This Was All a Big Mistake, Very Cool Job Selene
The chaos and the riveting fight of Rayquaza, shadow pokemon, the encroaching shade....everything was just all too much for poor Selene. After the events had subsided she had made the choice to join the Ethos group before finding a place to hole herself away forever. Which was surprisingly back in her wintervale home. She was so intent on leaving when the fog had crept closer, and the shadowmon came bringing chaos, it was too much. She had even gone as far as packing up her stuff and giving a grand goodbye, and yet she had returned, and decided to remain. The idea of truly uprooting herself after all of that was a daunting task that she simply could not cope with, she felt ridiculous for even trying to leave in the first place.
So she stayed. She let the days, weeks, months slip through her fingers like the loose leaf tea that she was so familiar with. With little friends, and a busy family, no one had gone as far as to check up on Selene. She only had her pokemon, beings that she was still slowly adjusting to.
Even though the days had kept their warmth, longer than Selene recalls them ever doing so, she grew restless. She still did not want to leave, did not want to engage in more excitement. Yet, she had spent months cooped up, recovering, afraid…and she had started to grow tired of the monotony. Grew tired of her work that she loved dearly, grew tired of staying cooped up indoors, despite her fear of leaving, grew tired of being around just her partners. Who she had come to grow comfortable with. They too had also grown restless.
She–they needed something new. They had to go somewhere. So Selene made a choice. They were going to leap back into action, even if the idea of doing so made her nauseous and sick to her stomach. They are going to go to Murkhaven.
The murk of the swamp was...unexpected. The way it stuck and clung to her clothes, the tips of her hair all splattered with the obscene sticky mud of the swamp. The disgusting noises that were made as she traversed the grounds, sounding as if she were walking through honey, did not help matters either. She briefly regrets not trying to rent a car, a hover vehicle, anything to make it easier for herself, but she was simply ignorant on how bad this really was.
She traversed the swamp with a grimace. Much to the ignorance of Chip and Mallow, who never seemed to not be having a blast. It was much the same case now, the two several feet ahead whipping and wiring between the vines and trees. The two chartered excitedly and Selene could only wonder if they could actually understand each other. Geppi of course was not with them to witness the full extent of the horrors of being in the swamp, nor the silliness of his team mates. As initially arriving here he saw what was to come and immediately threw him into a full dramatic fit, so he was returned to his pokeball and stored safely in Selene's fanny pack, where he belongs until they reach their destination.
Selene ducked under a tall and winding branch, and came to a pause several feet out from under one of the many mangrove trees. She stood there with her crushed flimsy map and paused to take a look at it again. The first time in what felt like a long while. She was still decently confident she was on the right path to get there, though with the lack of seeing others for some time she had grown slightly unsure of herself. She clicked her tongue loudly, unintentionally recalling Mallow who flew back with a quickness, ramming himself right into the side of Selene knocking her off balance, making a sticky cream colored patch on her dark clothing.
She flailed as she stumbled backwards. She wheezed as she managed to grip onto a thick slightly slippery tree branch. She looked up at her pokemon who was seemingly oblivious to the chaos he had just caused, and the new stain on her dress. This….This was another reason she didn’t go out, her third secret reason. She looked down at the murky, muddy floor, and scooped up the now soggy ruined map, giving it a small shake hoping that some of it would remain viable. She sighed.
…Chip descended from above and laughed.
This Was All a Big Mistake, Very Cool Job Selene
Wow it's only been 500 years, let me see if I can do this right?
Words: 755
Selene AXP: 10
Chip EXP: 2
Mallow EXP: 2
I don't think Geppi counts for exp because he's not really "there" but I did put him in the charas because he is mentioned?
Submitted By catastrophe-witch
for Silent storm
Submitted: 1 year and 5 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 5 months ago