Lost In Brookfell [ Reflection ]

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This wasn’t good, they weren’t together anymore and they were in the city of Brookfell. Hiyori could feel anxiety starting to eat at their body, while their hands moved to hold one another, keeping his eyes closed and taking a deep breath of his own. This was no reason for him to start to freak out, he needed to calm down and just think about what he should do. There was police in Brookfell even though they were scarce and rarely patrolled the areas. At least he wasn’t in the underground parts of the city, that would probably spell out bad for him considering the way he looked. He looked down to his partner pokemon that was floating in the air beside of him, and looked up to him with what most would consider a blank gaze, but Hiryoi knew better.

“I don’t know,” he explained to his pokemon, letting his brows furrow and his lips quivered a little. They had just started traveling together, him and Ryoya, and to have lost the man so easily. He walked through the busy streets, passing strangers and pokemon alike; he couldn’t tell what was what anymore, as the sights and buildings had begun to blur together. The street lights flickered and for the most part, he felt like hew as standing in the middle of a dark street with no light source to guide him, and ghosts walking past him or by him. The feeling was eerie, which caused his bones to chill and his eyes to squeeze shut. What were they going to do?

Hibana tried her best to reassure her trainer, nuzzling him gently, and even doing a few quick flashes with her electrical energy. But even she was starting to run low on energy, she could barely keep herself afloat now. What were they ever going to do?

Noticing her weakened state, Hiyori picked her up in his arms, holding her tightly and continued to walk forward. There had to be a place, one that would stand out, to tell Ryoya ‘hey check here’ there just had to be some place right? His legs carried him, and his breathing grew more and more rapid. He felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest, and his back was aching. He didn’t want to let out the ray-like appendages he had – which was little to none. He didn’t want anyone in Brookfell to know that hew as a infused trainer with the DayRay DNA.

Hibana let out a soft sound, nestling more against his arms and his grip, but still did her best to offer security with her tail wrapped around his wrists, and she almost seemed to be purring slightly. Not that she could actually purr like one of the more cat-like pokemon.

Hiyori found himself sighing, and moved to pet her head and back with his free hand, offering him a bit of calm against his anxiety filled body. He finally found a place to wait, its as near the outskirts of Brookfell, but there was a huge sign above his head that flashed with pictures and advertisements for the nearby shops. This should be a fine place to wait for Ryoya.

It almost seemed like forever, and Hiyori was resting on the ground, his back against the sign post and his eyes closing going in and out of sleep. He barely registered there was a noise, an annoying buzzing right in his ear, but he passed it off as nothing. He continued to ignore these sounds until he felt a hand on his shoulder. The grip was rough, almost hurtful.

In startle and shock Hiyori let out a screech, immediately dropping Hibana to the ground without meaning to, With his earlier emotions, and his now racing heart beating against his breast a reaction happened within his body. With as such strong or flight response that he was feeling, with his body facing the stranger, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. With a loud pained cry, the changes in his body happened.

His tail seemed to ‘burst’ forth from his spine, arching around his body and threateningly pointing its diamond tail tip at the assailant, while wings had once more sprouted from his back, glowing in his fear and flaring out as if he would be able to fly away. During this time, the stranger seemed surprised, shocked even, but did nothing to stop the transforming – there was nothing he could do.

Instead Ryoya looked upon his roommate with a bit of an apologetic smile, it looked like he had been beaten up, and put through the ringer. But his smile was that of a rare softness to it. He  moved his hand out once more, to gently place on Hiyori’s shoulder.

“it’s alright,” he spoke gently. “No need to panic. It’s just me.”

Through the pain and shock, Hiyori barely recognized Ryoya’s voice, but the tone was enough to calm him down and have him start to think clearly for once. It also looked like Ryoya had been put through hell, and Bokun was standing lazily behind his trainer, also looking bored but a bit beat up as well. What had happened while they were separated?

Bokun gruffed over, and nudged Hibana with his large head, tilting it to the side. He opened his mouth like he was going to eat the smaller pokemon, but instead he licked Hibana instead, dragging his tongue across her back. This seemed to wake her up from her daze, causing her body to shoot up and her eyes to narrow at the creature that touched her. Lights flashing quickly in annoyance and anger, it seemed Bokun just let out a deep rumble from his throat, almost akin to a laugh.

“Let’s get you to the hospital before we talk about what happened alright? I think I could use for a good checkup myself. Pretty sure I got a few broken bones of my own.” He laughed a bit weakly, closing his eyes as he held his side. “Let’s go Hiyori.”

There wasn’t much conversation for now, Hiyori being in too much shock to really state anything and instead clinging onto Ryoya for dear life as the injured male led him away. Bokun followed closely behind, letting Hibana rest on his forehead so she wouldn’t have to expend too much of her own energy. They would make it to the hospital soon and be put in for the rest of the night, they would probably have to stay for two to three more days, but hey… at least it was safe.


Word Count: 1,100

Lost In Brookfell [ Reflection ]
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In Reflections ・ By Umbra-Moon

Hiyori got lost in Brookfell and came overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Separated from Ryoya and not knowing what to do or where to go. The sudden shock of someone speaking to him caused his emotions to spike and his permafusion began.

+5X for Hiyori

+1 EXP for Hibana

Submitted By Umbra-MoonLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

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