Protect the Trainer and 'Mon

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A feeling of indifference came over Takahiro as he got the news of getting his first way out. The daggers of the higher ups burrowing into him. “Young Blood”, was what one hissed under his breath, so quiet others wouldnt hear it but with his now enhanced hearing, Takahiro caught it easily, his ear twitching at it as his emotionless stare dug through them. He then turned around, Wonder directly jumping after him as she noticed the other moving, yet Takahiro didnt know the way out of the base yet, he didnt know how to get into the outside world, he’s been forbidden to move there since he got there, due to the risk of fleeing, or so they talked behindhis back about him.

Yet now there was the big door of the entrance right in front of him, when he slowly started to open it, and it budged easily, letting him out into the world. Wonder jumping in wonder around, an happy “yip” escaped her as she looked up into her trainers bi-coloured eyes, the male looking down on her and saying: ,,What?” Wonder’s tail wagged happily as she ran ahead a bit and then looked up back at Takahiro, the young male looking at her and saying: ,,Fine, I’m following you.” The wag of the dog pokemon intensified as she started to run ahead, Takahiro following slowly in his slouched way as he slightly looked around, trying to figure out what even was the area around him. It looked quite sandy from where he looked around, making him take a deep breath before he looked ahead of himself again, meeting Wonder’s expecting eyes as he said: ,,What do you want?”

Wonder looked into a direction, another “yip” escaping her as she then looked back at Takahiro, making the other say: ,,What is there?” He then started to approach her, until a loud growl sounded, Wonder’s ears falling back as she jumped back to Takahiro in fear, jumping up into his arms with ease as Takahiro looked a bit confused. Yet as a Velozolt stood in front of them, he understood what exactly happened. The Velozolt looked directly at them, a roar escaped the Velozolt, snapping at them as Takahiro took a few steps back, his tail lowered slightly.

He wasnt scared for his own wellbeing, no, he was worried for Wonder. He growled slightly, a sound he hadnt heard out of his own mouth yet, but a canidae growl escaping his throat as his ears were standing tall on his head. The Velozolt slowly approached them, snapping at them, jittering his jaw. It saw them as prey. It was obvious.

The growling continuing in his throat, his elongated fangs showing as Wonder climbed in fear up at Takahiro’s shoulder, holding onto it with her claws as Takahiro kept the strict eye contact with the Velozolt, which continued approaching, making him back away more and more, until the Velozolt suddenly started running at him, quick speed running at him as Takahiro’s eyes widened and he jumped to the side, to escape the maws of the Velozolt, landing on the hard ground, Wonder flying off his shoulder and pained “yip”s escaped the little one, making Takahiro look to her, about to start talking when he noticed the Velozolt right in front of him, snapping at him already when his eyes widened and with a quick motion he kicked the Velozolt into the jaw, a pained whine escaping it as it backed away and Takahiro got the chance to scoot away and start to get up, a growl escaping him as he the Velozolt caught itself again, looking at him and another roar escaping it, about to lunge at Takahiro when with a bright light, Wonder zoomed past Takahiro and hit the Velozolt right into the face, a pained whine escaping it again as it even was knocked back a bit, as Wonder landed a bit roughly on the ground, a pained yip escaping her as Takahiro directly picked her up and stepped back again, mumbling: ,,What was that…?”

Even if his emotions were basically wiped, he still was… curious. What did his pokemon just do? Was it an attack? He was unsure, yet the Velozolt seemingly started to slowly retreat. Was that over? Takahiro swallowed as he took a deep breath and started to slowly return to base, yet the Velozolt turned around again, again with its maw wide open as Wonder’s fur started standing up and a growling sound escaped her, again with the white lightning-like look she jumped at the Velozolt, again against its face, this time though the Velozolt fell over as Wonder a bit more gracefully landed this time around, a bark escaping her as the Velozolt started to flee, making Takahiro look at her and say: ,,You tackled it…”

Wonder’s fur straightened out slowly as she looked to Takahiro and barked slightly at him, a small “yip” escaping her again as she started to bunny-hop towards her trainer, an expression on her face that could be recognized almost as a canidae smile as she jumped into her trainers arm, yet a whine escaped her as she actually really put pressure on her paw, making Takahiro say: ,,I’ll take care of that, dont you worry.”

Protect the Trainer and 'Mon
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In Tracking and Battles ・ By ChiroMoonGuardian

| 880 Words |

A Velozolt decided that Takahiro and Wonder looked like a delicious opportunity, guess it didnt make the guestimation with Takahiro being fused AND Wonder not being afraid of protecting her Trainer

Submitted By ChiroMoonGuardianLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 11 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

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[Protect the Trainer and 'Mon by ChiroMoonGuardian (Literature)](
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