Cain Rank Up - Adept
Cain grimaced at the thick ozone and plastic smell as he stepped into the ritzy technology store he had been recommended. It hadn't been that long since he had entered the Reigns Rest region and ever since the catastrophe his phone had stopped working. Apparently this place had tech that still functioned some how and even though he despised the hustle and bustle of the city and especially hated snooty stores like this one appeared to be he couldn't deny that he desperately needed their services. Plodding along silently beside him was Serena his feebas/furfrou fusion. The fluffy fish was staring up at her trainer with large unreadable and yet sad looking eyes as she watched her trainer wrestle his discomfort. He awkwardly entered the store, Serena following close beside him, and wandered over to the display stand that showed multiple high end tablets and smart phones. Sitting beside them all were little placards that explained their specs and listed their prices but Cain honestly had no idea what he was looking at. All the placards might as well have been written in foot print runes as far as he was concerned.
When he didn't move away or reach out to touch any of the displays for a solid three minutes one of the shop attendants set down what she was working on to check if he needed any help. "Hi there, I'm Omega! Do you need helping finding something?" the tan skinned attendant introduced herself with a friendly greeting but Cain apparently hadn't noticed her approach so he jumped slightly at her voice. "oh uh." He looked at her awkwardly before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his old broken flip phone. "I need to get a new phone but have no idea where to start." Omega took one look at the phone and was surprised, it was a little rare to see someone without a system in this area and on top of that the phone this guy had was ancient. Honestly it was so old she was impressed it had been functioning as long as it had. She gave her best customer service smile and gestured to multiple smart phones that were on the display. "Of course! We have a wide selection of phones to choose from, are there any functions or specs you are looking for in particular?" Cain just stared at the woman awkwardly for a moment before answering, "It... needs to be able to make calls??" Serena shook her head in exasperation at her trainers obliviousness and ignorance, she was sure the attendant would take offense to his blunt response but it seemed the pokemon did not give the woman enough credit.
Omegas customer service smile strained as she couldn't tell if this guy was messing with her or if he really was that technology illiterate. "Got it! Well good news is, all of our phones are able to make calls so you won't have to worry about that! When I referred to functions I meant do you need a good camera, extra storage space, maybe more enhanced navigation features?" Cains eyes kind of glazed over as she listed features and his face changed from awkward discomfort to that of someone who was slightly in awe and surprised, "Phones can do that sort of thing now?" His genuine puzzled question clued Omega in to the kind of trainer she was dealing with and she quickly answered. "Absolutely, and they can do even more amazing things! Here let's look at this model." She quickly brought Cains attention to a very nice phone with all the bells and whistles expected of a newly released product. She went through step by step showing Cain how the phone functioned and all he could do with it. When she picked the phone up off the display table to show him how good the camera was she finally noticed Serena who had been silently watching them this entire time. She let out a loud gasp as she immediately fell in love with Serena's unique brand of adorable ugliness, she quickly brought up the phone and snapped multiple pictures of the pokemon who was a little alarmed by the sudden attention.
Serena wasn't used to receiving such a positive reaction from anyone other than Cain and she kind of shied away bashfully at the attendants enthusiasm. Cain chuckled at the cute way Serena shimmed closer to him for support and the sound made Omega freeze. With an awkward laugh she showed Cain the photos she had snapped of his pokemon and Cain was impressed by how clear they were. Cain smiled and nodded his head, "Okay yeah, lets go with this one." Omega inwardly celebrated netting the sale as she excitedly congratulated him on making such a fine decision. She handed him the phone to hold and keep messing with as she rang up the transaction but no sooner had the phone entered his hand did the screen start to glitch out. Puzzled at what he was looking at he showed the screen to Omega, "What's it doing now?" he asked but Omega could only stare in confusion. He had literally had the phone in hand for less than a second, not even enough time for him to pull it closer to himself let alone touch the screen. She chuckled nervously as she tried to reassure her customer, "uh ahah, I'm honestly not sure, I've never seen that before b-but don't worry we provide free Rotom troubleshooting services so we can figure this out real quick!" With that she quickly took the phone back and brought it to one of the rotoms who was sitting at the register. The rotom in question upon hearing its name be mentioned quickly zipped over to the trio with a hearty greeting. It bounced excitedly in front of Serena seemingly complementing her fur which only made the sky fish hide further behind her trainer.
Upon being presented the phone the rotom immediately jumped inside and with a snicker began its job of figureing out what suddenly went wrong. Before Cain could even ask how long it would take the rotom hopped back out of the phone and seemed to be laughing extra hard at whatever it had found. Omega questioned if the phone was good to go now and the rotom bounced in affirmation while giving a happy cry. A little relieved she handed the phone back to Cain but once more as soon as it touched his hand the screen glitched out once more. The rotom exploded into incredulous belly laughter and the other rotoms who had been hovering curiously near by all approached to investigate. "W-why??" Omega questioned dumbfounded while Cain just stared dumbly at the screen of his device. The rotom who had investigated the phone quickly zipped back into the device and after another heart beat the screen was cleared again. The pokemon left the phone laughing uproariously to its fellow rotoms as the trio of pokemon floated back to their stations around the check out desks. Serena called out to the rotom who seemed to explain what was wrong with the phone to her and whatever the rotom said only earned an eye roll and deep sigh from Serena. Whatever the little electric ghost pokemon had done seemed to have fixed it this time as the phone finally seemed to be behaving. Cain caught a glimpse of Omegas eye as the attendant stared at the man in confusion but the trainer merely shrugged dubiously. Omega shook her head giving up trying to understand, "That'll be 90,000 poke."
In which Cain learns about phones since he is such a technology boomer while Omega tries her best to help him and Serena stares judgmentally from near by
also sheesh only 90,000 poke for a new phone? what a steal! Maybe Serena earned Cain a discount by being such a cutie lol
Prompt: Draw your Trainer showing some kind of personal-growth or showing off new skills they'd learned.
Submitted By Anicetus
for Level UP
Submitted: 3 months and 1 day ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months and 1 day ago