Journey So Far...

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Well Haku was correct indeed, the train was definitely busy with patrons getting on at stop, he had found himself a seat, but despite this one, the train was too loud and he wasn’t quite comfortable with the crowd he was around, so he decided to move to a different cart, that way he could maybe find a seat, and perhaps even get around a crowd that wasn’t as loud, or seemed as creepy. As he did so, Temaki crawled her way back on his shoulder and watched the people as they passed.
The movement of the train would jutter him back and forth, tossing his body a bit with some of the twists and turns. Usually he wouldn’t have gotten up to move, but there was a sense of dread that was filling the air around him. He wasn’t sure what it was that was starting to set him off, all he knew is that he wanted to move from his current position, maybe to a less crowded section of the train. Maybe it was just his jitters as he hadn’t traveled on one of these trains before.
Haku could hear his shoes clicking on the hard metal of the trains’ floor, and passed by other passengers as if they were a blur to him. As he approached another section of the train, he stopped and looked around. It didn’t seem too crowded, this one, and as he glanced around, he noticed there were two possible people he could sit beside of. He wasn’t much for sitting near any strapping young man, so he decided that perhaps the elderly lady would have been a better option. Shifting his bag, he walked toward her with his head down and a breath leaving his lips. Temaki didn’t seem to mind his decision and the lady had a Pokémon, a Pichu, so perhaps she could chat with it!
Haku approached her with a kind smile, “Do you mind if I sit here?” he seemed to inquire.
The elderly woman seemed to not almost hear him, but offered a nod instead, and Haku proceeded to sit down beside of her. The two struck up a conversation, one that went from pleasant, to more threatening and creepy overtime. He sat there on edge, even after feeling the tingling from her companion.
Temaki even seemed on edge, and as Haku’s eyes inspected the Pichu that was now curled up in this old woman’s’ lap, the features he noticed stood out to him. As he squinted at the wings, he squinted at the spiked ears and the tufts on the tip of its tail. There was something off about this Pichu, as was his initial feeling when he looked at it more. The more he looked, a rising feeling started to flow through his body, one of worry and anxiety almost. This train held Cynic members, that was confirmed now, and despite that… well he was one of them, so they shouldn’t turn on him.
Then again, those within Brookfell would turn on one another in a heartbeat, Kohaku rested his back against the seats of the train instead, and chose to close his bright blue eyes. He wanted to rest a moment, give himself some reprieve from his racing heart, from the swimming thoughts. He felt movement near him, causing his eyes to shoot open, he was worried the Pichu would be staring at him again, but no, it was just his own Pokémon, Temaki getting herself a bit more comfortable on his shoulder, since his duffle bag was at his feet instead. 
He thought a moment, to talk to the old woman again, to ask about her Pichu and what it was fused with, but she had already gripped his arm once. She had a strong grip too, for such an older lady, and that suppressor he had caught a glimpse of. There was many questions he had, but… well Kohaku wasn’t sure if he wanted to engage on any personal questions with a stranger.
“It’s already starting to shape up to be interesting, huh Temaki?” he whispered, knowing his Pokémon wouldn’t fully understand the words. But having Temaki to talk to would help him relax a little, and just as he had started to close his eyes, he thought he caught a glimpse of that Pichu again, staring at him with that blank… menacing like stare that it had given him earlier. 
“Can’t wait till the train reaches the city, can’t wait to get out of this claustrophobic section.”


Word Count: 756

Journey So Far...
0 ・ 0
In Tempest of the Sands ・ By Umbra-Moon

Well Kohaku has met an elderly woman with an interesting attitude, and an interesting pokemon. This little Pichu that is meant to be normal has definately set off the dragonkite fused trainer.


Kohaku gains +10AXP

Temaki gains +2 EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for The Journey So Far
Submitted: 1 year and 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 months ago

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