Shadow Showdown: Snatcher vs. Torrados

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“What the hell is going on?!” The frantic voice of Ahimoth was heard, he had been rushed out of his home, and was forced to run after Snatcher who ran like a creature on a mission. Gold eyes burned through the fair city of Wintervale, and his trainer barely had time to catch up to him. “S-Snatcher W-what has….gotten… into you?” 

The pokemon turned to look at his trainer for a moment, golden eyes peering with eagerness for a battle, burning through his trainer, he turned his head from him and snapped his jaws. “Battle, Ahimoth. There are strange pokemon invading our city, we need to take care of them before they cause more damage. Are you going to battle with me or not?” 

There was pure shock on Ahimoth’s face, he had never seen Snatcher so ready to battle, to defend something, but in retrospect, helping to defend the city meant that he’d be defending Ahimoth, and the bond between him and his pokemon was… well priceless. With a heavy sigh, Ahimoth walked up to Snatcher and patted his shoulder, his eyes focused on the bandana that was wrapped around his arm. 

“Alright Snatcher, you have me to help you,” he smiled at his pokemon. “But you can’t go running off like that, so let me get on you, and let’s get going, how about it?” 

Snatcher seemed to grin, before lowering his body down, Ahimoth getting onto his pokemon and Snatcher darting off in the direction of the sounds of battle. He was stopped short, away from the city, as a small pokemon walked up toward him. The creature held the purple gradient and lighter purple swirls. The glowing gold eyes and this dark aura surrounded their bodies. All tales tell signs of a Shadow pokemon. Ahimoth breathed in for a moment and lowered his form to be more against Snatcher’s body. 

Ahimoth’s heart raced, beating in his chest and loud in his ears, while Snatcher’s breathing seemed to slow, and the creature lowered his golden eyes narrowed, and his teeth kicked up snow behind them. The raptor-like claw tapped on the ground three times, and the Shadow pokemon finally turned to look at them. Ahimoth’s heart went out to the creature, it looked to forever be in pain, and whatever this thing was… well he couldn’t let it take the advantage of him and his pokemon. 

“Are you sure you can do this?” He inquired of Snatcher, his eyes narrowing when the creature let out a shrilling cry.

Snatcher’s lips curled, the smirk evident on his maw, and his eyes glowing a brighter gold it seemed, “Yes, I’m ready for this. Come hell or high water, we will take down these shadow pokemon, and protect our home.” 

Ahimoth knew better than to stay mounted on the snatcher’s back, and thus slid off of him while he was still lowered. As he looked back at the creature, he noticed something about it. It was a fusion of two pokemon, It stood on two legs with odd markings on the body. Sticking from a hardened-like cranium were two long ears and whiskers, while the pokemon was decorated in spikes. The tail was reptilian-like, and the small arms with what looked like braces on them were ready to fight.

Maybe this would end in his favor after all, as he studied the pokemon a little more closely, he finally figured out what kind of fusion it was, and Ahimoth couldn’t help but smirk a little. This meant that his pokemon would hopefully have a type advantage against this Cranidos/Litten, but again one couldn’t be too sure. He didn’t want to be cocky, he had no idea what this pokemon knew move-wise. 

His gaze shifted back to his partner, who was already ready in a battle stance, the sail on his back seemed to glow almost ethereally, and his tail smashed against the snow underneath it as if a warning display for this pokemon. Ahimoth closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He had to believe in Snatcher, even if the odds would stack against them, he couldn’t lose his faith in his partner, not now.

“Alright Snatcher, let’s get this battle started. I’m sure you don’t need any direction, right Bud?” 

The look on his pokemon face told him everything he needed to know, and instead of directing him, or telling him what attacks to use, Ahimoth made distance so he wouldn’t get caught in their crossfire.

‘I can only hope that we manage to beat this creature. With a type advantage and Snatcher having learned Bubble recently, maybe that’s enough to get us past this one.’ Ahimoth thought, seeing the two of them clash against one another, his heart dropped. ‘At least Snatcher is fully evolved….’

Shadow Showdown: Snatcher vs. Torrados
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In Invasion of Nothing ・ By Umbra-Moon

Snatcher is fighting a Cranidos/Litten. Let's hope this battle ends in his favor \o/

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Invasion of NothingLocation: Wintervale
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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[Shadow Showdown: Snatcher vs. Torrados by Umbra-Moon (Literature)](
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