Baba's Request: Prompt 4 - Mushrooms

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“Augh this forest is more confusing than a haunted maze!”

Ahimoth shouted, already annoyed at the paths that he had chosen to take. It was supposed to be easy, nothing was supposed to go wrong. He thought getting some simple mushrooms for the old lady would be a cakewalk. Perhaps he should have taken her warning into higher consideration instead of just brushing it off as a playful jest or a silly threat.

But as he got deeper into the forest, something was making itself apparent. This forest was anything but simple, and surely Sylvangloam was an awful place to be in. The scenery was whimsical, fantasy based almost. He sighed heavily, and shook his head from side to side. Well finding those glowing mushrooms is what he needed to do, and that’s what he would do! He knew there were multiple kinds of mushrooms and he’d have to be gentle doing so, if other rumors were to be believed.

“I don’t need to anger a living forest,” he reminded himself patiently.

Ahimoth shook his head gently however, he needed to man-up and be fine with it, this place wasn’t all that scary. The darkness within the forest was illuminated by other glowing items, so it wasn't that bad, but he still felt unsettled. In observing the nearby scenery however, he did notice something that caught his attention. He finally found some mushrooms, they were attached to the tree, curling up and around it like a comforting brace to keep the tree standing up. He smiled at them, and moved closer to them. He could cut them loose with ease and not damage the tree. It would be simple.

He placed the container down that he would use to store the bits of mushroom he gained, and got to trying to work on getting these off of the bark of the tree. They were stubborn and wouldn’t be pulled off so easily, and after a few strained attempts, Ahimoth sighed.

“The hard way it is.”

With his knife in hand, Ahimoth ended up managing to carefully and gently scrape the mushrooms wrapped around the tree off, and placing a few handfuls into the container. He did thank the tree, and the mushrooms, as he was simply instructed by Babba. He continued along his path, nearly getting turned around on multiple occasions because of the similarities he saw everywhere. This time after traveling for a little while, he found smaller mushrooms that were poking out of the ground.

These looked like another set she was wanting, and so he got to work. He wouldn’t need to use his knife this time, he hoped anyway. He leaned down and grasped some of the mushrooms, trying to pull them out one by one, but again they were tough little burgers. With a hard enough yoink, Ahimoth was sent toppling backwards. He started out a cry, the mushrooms in his hand safely and their roots and all. Unhappily, he placed them into the container as well.

This was his process as he went through the forest, either his knife to get the mushrooms he thought they would need, or just yoinking them from their place in the soil. When the container was full with an assortment of mushrooms, he stood up and began to travel back toward the stall that he found the nice old lady at.

Ahimoth hummed while he worked on finding his way back, it seemed a lot easier than it was when he first started exploring around the area. He didn’t know what path to take, where to look, or what he should count as any standout features of the forest. But within an hour at the most, he ended up back at the stall, where the old lady was, and he had her container of mushrooms.

He held them out to her, letting her inspect and scrutinize with her eyes, no words were ever spoken. Ahimoth sighed, and allowed her to take the container when she seemed to test the weight. He did finally gain a smile from the seemingly nice old woman, and he gave her a hug back.It was a little awkward for him, but he got over it, and after some time, he pulled away from her with a smile.

“Well, my job is done here. Thanks for the services that you provide, I will catch you around.”

She seemed to nod in her head, to approve of what I’m saying, or maybe she was just nodding it at the moment. Either way he was clear to get out of the creepy forest, and he was super happy to just try and get out of this forest.

Baba's Request: Prompt 4 - Mushrooms
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In Daily Life ・ By Umbra-Moon


Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Baba's RequestLocation: Sylvangloam
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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