put his hands into his pockets. More water escaping. “I could try.” “Maybe just run around in swim wear constantly.” “That is not a bad idea.”
“Pesky no.”


Refreshing Time (Event May 2023)
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In Side Events ・ By DuskRipper
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Submitted By DuskRipper for Ahh, Fresh Air!Location: Rivertide
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago

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