ML - Cross Poison
Diana huffed as she placed down a large, metal dummy onto the lush, grassy grounds, just outside of Grovehart. Her family owned some private lands there, so she used it as a training ground for her pokemon. While some were busy on their own, taking their free time to relax, Vewil was waiting in anticipation. He loved training with her- even in his old age. He slithered around the target and Diana pushed his face away for a moment. Her hand moved up her arm, unlocking her system and scrolling down a list.
"It says here we can go for several options. Which ones should we do?"
She asked, looking up to her Seviper. Vewil looked over her shoulder- and one could almost say he could actually read human words. Even Diana took a moment before she remembered and went 'ah'.
"Right. We'll go with whatever sounds the least disgusting."
Diana's hand moved and the list scrolled further down before she tapped a specific move.
"Cross poison. Should just be two slashes with your tail."
Vewil nodded as if he understood, slithering away from the dummy and turning to face it. Diana's gaze didn't move from the screen, loudly describing the move and gesturing for the Seviper to attempt his shot. His large coils slithered before his tail started to glow, slashing at the metal dummy twice. Loud buzzing came from the target, holographic numbers showing the damage. The woman didn't even move away from the target, fully trusting her pokemon's aim.
"The numbers don't add up. Soooo... let's try it again, but maybe we should do it like a cross. Like an X."
Diana moved her arms into an X position and stepped away from the dummy to give Vewil more space to attempt the move. The Seviper narrowed its eyes, charging up its tail again before slashing at it in the position described. With a click of her tongue, Diana once again compared the numbers and found them lacking.
"Let me look up some more information..."
She trailed off, letting out an 'aha!' when she found what she needed.
"Kha'vae, come here."
Her other pokemon, a small Eiscue, turned its attention away from a conversation with a Ghastly/Oricorio. It moved over to Diana, not sure what it was needed for, before being shoo'd in front of the target.
"Hit Kha'vae with the attack."
The Eiscue looked between Diana and Vewil with a startled expression, but didn't move away or feign away. Vewil didn't hesitate before charging up its tail again, slashing at the pokemon in the cross shape. Kha'vae shielded itself with its wings, letting out a grunt of pain at the slash- and the poison that followed it. Diana held her arm out again to look at the damage this time around in the tracker of her Pokemon, nodding in approval.
"That's more like it!"
She spoke in approval, giving Vewil a thumbs up and watching it practically wag its tail in response. Kha'vae was a little worse off, but Diana had antidotes and heals on hand, and made sure to make it up to the little Eiscue with some poffins.
Vewil learning Cross Poison!
Turns out, metal dummies don't get poisoned, so luckily Diana had a dark Eiscue on hand.
Submitted By Kelyias
Submitted: 2 years and 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 3 months ago