Bonfires and Gardens [Kohaku]
The distress signal that had been sent from Winterval was more than concerning. Even being a member of Team Cynic he could see how his teams were almost in a panic it would seem. Scattering about and getting supplies and their outfits ready. Wintervale was cold, like ice cold. He knew what he wanted… or more needed to do. In a place that was covered in perpetual snow, with the possibility of residents freezing to death; he would need at least one of his fire type pokemon to come with him.
Kohaku had looked at Vespa, his smile a soft one, and he moved a hand out to gently stroke along her triangular like face, moving his hands along her horns on the side of her head. “You ready my friend?”
She only seemed to respond with a nod, as if she understood exactly what he had said. Just as they were getting prepared to leave, him getting out a pokeball to keep her cozy in, Kohaku would feel a bump against his leg.
He would look down to see that Kazame was looking up at him expectantly, the prismatic sheen to his shell glowing and moving due to the electric current within his body. After some consideration, Kohaku would nod finally as well, holding out their pokeball.
“I'm sure having another fire or even an electric type will be beneficial to them up there as well, Kazame. Good thinking.”
Kohaku would make sure to get on his winter clothes, due to being able to be heated by some amazing technology, he could turn it on with a push of a button and get warmed up. It would take them a few hours to get to Wintervale, and would need the help of some flying pokemon to get to the top of the city, but he was already aware of that by now.
A train and a few hours later, Kohaku would soon be within Wintervale, the cold nipping at any parts of his exposed flesh. Threatening to cause frost burn from just standing there. He would rub his gloved hands together, moving through the city and looking to the sides. It was so quiet and so dim within the city, he could understand even more about the grievous situation going on there. With the lights dimmed, it almost just seemed like wintervale was completely doomed.
“We can’t let that happen,” he’d whisper against the chilly wind, his breath coming out in slight puffs of smoke.
It didn’t take long for him to find a group of people, whether they were workers or not he did not know. Some of them were messing with the solar panels, others trying to shovel the snow away from the devices and what looked to be a makeshift garden. More than likely housing crops that were hardy and could withstand the winter, but with little to no sunlight or even slight warmth with the electrical devices that helped maintain it down, well… They weren’t doing so well either.
Kohaku would approach the group, letting out the two pokemon he brought with him for the mission. Vespa would let out a gentle cry, the scales fluttering off of her red wings, before she would flutter over towards the group, giving the men there a bit of a scare for sure. Kazame would come out without much of a noise, remaining at Koharu's side and only walking with him when he would also approach the workers there.
He would try to give them a comforting smile, despite their stares at him in disbelief. A hand would move his blonde hair to the side, the jacket he was wearing giving off its own bit of heat.
“The signals went out tha Wintervale is in trouble. Though I know that it’s hard to accept help from outsiders and whatnot you all are very hardy people. But… the other cities are concerned and we’d like to offer our services if we can? The city is dark, like all light has been snuffed out of it. Surely there’s something some of us from the other cities can do to help you alright?”
It was a skeptical look passed from each worker. But a slightly younger one would come forward, being a year or two younger than Kohaku it would seem.
“The snow is thick and heavy around us,” he would state, making a note towards it. “Thicker than it ever has been. A lot of us aren’t prepared for the harsh conditions and our own pokemon are exhausted from trying to keep up with everything on their own. We could use some fire types to help melt the snow, create fire pits, and the likes. Electric types can help as well to help give a boost or even power to some of the devices that would keep our gardens growing. Even the machines that keep the fog at bay…”
Kohaku would nod, and looked towards Kazame and then towards Vespa for the moment. “Well I have a strong fire type with me that can very well melt some of the snow around you all, and surely get some bonfires lit and maybe provide a gentle heat to help the flowers defrost. While Kazame here,” he would motion towards the Torkoal/Shurtle mix. “Would have no problem giving some power to the devices that you have around your garden. It won’t be much, but once I’m done with your group, I’ll be moving on to the next. I want to give as much aid as I can to everyone here.”
