Silent Storm | Corvus
Murkhaven was far from what Corvus would consider a habitable place. To him, it just looked like a barren, grim wasteland. The fog had done a number on the area, with spindly trees stripped of their bark and leaves. Color had been drained from the marshlands, with dull grays and browns dominating against a pale, gloomy sky. The clouds hung heavily over this area, and Corvus wondered if these people ever saw the light of the sun. What a depressing place. But I guess some people like this kind of environment.
He just hoped they didn't try to kill him at first sight; judging by how unfriendly they were to outsiders, he wondered if he should have just taken his chances with staying in Thunderdale. Corvus looked slightly flustered in that moment, thinking of the date his boss had hooked him up with. But why exactly? Well, he couldn't deny that Lanca was good-looking. So long as a date didn't end up in him getting murdered, he guessed he didn't mind it.
Corvus shook his head, realizing he probably needed to concentrate on the area he was trekking through. Roots jutted out from the murky, obsidian depths of the water that clung to his boots. Perhaps he should have taken a car here, but he really wasn't good with people. Which begged the question as to why he was even doing this in the first place.
I guess Kieran would string me up if I didn't go. It was great having a boss that was the leader of a hitman organization. Totally the best decision he could have ever made. Of course, the other option was getting ripped apart by those Houndoom. A shiver went down his spine as he thought of Kieran's favorite pet; no, there was no way he'd reject Kieran's orders. Not after that hound had almost killed him once before. Even thinking about it made his chest tighten with fear. Could the Houndoom even reach him out here?
Corvus couldn't wait to be rid of his boss, but he also couldn't wait to get out of this swamp. The humidity clung to the air, the moisture ever present with the heat. He preferred the heat of Rivertide, though he didn't particularly like either. He was more troubled with the fog damage, wondering if that was a premonition for what he would find in the town. Little was known about Murkhaven, but it didn't sound even remotely like a pleasant place.
Well, whatever he was going to find there, he might as well brace himself for it. He had brought along a few of his Pokemon, but most of them couldn't do much attacking. Except for Helios, but he shuddered at the thought of using that monstrosity. At this pace, though, Corvus wasn't going anywhere soon. The mud clung to his legs, slowing down his pace significantly. Yes, he definitely should have just asked for a ride here. At the time, he had simply been worried about getting stabbed if he asked for a ride, which was probably more paranoia than anything else. And now he was suffering for his decisions.
Submitted By EtherealEnds
Submitted: 1 year and 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 6 months ago