A meal against the sad woes

In The Call ・ By DuskRipper
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That he had basically slept through a lot of shit was an understatement.

They had traveled.

He had been so happy they finally found a place to chill at. Kurai obviously had plans to run around and find out, but all Pesky wanted to do was sleep. And he did.
For quite a while.

He ignored a lot of fucking happenings, because he could and so he would and also he had finally found like the best fucking flour he had ever tried. He had baking to do.

But the universe disagreed.

Kurai barging in, clearly distraught or just distracted by bothersome thoughts. Tail twitching, wings catching onto the door. “We gotta go!”

Pesky's visor eyes blinked.

Then he tilted his head.

“Just come along!” he shouted. Already in the middle of packing. “Bring whatever shit you can find with you! We gotta be prepared!” Pesky watched him rush around, before looking at his set up baking utensils.





Okay, yeah he couldn't just be the ass apparently.

So he started packing.

On an off chance he'd find some time he also packed some of his backing things. Not the best for on the go but for arceus sake he wanted to use that damn flour!

Kurai basically dragged him along.

As they entered the more unsafe and uncomfortable parts of Murkhaven. Pesky still hadn't gotten a proper answer. Whenever he asked Kurai just went: you'll see.

Or: Focus!

Which.. was not a wrong thing to say, after all he had a record amount of tripping moments in his life record. But still was really not helpful.

And so they made their way further. Starting to sneak more.

Kurai had a good nose to avoid any of the shadow pokemon.

He even forced Pesky to turn off his visor. Just to be extra safe. Pesky felt so bland. He hid behind a tree with Kurai, both of them waiting for a few of the pokemon to pass.

Where is Haruki?” he whispered and the smaller man turned to him. He couldn't frown or express himself, so Kurai better feel his narrowed gaze and raised eyebrow in his damn soul!

In my bag.”

Which one?” Kurai asked with a quiet snicker. “Don't joke around. What are we doing here?” Pesky glanced around, trying to see if they could finally continue. Kurai pulled him back again, keeping him away from being spotted. “I heard people spotted Mesprit here.”
“The fuck is a mesprit?”
Kurai blinked and then had trouble not laughing. “You really don't keep up with things. Quick quick!” he hummed and started running again. Pesky followed after. Sighing softly to himself.

Finding the spot, Kurai grinned at him. Then looked around. It was close to a cave, which at least should be some safety from the wet and cold. “Lets head in.” “Alrighty!” Kurai chuckled. “You are too easy to convince.” “I am going to fall down dead if I don't stop running finally.” Pesky said back, as they entered the cave. “And this Mesprit is around here?” “Yeah, from what I've been told.”
“And your plan is what? Catch it?”
Kurai blinked and then chuckled. “Nah. I mean..-” He thought about it, as they finally settled. “Would be cool to have I bet. Surely powerful and all that. But no no.” He looked around, while Pesky finally put down his bags. Opening his Jacket.

Haruki poking his head out, huffing.
Kurai looked to them and chuckled. “He wasn't in a bag at all!” he hummed. Pesky turning on his visor again, dot eyes blinking and going through a few colors before settling on the usual green. Petting the eevee. “He likes that better.”

I get that.” Kurai released Frida from her Pokeball and smiled as she instantly seemed moody about it. The surrounding clearly was not to her liking. He let her get up on his shoulder swiftly. Making sure she had a secure way of lying on them, while comfortable for him. “I really need to get to the gym again.”
“Are you sur-”
A quiet sob echoed through the cave and they stared at each other.
Haruki yawning, before nestling back in the jacket. Frida looked to Kurai, who looked deeper into the cave. Pesky watched him investigate. Keeping an eye on the entrance, before looking back.

There after illuminating the dark, was a small pokemon.

It seemed frightened and tired and alone.

A hat like hair, or whatever. Glowing gem and signs on it. Tears glowing in its eyes. Tails curled around itself, as it sat there on the floor.

Kurai squatted down, smiling. “Hey there.” “Is that this me-” Kurai quickly motioned him to shush and Pesky blinked. He nod at his question, before looking back. “We are not here to trouble you... we just.. uhh wanted to get some shelter, is that fine?”
Kurai smiled at it.

Frida eyeing Mesprit curiously, but not daring to do anything. He couldn't tell why, but he was glad for it. It took a moment. The legendary Pokemon trying to dry its eyes, before nodding. Turning away from them. Alone in its troubles. Kurai blinked, before looking back at Pesky. “Are you already setting up?” he asked in a hushed voice, as Pesky stopped pulling out his cooking utensils. “I'm starving.” he said back as quietly as he could. “Haruki too. Can't attract any of the damn shadows with our stomach growls, can we now?” “I think starting a fire would attract much more.”
“I don't need a fire.” he hummed and pulled out a mini one pot stove top. Kurai blinked. “You packed all that?” “Of course. I always do.” he nod and then Kurai watched him basically pull out far more than should fit into his damn bag.

Frida got very curious when she saw a few of the cans. She remembered the nice cans of tuna he sometimes bought. Kurai quickly pulled her back. “Not what we are here for.” he whispered and she grumbled. Haruki on the other hand was more than glad to have one of the flour packs on his back. As he lied next to his handler. Keeping it off the damp ground.

Kurai watched him for a moment, then back to Mesprit. He wanted to just get it to feel better, but he had no idea how. And Frida nudged him to walk back to Pesky.

And so they sat around together.

He watched as Pesky started kneading the dough he had made far too quickly. The pan heating up. “Put some effort into it too.” He pushed the bowl to Kurai, starting to rummage through his cans. Opening two, placing a few of the fruits into the pan. Watching them sizzle.

