[Four pack of Moves for Bevin]

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Hungry. So very hungry.

Pidgey shoved down the cramping in her abdomen, forced herself to refocus on the task at hand.

The encroaching darkness made the cavernous tunnels into a comfortingly tight fit, especially with Bevin looming at her back. The mountainous beast moved lightly, his breath slow and steady through her tangles, cooling the sweat on her back. The heat had become inescapable nearer the surface, unfortunately. Hunting was ever a chore, but this? This made it nigh unbearable.
Stumbling over one of the loose rocks, it was a struggle to keep her balance, but Pidgey caught herself, and paused- the echo, it told a tale. A twist in the trail- and an opening. A new one. Cautiously, Pidgey tipped her head up, and sniffed. Fresh air.

Instinctively, she flinched away, but Bevin pushed her forward. He picked up a rock in his maw, closed it around the thing, and crunched it hard enough to startle her.
When he pushed past her, she stared after him, baffled. Following him was easy enough- and, once she saw what lay ahead, she understood his prior behavior.

There was a beast ahead, as tall as herself- perhaps a little taller, but altogether much more dense. Its dark grey hide helped it to blend into the rocks, but its purple mane and tail did not do it any favors in the slightest. Three red claws carefully gathered up all manner of... berries. Dozens of them, in a few different flavors, and with a few mushrooms mixed in.
Pidgey did not have to even give the order- Bevin was already lurching forward. He lowered his head, and then flung his mouthful of glimmering, shattered stones that pelted the creature's hide. Startled, pained, it whipped around, lowering its horned head and charging recklessly. Bevin scooped up Pidgey carefully, shielding her as the beast rammed into his side. Pidgey clambered up onto his back, clinging to his mane tight.

Bevin's hands balled up into fists, and he lashed out- only to snap his hand back sharply. The space that it had once occupied popped, and the nidorak staggered forward into the gap, dazed as its head dashed against rock-hard, scaled knuckles. Bevin hit back, and the thing staggered back. It spat out strands, soaked in its saliva, that caught Bevin, and the great beast flinched as venom infiltrated his system. He roared, and slammed his head against a wall, making a rock fall. He caught it in his jaws once more, and then bolted to the other side of the cavern. His foe shook off several spikes, scattered about the field.

A great warmth pooled beneath Pidgey's hands, in Bevin's throat. Then, he unleashed a vibrant violent light that left the nidorak dazed and confused. He charged forward, flinging the spikes aside with nary a care, and suddenly shifted his stance up, planting one foot and pivoting as Pidgey snarl-shrieked in confusion and fear. He caught her on one arm as her tail coiled around and she clung to him- and then his tail connected with the still-dazed nidorak, sending it flying. It slammed into a wall, and sank down, unconsciousness claiming it.

Victory ensured, Bevin settled, panting. His palms came to rest on the ground, and Pidgey started looking over his wounds. One wept purple ichor. Poison- or venom, maybe?- either way, Bevin flinched every few seconds. Worry slid across Pidgey's face, and she dove into their spoils, parting this berry and that, until, at last, she came up with three sitrus berries and a pair of pecha berries. She scuttled back to him, and then grabbed his lower jaw with her foot-claws, and then hooked her hand into his upper jaw, forcing him to open up. In all the berries went, and she held his mouth closed to force him to swallow.

The dryness of the sitrus berries made him snarl, but, at least he got it down.

[Four pack of Moves for Bevin]
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In Move Learning ・ By wrigglingwyvernContent Warning: Pokemon Fighting

Within, Bevin is learning:

Diamond Storm [opening move, paragraph 5]

Vaccuum Wave [second move, paragraph 6]

Meteor Beam [third move, paragraph 7]

& Close Combat [pictured]

Submitted By wrigglingwyvern for Pokemon: Move LearningLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 10 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 10 months and 1 week ago

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