[Event] The Guide

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Kurai couldn’t help but softly growl in frustration of the entire situation. Sure, he’d quite enjoyed the general way this trip was going - in the middle of the sandstorm, braving against it as he held Kaleb close to his chest at any given moment. His other pokemon had very quickly disappeared back in their pokeballs, definitely not ready to face the sands as much as Kaleb was - despite his electric typing, he’d been rather relaxed thanks to the added ground type.

Yet after he’d been cut off from Pesky and had to continue on his own, something he had not accounted for, Kurai had grown almost stoic to find his friend first before continuing on. An almost rebellish phase that did not like the idea of venturing any further without Pesky. So when the figure he suddenly ran into turned out to not be Pesky, but some random man with great gear for this sandstorm? Yeah, he was not happy. And he was even less happy to just be jutted along for the ride.

The man didn’t introduce himself and he didn’t even try to make an effort to listen to Kurai, when he’d tried to tell him about the missing friend and roommate. Instead, he’d been happy to just continue on. Laughing as he did, without a care in the world, mocking the noivern infused trainer for his choice of travel. Truly, Kurai had little time to entertain the man, but at the same time he wasn’t stupid. Kaleb, even if he was content being inside the sandstorm, slowly started to grow exhausted. Ground type or not, this was no place he was used to in the longrun. And Kurai himself had to think about his own throat that continued to get clogged up with sand, even if his scarves helped him keep most of it out of his lungs.

So he did follow after the stranger man, even if he too was not quite certain if that was smart. But much choice didn’t present himself either. With a little grumble he held Kaleb closer, while his eyes remained trained on the man for as much as he could. The sand did make things far harder than he had first anticipated, but he couldn’t say that he regret the decision to choose the sands compared to the bullet train. Who knew if that really reached the city, with the overflux of Cynic Team members.

“Well! Here we are!”, the man suddenly called over the massive wind and sand, making Kurai look up, while holding Kaleb ever closer against his chest. The cubone and shinx fusion eyed his trainers jacket for a few moments, genuinely growing more and more tempted to try and hide in there, though he then was more intrigued by what the man had deemed the end destination of their travel. A… large cylindar that jutted out of the sandy grounds? Genuinely, Kaleb had never seen something as weird as this, and definitely didn’t expect such things in the desert. And he prided himself on having seen a lot of things when traveling alongside Kurai.

Before Kurai could even try to move backwards and away from the ominous building, the man suddenly moved forward and grabbed onto his arm. “What the-”

“You worry too much”, the man simply said, pulling him along and smacking onto a rather well hidden button. Then, after a door opened, he pushed Kurai inside, the large noivern infused trainer blinked surprised. The man leaned forward and even if Kurai could see nothing of the others face, he felt pretty sure that the guy was smiling. Maybe even grinning. He was definitely having fun, shoving Kurai around the way he wanted. Kaleb simply continued clawing lightly against Kurais arms, blinking now that the sand didn’t quite reach them anymore.

Then, the man chuckled. “You worry too much. And talk too much, when you really should have very little to say in the situation you’re in.” He gave Kurai a light pat on the shoulder, then leaned forward and let his finger hover above a button. “So stop worrying, I’ll see what I can do about that buddy of yours. Even if it truly is your own fault if you just stomp around the desert. Too many trainers seem to do that these days”, he added with a little chuckle. Then, he pressed the button and leaned back, as the doors closed.

Kurai blinked, but finally let go of Kaleb who quickly landed on the ground and shook some of the sand off his fur. “Well… thanks”, he then said, pulling his scarf off his face.

“Eh, don’t thank me yet. Didn’t find your buddy yet after all.” And with that, the doors shut close… and suddenly gravity started pulling.

[Event] The Guide
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In Tempest of the Sands ・ By Shizena

Really fun event! Playing the interactive adventure really had me worried about my boy... but somehow he managed! xD


Wordcount: 796

Kurai: 10AXP

Kaleb:  2EXP

Submitted By Shizena for The Journey So FarLocation: Ethermoor
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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