Haruki climbing up on his lap as it was finally free to be claimed.

Frida sniffed at the dough whenever Kurai pulled it out and threw it back into the bowl. Huffing softly, trying to knead it properly. That was always more exhausting that he wanted to give it credit. The quiet atmosphere almost more surprising to him, than the fact that Pesky could carry so much stuff with him. “I think it is enou-” “Nope, knead it more.” “It is already not sticking any more.” “And it needs more warmth still.” Pesky replied, stirring the fruits. Putting a few more in and then herbs, before grabbing a small bottle from his bag. “The more love something gets the b-” “The better it gets, I know I know.” “Did I tell you that already?” He looked at Kurai, his eyes blinking on the visor. Kurai looked back and then nod, with a soft smile. Throwing the dough more around in the bowl. “A lot of times actually.”
Pesky looked back to the pan. Then back up again. “How often do you give in to the damn dough??”
Kurai blinked. “I never give- Why would you say that is me giving in?? It's done!” “It's evidently not done if I have to tell you that it isn't!” “You didn't even touch it.” Kurai held the bowl to him. “See it's perfect!” Pesky leaned over. Frida and Haruki snickering softly, as they started bickering more about the dough.

They both stopped, turning to the legendary Pokemon that had dared come closer.

It was eyeing them.

Hands close.

Eyes still watery.

They could feel its emotions were still high. Kurai smiled a bit. “Smells good, doesn't it?” Pesky blinked and frowned, before taking the bowl from him. “It's not even done y-” “Shhhhh.” Kurai put a finger to his lips, giving him a stern glance. Then his attention was back on the legendary.

You can have some too. If you want of course.”
He tried his best to keep his voice soft. Sound comforting. Looking to the pan, as it sizzled louder again. Making Mesprit briefly flinch. As the cream hit it. Then the smell filled the cave. Sweet and savory. A little spicy, a bit more sweet again. Pesky poured it out in the bowl, holding the dough with the other hand. Putting the pan back, pouring in more oil.

Haruki stretched a bit, looking up to Pesky. Purring softly as he bopped his nose.

You can help out by holding it.” he hummed, handing Kurai the dough. Pulling a bit off, starting to roll it in his hands. “What even are you cooking?”
Kurai smiled, noticing Mesprit coming closer. Sitting down, not too far away anymore. Watching curiously as Pesky started flinging the dough in the air in circular motions. Watching it widen. Spread more. And then it land in the pan. Sizzling briefly, before he closed the lid. “Simple food. Can't do any fancy cakes out here.”
Kurai gave him another bit of dough.
“I mean, you would if I had carried the oven.” “I would have indeed.” Pesky nod, swirling the dough again. Watching it and then pulling the lid off. “Where are the plates...” “You hav-” “I have everything!” he said with a joyous chuckle. Balancing the dough in one hand, pulling out a plate from his bag. Placing it down and starting to try and get the dough out with one hand. It was a bit difficult. Kurai about to help him by taking the dough. Gentle hands were quicker. Taking the burden off the young man. He turned his head surprised as the legendary Pokemon carefully held the dough.


He smiled and then took the flatbread out, placing it on the plate. Kurai looking at Mesprit. “Thank you.” The legendary pokemon smiled a bit back, placing the dough carefully in the pan. Letting Pesky close it again. “Mesprit. Mesprit.” Pesky looked at it, Kurai chuckling softly. “Oh yes I agree. It is a bit ridiculous.”

The legendary smiled.

You understand it?”
“You don't?”
Pesky shook his head. “Not a word.”

Mesprit looked at him and chuckled softly. Humming, Kurai grinning amused at that.
Haruki eyed his trainer and then got up. Pesky blinking and looking at him, as he made himself comfortable in one of the bags. “Am I not good enough anymore?”

No no. Though your bags are pretty comfortable.” Kurai scratched Frida's chin. “They wish to try as well.” “Try what?” “The dough. Making it.” He could see the confusion and it was even more clear as the question mark flashed on his visor. Kurai looked to Mesprit. “I'm sure he is fine with showing you. We got enough dough left.” He held it a bit higher to underline his point.

The legendary smiled, looking to Pesky, who took some more dough. Kurai giving it some as well afterwards. “So.. uh.. you just roll it.” He started rolling it in between his palms. Mesprit copying him. Settling down next to him. Watching him as he tried his darnest to explain how he did what was so ingrained in his muscles by now.
Kurai smiled, sneaking some of the flatbread for himself from the first. Humming softly.
“Ey!” He chuckled, getting hit with an empty fruit pack. Frida huffing, making herself more comfortable on him. “No snacking!” “Okay okay.”

Kurai continued watching them make flatbread after flatbread. The dough slowly decreasing.

The stack growing.

A soft warmth spreading around them as they had their plates. Kurai sharing his with Frida so Mesprit had their own. Smiling as he saw the light smile. The faint joy come back.

Not that he had expected this to happen at all.

But could he complain about food?

No. He truly couldn't.

He looked to Pesky, letting Frida lick some of the fruit mix from his piece of flatbread. Mouthing a simple: “Good job.” Only met with more confusion. But all he could do was smile in response.

There was no dread left for now.

A meal against the sad woes
0 ・ 0
In The Call ・ By DuskRipper

2146 words, sorry got carried away owo''


No idea if that works, but still fun <w< i love my boi.

Submitted By DuskRipper
Submitted: 7 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 7 months and 2 weeks ago

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