Volunteer Work: TLC

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“Alright Knight, let’s get going, the pokecenter is nice enough to let me bring you with me, but you have to be on your best behavior alright? We’ll be dealing with a lot of patients today, I think.” 

The pokemon seemed to yip, a smile showing on his maw and his tail wagging back and forth. “I’ll make sure to be on my best behavior. No Shenanigans.”

Aeson smiled at his partner, his hand ruffling up the fur between his ears before the two of them set off. He would usually drive his motorcycle to the destination with the little side car in it that would hold Knight, but he figured he would walk there instead. The place put up with enough loud noises, and he wouldn’t want to spook some already disturbed pokemon.

The walk there wasn’t too long, and as soon as he entered the pokemon well hospital, he was greeted with some friendly, tired faces. He was quickly directed to a room, being an officer came with a unique skill set and he didn’t mind giving some attention to a few of the stressed or worried pokemon for that matter. 

“Looks like we got some easy duty buddy,” He smiled with a gentle laugh, letting the door close back as he entered the room. He looked upon the beds, seeing some pokemon there, none of them looked seriously injured, some had what looked like splints, a few with bandages and others with no physical abrasions, probably those that needed to rest after a long battle or something. Knight and Aeson both went their separate ways to help the pokemon feel better, and of course the two of them would have a different approach to how they would help take care of the pokemon. 

Aeson would gently massage those that wanted it - all they had to do was nod - and the massage wasn’t a great massage, just some basic rubbing of muscles, cheek pouches, and other such things in as gentle of a manner as he could. Refilling their water or their food, and sometimes just petting and loving on them. He always tried to make sure he was gentle, but sometimes his hands would get a little too rough and he’d get a sharp noise from the pokemon he was working with. 

While Knight, when he approached the pokemon that seemed to just be waiting for their owners to pick them up, he would converse with them and learn why they were there. What happened and kept them company as he talked to them. Some of them were more than happy to have a chat, and others weren’t. The two of them did the best they could though, and the staff were grateful for their help it seemed. 

When there was a small break, Aeson leaned back against the wall while sitting there, Knight laying on the floor beside him with his head tucked between his paws. Aeson smiled at his partner though, and petted him lightly, a bit of a tired look on his own face.

“At least it’s not so bad, not much different than working on the force, eh?” 

Knight looked up to him with a bit of a pouting look on his face, “I get exercise on the force.”

Aeson scrunched his brows together, giving his pokemon an apologetic look after some time. “I’m sorry Knight, sometimes I wish I could understand you better. Soon we should be able to go home though.”

The two of them brought a snack and some water to take while they rested and chatted with the staff that was there. The nurses seemed to be very grateful for their help, and Aeson shook his head with a chuckle. It wasn’t a problem, as he stated to them, he enjoyed helping out them and the pokemon both ,he just wished he could help more.

The two of them went back to what they were doing for the next few hours, at least until the volunteer hours were over, and they could head home. Usually Aeson stayed home and relaxed on the rare days off he had, but this time, he didn’t want to. How could he have ignored the request for aid from one of the most important places they had!

The staff thanked him for his help and even gave him some Sitrus berry doughnuts to help give him and Knight their energy back. The two traveled back toward home, both munching on a doughnut each in the meantime and wide smiles on their faces. They did their good deed for that day, and it filled Aeson with a sense of accomplishment. 

(Word Count: 775)

Volunteer Work: TLC
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In Daily Life ・ By Umbra-Moon
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Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Medical CareLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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