Iris Rank-up: Self Defense

In Rank-Up ・ By konekoangel
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Iris panted as she reset her stance, bringing up her hands into loose fists in front of her as she squared off again against Cerise. Why did she agree to learn how to defend herself like this? Hand to hand combat of all things. Cerise really wanted to kick her ass today, didn’t she? Cerise came over, smiling, though Iris could see the frustration starting to show in the woman’s bright teal eyes. Her fluffy tail twitched and swished behind her, and Iris felt herself shrink in frustration at herself for causing that reaction in Cerise in the first place.

Still, gentle hands covered in soft red fur and soft paw pads carefully arranged her arms and hands, Cerise making sure Iris’ hands were in the right positions. A loose fist over her heart, and one over her stomach, and Cerise smiled, nodding. 

“This is ridiculous.” Iris griped, her brows furrowing together as her frustration started getting the better of her. Cerise’s smile softened and she clutched at Iris’ shoulders, squeezing them affectionately.

“I know, but I’d feel a lot better if you knew at least some of the basics, ya?” Her hands moved to wrap around Iris’, squeezing these now in reassurance and comfort. It assuaged some of the frustration Iris felt curling and bubbling in her belly. Still, she sighed and nodded in understanding. With things getting even worse out there, and the more Iris went beyond the boundaries of Rivertide, the more danger she had found herself in. Cerise shot her a lazy grin, one that only tugged at her mouth on one side, and Iris’ stomach fluttered and flipped. “Atta girl. OK. So, you’re still too tense. Relax. Tense muscles aren’t going to react the way we’ll need them too.”

Again, Cerise’s hands went to her shoulders as she moved around to Iris’ back, straightening her girlfriend’s posture to make sure she was ready for the next round. Her thumbs worked at the rocks that made up her shoulders, loosening more of the frustration out of place. Iris groaned quietly, her corrected posture slumping again. “Feels good.”

“I know. But come on, let’s try again.” Cerise straightened Iris’ back again, making sure Iris had her shoulders squared and straight before coming around to her front. Cerise looked her over, and Iris couldn’t help but shift herself from one foot to the other as she adjusted her weight. Cerise smiled in approval before taking up a position across from her. Iris shifted again, putting herself on her toes as best she could given her bird-like feet. Light, loose, like Cerise had told her. Cerise herself smirked and she too bounced from foot to foot as she took up a similar stance. 

Iris watched her, studied her, before she pushed off her toes toward the woman across from her, palm out for a quick strike, but the surge of adrenaline and pride at landing the strike was quickly replaced with a sense of ‘oh shit!’ as Cerise quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her in close, pressing Iris’ arm against the other trainer’s stomach, pinning her, and the Zorua fused trainer grinned, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend’s lips.

Flustered, Iris felt her brain short circuit and going blank as she stared at Cerise. “Wa- what?”

Cerise giggled, letting her go. “You gotta work on not broadcasting your moves, sweetie. Wanna try again?”

“Uh… Sure.”

Iris Rank-up: Self Defense
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In Rank-Up ・ By konekoangel
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Submitted By konekoangel
Submitted: 8 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 8 months and 4 weeks ago

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