Risky Delivery [The Outskirts]

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The wind was harsh against the side of his face. The air was hot, humid almost like that of a swamp. He knew that he was getting close to his destination, but that didn’t make it any easier either. There were dangers out there trying to follow him in the direction he was going, and with that, he would find himself looking towards his own pokemon, the one companion he decided to bring with him as much as he wished he had brought more. If there was a risk of injury, he would prefer it just be to himself and to his one singular pokemon. 

Kohaku was taking a break for a moment, a short reprieve before the two of them would continue on their journey. Knight seemed to be relieved with the little reprieve, taking the time to lick at his paws before lapping at some provided water by Kohaku. Both of them were carrying what looked to be like a messenger back with important items in them, Kohaku was sure they were more than likely some kind of medical supplies or something like that. Maybe research papers or some compact technology to help with the fog that infects Murkhaven. 

Though their reprieve was short lived - as was any sign of rest on the way to the fog-coated city. Not too far from them, there was a noise, and Knight’s ears would perk up. His fur bristled up, lips curling to expose his fangs, as his upper body would lower a little toward the ground, barking and snarling in the direction of the noise. Usually he was quite the calm pokemon, even when faced with danger, but this new threat must… have triggered something within the Mightyruff to say the least. 

Kokaku would quickly put up what supplies he had out, moving a hand out to pet the large canine-like pokemon, eyes focusing in the direction that Knight was looking as well. “What is it?” He would finally ask, turning his gaze back to his companion to see the direction he was staring at. 

Though it was hard to make out with the little light provided, he could finally see a slithering, dark and light purple like body, with a flickering yellow tongue, and glowing yellow eyes. 

Kohaku knew precisely what this was, he took a deep breath and moved a hand up towards his chest for the time being, taking a deep breath of his own before he started to get himself prepared. 

“We should go,” he would mention to Knight.

Soon the Shadow Ekans wasn’t the only thing to slip out of the darkness and come towards them. There was a Golbat, and what looked to be a yamper, the cute-smiling face of the little dog-like pokemon was only made creepier now given the condition that plagued the poor electric type. 

Kohaku was quick to pull himself onto Knight’s back, he was large enough to ride comfortably without it bothering Knight after all. With his body leaned close to his companion, as if it would help Knight pick up speed, Kohaku would whisper to him.

“We need to get going.” 

There was no reason to fight these pokemon; unless they wouldn’t let up on their pursuit, and he was sure that Knight was fast enough to outrun and maneuver all three of them - he would hope anyway. 

With the words spoken, Knight gave a bark in response before turning on his heel, his claws would scrape the man-made trail, kicking up rocks and dust as he would run down the trail quickly, tail wagging but not in the sign of happiness. His head would turn now and again, relying on Kohaku to tell him if something was in the way.

The Shadow Pokemon were still hot on their trail, despite how fast Knight was running, it seemed the Ekans were starting to fall back a little, not being as fast as the little Yamper or the flying Golbat, so that would be one of the three Shadow Pokemon they would lose during their trip. 

Eyes would face back forward, their messenger bags swinging aimlessly in the wind, and Kohaku’s hair was going crazy, the one time he had wished he pinned it back so it wouldn’t get in the way. 

“It shouldn't be too much further before we get to Murkhave Knight. Keep up the pace!”

Knight would give a ruff in response, almost seeming to pick up speed with the words of encouragement from his trainer.

Surely they would make it to Murkhave safely, at least…

Risky Delivery [The Outskirts]
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Kohaku and kNight have chosen to take up the task of delivering some supplies to Murkhaven. Both are hoping to deliver the supplies with little to no injuries.

Kohaku gains +5AXP

Knight gains +1 EXP

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for The Outskirts
Submitted: 6 days and 54 minutes agoLast Updated: 6 days and 54 minutes ago

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