Train Time

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The air down here felt stagnant at best, air con and fans to cycle what people were breathing didn’t help to alleviate the fact that it felt stuffy and hard to hard to fill your lungs with. Piper made her way down the steps to the station, her hands in her pockets and a mask covering her nose and mouth. A bag slung over her back seemingly heavy with travel supplies as her boots touched the platform and stepped out to look at one of the display screens for times and information. It was high-tech and well lit but that didn’t mean it was for the benefit of the people down here, it was likely just to keep up a facade that things were great.

She worked for Ethos but she wasn’t usually a field agent, with her friends off doing various other things she had been reassigned new work to keep her hands busy which she frankly didn’t mind. It had been a while since she was out doing something and it felt good despite the fact that she hated being away from her boat or water in general and this was the furthest away from the sea she could be. Her face wasn’t known as an Ethos member so she held no fear about being discriminated by the Cynic presence for that but the thought of them being dicks to regular civilians probably wasn’t too far off either. She could handle herself, she was a strong, independent woman and she had some meaty power behind her with her Pokemon.

She didn’t feel comfortable having any of them traveling beside her but Caspien always refused to stay in a Pokeball so the little chubby Chinchou remained ever-present. He was sitting on the top of the bag with his eyes staring out on the lookout for danger as his little peets held onto Piper’s jacket. Out of all of them having Caspien beside her felt comforting, his size was small but he was a strong little guy, if anything he seemed to enjoy that he had the advantage of people always underestimating him. As always, the Pokemon had black non-toxic marker applied to his face to give him his signature angry look. People always assumed Piper did this for her own amusement but they were never around to see the tantrum she would get if she didn’t oblige to Caspien’s wishes.

Words over the speaker announcing that the train was close to arriving at the station, chiming that the destination would be Thunderdale- exactly where she wanted to be. She had been a Reginsrest native her whole life and she had heard about the type of life people generally had down there…she was never really fond of that lifestyle, She was happy to remain in the close-knit happy community in Rivertide.

Piper filled her time by looking at the various vending machines dotted around but none of them seemed appetizing, she didn’t really trust coffee or hot food delivered by cans on the street, maybe the sealed packaged food at a push but she scrunched her face at the options and simply sat down at one of the nasty-looking benches to wait for the train to arrive.

Train Time
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In Tempest of the Sands ・ By Pirate

Piper hopping on the Train for the event!

Submitted By Pirate
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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