[The Call]Baking Sorrows Away

In The Call ・ By Umbra-Moon
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"Whoa, Hibana this is a really large facility huh? I wonder how they keep it hidden so well among the other buildings." 


The dayray would look to its partner, letting out a huff and shaking its floating body from side to side. Though Hibana did hope they wouldn't end up lost.


"Don't worry Hibana, we'll be fine. This won't be like in Brookfell in the past! We'll be good to go, just you wait!" 


Hiyori nearly ran into the sliding door that would lead to Ethos' large kitchen. Just the state of the art, top cooking machines was enough to make him gasp. 


One would think seeing the legendary would cause such a reaction, but nope! This is what caused him to be so shocked. While Hibana would approach Azelf, giving a soft music like cry, and raising a flipper in greeting.


Azelf seemed exhausted, hand covering its mouth when a yawn surfaced. Though it would smile lightly, and wave back to Hibana. Surely this little legendary had been busy with other Ethos workers as well. An assortment of sweets seemed to be setting out to cool off. 


"Ah, there's Azelf!" Hiyori would exclaim, walking over to it. "Are you ready to let me help you?" 


The tired pokemon would nod, situate itself in Hiyori's shoulder to rest and would point towards the table. All the ingredients he would need was setting out, waiting to be properly mixed together.


"Ahhh I see you've got everything sitting out already! Lets see what we're helping you make~" 


Hibana would float towards each ingredient as Hiyori would read out what was there.


"Flour, confectioners sugar, almond flour, cream of tartar. Eggs, food coloring, and the chosen filling. Looks like we're doing lemon and chocolate together hm? Couldn't you stick with simple and easy things?" 


Azelf would give a tiny smile in response to the asked question and shake its head in response. There was no other answer, but the little legendary would point towards a mixer, kicking its feet while it waited.


Hibana would gently scoot the mixing bowl across the counter top to its owner. The Dayray wanted to help its trainer anyway that it could. Especially since Azelf was too tired to be hands on currently.


“Alright, so all our dry ingredients first and then we whisk it together. After that we mix egg whites and cream of tartar, salt and sugar, mix until it forms stiff peaks.” 


That was easy enough done, while Azelf would point to the needed ingredients, tails twisting together.


The dry ingredients were easy to mix together to say the least. It was just getting them all stirred up together. Now Hiyori was on the next part of the instructions.


Hiyori's body started to do jeering motions as he stirred the ingredients together, making sure not to drop momentum only to check the consistency of the current batter. It wasn't quite there yet, a few more rounds with the spoon and soon the stiff peaks would form. 


Azelf almost seemed to ‘ahhhh’ at the merengue, which caused Hiyori to laugh a little. While also trying to keep it away from Hibana as well. 


“It's not ready to be taste tested yet. We have a bit more stuff to do, then we have to bake it.” 


Hibana seemed to be disheartened, it seemed like it would take so long to get it done! While Azelf would nod its head in agreement, kicking its feet much like a young child would, bobbing head from side to side as it would point to the next ingredients.


Hiyori would add the yellow food coloring to the mixture as well as a third of the dry ingredient mixture before whisking it once more. Through the process of whisking, Azelf hopped off Hiyori's shoulder and helped Hibana fold in the rest of the mixture until it was well mixed, a lava-like consistency. It was bow ready to be piped.


It would be at least an hour and a half before the Macarons would be completely baked and cooled enough to have the chocolate filling piped between them, lighter yellow food coloring was used to trick the eyes and palette to think it was lemon-vanilla macarons, the little tricky Azelf.


With a smile, Hiyori would lean against the counter, holding a Macaron he was taste testing, as well as holding one out for Hibana.


Both Hibana and Azelf would let out a joyful cry, doing a flip in the air happily before settling back down. Hiyori would shake his head in a happy manner, and finish off the lemon-chocolate flavored macaron.


“I'd say that was a success, huh?” 

[The Call]Baking Sorrows Away
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In The Call ・ By Umbra-Moon

Hiyori and his pokemon companion have decided to help out, baking with Azelf


Word Count: 775

Submitted By Umbra-Moon
Submitted: 2 weeks and 3 days agoLast Updated: 2 weeks and 3 days ago

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