The group didn’t seem to complain, and so Kohaku would motion to Vespa to do her best at generating some heat for the people that were there.
She would nod her head, using the heat naturally generated from her scales to begin to melt the snow that she would get close to. Soon puddles of water would be formed from her actions, some of the snow slinking down into small, more manageable piles for that matter. Though her natural heat would not be able to light any of the fire pits close to the workers.
She knew not any fire moves, but that wouldn’t stop her from thinking. She’s seen a multitude of moves being used in the past, and with her memory there were a few she could try to conjure up just for the occasion. One particular move would come to her forefront, and with her claws resting at her sides, she fluttered towards one of the large barrels that held things to be burned.
Vespa would close her eyes and concentrate on the task at hand, focusing the natural heat that her body would generate inside of herself. She could feel like a fire was lighting around the pit of her stomach, small sparks of embers would escape from her slightly opened maw. She concentrated a little longer, and her wings would flutter with her attempt. her eyes closed - not that one could tell due to it being bug-eyes. But she would open them, feeling a burning sensation arising in her throat.
Her mouth would open and a mixture of orange, yellow, and primarily red flames would escape from her opened maw, going into the targeted barrel and igniting the stuff inside. The flames would jut forward like a hungry cat leaping for prey, they licked at the air and flicked out embers. This was one of many barrels or fire pits that would need to be lit. Quickly the group would gather around it, trying to warm up their chilled hands through their gloves.
Kohaku was proud of her, and would move a hand to softly pat at Vespa's shoulder as well, his eyes soft as he did so. “Good work Vespa. We have more to light, so maybe you can keep hold of that newfound attack of yours eh? Flamethrower, wasn’t it?”
Vespa would nod towards Kohaku and then look towards Kazame, the young Torkal/Shurtle seemed to be investigating the device that was close to the gardens.
Kohaku would smile towards Kazame as well, “Ah right, you are electric as well. But I don’t think you know any electric moves either, Kazame? Do you have any that you could learn?”
The Torkoal/Shurtle mix would snort, letting out a puff of smoke from the nostrils, and move back over to the devices that it had been investigating. They didn’t seem too difficult, and Kazame could find the area that would take charge and hold it. The batteries on the screen were run dry - probably from how cold it was after all.
Kazame knew just what they wanted to do for that matter, even with Kohaku asking them a question. With their eyes closed, the prismatic parts of their shell had started to glow and shift as well. The pinks and blue hues almost mixed together, and small sparks could be seen from the hexagonal holes within the shell. The sparks would go from the shell and up towards Kazame’s head, where the horn was. Though it would almost seem to disperse from the horn, causing the entire shell to glow brightly, as well as Kazames eyes. Once the Fusion would open its mouth, one could see the sharp sparks and glow coming from the teeth within Toruttle’s mouth. Without waiting for too long, while it seemed to be fully charged, they would bite down on the charging area of the device, the electrical charge within the Thunder Fang being dispersed into both devices and not just the one.
The light of the battery could be seen going up in time as the electricity was absorbed, with the entire build-up discharged into the machine, Kazame would let go of the device and seemed to almost smile proudly when both devices were powered. The lights within would come on, generating that gentle heat over the crops, and also offering a bit of that artificial sunlight as well. This wouldn’t be easy to keep everything up with pokemon though.
“Good job Kazame, you managed to teach yourself how to use Thunder Fang eh?” He would smile, petting the fusion head and horn in praise. He would then turn toward the workers that were still warming their hands.
“IF you wouldn’t mind to put me in the direction of some of the barrels, and I can mark them on the map. I’ll try to light them and help anyone that I find around them for that matter.”
“Oh Right…” The same young worker would respond, reluctantly leaving the heated barrel to do just as Kohaku had suggested.
He would be set off in the next direction now, wanting to help as many as he could without exhausting himself and his pokemon.
Kohaku, Kazame and Vespa are giving their aid to Wintervale!
Submitted By Umbra-Moon
Submitted: 2 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months and 3 weeks ago