[Gift] Butterflies in bloom
Noir couldn't fully remember when the feelings started, how early on it had been when they started to simmer in his chest before turning into a roiling boil that flooded his skin and turned it cherry red, when he started cutting his shifts short to ensure he could get to the restauraunt on time to see him working, to hear him laugh. Puppy dog love of a whole different variety. When did the joyful jitters turn into swarms of butterflies, swarming fields of milkweed and goldenroad in his heart and stomach? Had the world always seemed so colorful or was it only when he had his eyes locked onto his for a few moments too long? It was addictive, from the sight of his smile, the sound of his boisterous laugh filling a room, the smell of his cologne mingling with the smell of the restauraunt which in all fairness should have smelled horrible but somehow it was flat out entrancing. He had taken the hobby of drawing just so he could sit and study every line of his face and draw it over and over again to impersonate some feeling of being able to be closer to him. John never understood Noir's infatuation, and he would even less so if he knew how deep it ran and how intense it was. H'd repeatebly just say he was just your average old man and if anyone else but the man himself had said that it would've been on sight, but instead all Noir could do is tell him why he loved him and what made him special. He remembered when he had been accepted for his dating proposal, it didn't feel real, and sometimes as he laid in bed staring at his now husband it still didn't.
John opened his eyes after feeling Noir's glowing, yellow eyes boring into his skull and squinted at him in the dark. "What are ya starin at?" He teased quietly, touching Noir's face before giving him a kiss and Noir could feel how even still his face flushed and his tail thwapped happily, just like it had when they first kissed. "The demon in the corner-- Obviously I'm staring at you." He replied, throwing his arms around the man. In the faint light of the beacons and moon through their window, he could make out the face of the man he loved, each hard line from years of furrowing his brow, each scar and cut from his work and hobbies, the wrinkles that formed on his face as he smiled at the noivern fused man. The rooms decor was simple, pictures and certifications hanging up alongside some draped flags on the wall to represent themselves, a meldley of purples, pinks, blues and white to honor what they had with eachother and in their life. John squished Noir's cheek before giving the man another kiss on his cheek with a dramatic sigh. "I guess stare if ya need, but remember we gotta get up early tomorrow." He said grimly, his smiling face set in a state of distaste now and Noir couldn't help but smile more at it, despite the reminder of waking up at the ass crack of dawn. "Yeah, yeah.. I guess." He sighed heavily, sinking into the man's embrace. Some things are worth waking up early for, or in his case, with.
your honor theyre disgustingly in love
Submitted By Faust
・ Location: Brookfell
・ View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago