Getting Ready

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Is there a hobby your trainer enjoys, perhaps a trail they like to travel upon? There is always a way to distract the mind both in and out of city life. Maybe they stop by a shelter nearby that fosters injured pokemon to take some time to play, or spend the afternoon reading up on the recent literature drops on how combees could ever take flight.

Draw or write your trainer doing what they can to pass the time!

Word Count: 872

             Leaning down Salami wrapped his arms around Klaus, scooping them up under their legs and supporting their back to pick them up. The cuddling that the had been doing earlier was cut short now as Salami lifted Klaus, they had agreed to come out for some coffee which meant that they had to get ready. Turning he went to go and take them in the direction of the closet while still holding them close. Did Salami have to get ready? Not particularly. He didn't smell right now so what he was wearing would be good enough but for Klaus he was most certain they'd want to get into something else.

             "We should wear something simple for today~" He said with a small hum of thought. "Spicy and Serrano are excited so we shouldn't keep them waiting." It wasn't so much that they shouldn't be kept waited- it was much more along the lines of Salami couldn't be kept waiting. He now had twenty five minutes to get out of the house and on his way to work, surely in ten minutes they could find a simple outfit right? Then they'd have fifteen minutes to do their makeup. He believed in Klaus's ability to be able to fit that time frame.

             Klaus made a small noise of both joy and dissatisfaction as he was lifted up, every bone and muscle in his body wanting to laze on the bed for the rest of the day and he made a sour face as he was brought over to his expansive closet already. Didn't he know he had to do so much more to go out? Just as he went to argue he was cut short with the request - Do something simple for today. Something simple? Why? Where they not going out on a date? He went to argue when he pointed out both of his pokemon, the cyndaquil and litten hybrids where already running around with Serrano even carrying his harness in his mouth as he ran excited circles, his fur puffing on end.

             He knew his sour face said everything he needed to do and so he set himself to picking an outfit, he still took his time on it but he tried to make it quick. The two pokemon where getting restless, nipping at eachother and barking and squeaking as their excitement built. Klaus sighed heavily as he threw on a simple outfit and made another face at himself in one of the built in mirrors as he picked at his hear and threw on some bare bones makeup. He didn't want to apply a ton if he wasn't going to shower and do skin care before then, he didn't want to break out. He spun around to apply the gold chain like collars to his two pokemon before putting them in their harnesses, and picking one up under each arm after he shoved his wallet in his pocket. "There better not be many people out today, I look horrible." He muttered, stalking up to Salami afterwards. The man was just so calm, so casual, that he couldn't bring himself to stay mad for long.

             This all went so much easier than Salami had been expecting. He was thinking they might yell or scream, pitch a fit and say he wasn't allowed in the bed that night but they didn't do any of that. All that they did was throw a sour face and it just made Salami grin wider. The magikarp leaned in to gently nuzzle in against their face at the action before setting them down to let them get ready. They weren't nearly as slow as he was expecting, and with them choosing what to wear he leaned against the closet's frame.

             He often found that Klaus would go a bit overboard when it came to appearances, and while it often felt unneccessary to Salami he couldn't deny that they looked wonderful every time. Of course, this meant that even with their hurried getting ready they still looked wonderful which further cemented in the fish-mans mind that they didn't need hours to get ready. This took them twenty four minutes total, and they looked great even if they were evidently bitter.

             Leaning down Salami were to give his sour and grumbling boyfriend a small kiss. He scratched under the chins of both Spicy and Serrano before he would go to walk past them and open the door with a flourishing bow. In some ways he acted in the same way as the butler for Klaus- but with much more flourish and a much sweeter smile. "You look as lovely as always." He purred out towards them. "Men, women and everything in between would fall at their feet before you right now~" He could compliment them for hours if they really wanted, but now wasn't the time for that. The door was open and so it was time for them to go! While Klaus was hoping it would be for something like a date it was not. Salami wouldn't correct his thinking quite yet, that was a later him problem. Once he was at work the Magikarp would figure out how to appease the bamboozled Klaus and his two pokemon.

Getting Ready
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In Daily Life ・ By Faust, AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Pass the Time
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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[Getting Ready by Faust, AveryFish (Literature)](
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