ML - Acid Downpour
With the knowledge now that a dummy wasn't going to work for Vewil's move learning, Diana had enlisted the help of Micah's Fern. He was an ex-fighting Charizard, so Diana was confident in the fact that the pokemon knew what to do in defense.
"Do we have heals in case we need them?"
"Yes, we do, Micah. I think of these things."
Diana tapped her brow for a moment, holding out her arm to bring forth the holographic panel with moves. Vewil was familiar with this now and awaited the choice patiently.
"Acid Downpour. We'll do that one."
Fern looked between them, being reassured by Micah who shot the grassy charizard a smile. He had confidence in Diana that the move learning would definitely be safe.
"Contrary to its name, it's not a shower of Acid or Poison. It's placing it on the ground, like a swamp, and the target sinks into it. Sounds doable?"
Vewil, eager to please, wasn't going to hesitate on any instructions given from Diana.
"Let's start with a regular Acid Spray. Fern won't take much damage because he's grass now."
She mostly said it to reassure Micah, who had his arms crossed now as he watched the entire ordeal. Pokemon training itself was still new to him- he wasn't exactly someone who used them for fights or the like. If anything, he was a firm believer that pokemon shouldn't even be kept as pets like some people did. But, he supposed, that now with the Nothing encroaching on their living spaces- it would serve people well if Pokemon knew how to defend themselves and their trainers, too.
Fern readied himself to defend, his arms raising slightly and its wings spreading a little bit. Vewil in the meantime gathered the poisonous acid in his mouth, channeling it through his fangs and letting it drop to the ground below. Because Acid Spray was- well, a spray, and Acid Downpour was a pool, the Seviper knew the difference and wouldn't waste its time spraying at the Charizard.
Diana watched with approval, nodding to herself as the ground underneath Fern became enveloped by the poison. She could see its footing become unbalanced as well its stance wobbling just a bit. Fern wasn't ordered to defend itself, only to take the hit for practice. When he did end up sinking into the ground, though- Micah called out for him to fly away. The Charizard's wings lifted it up, some of the poison still stuck to its feet but loosening when he became airborne.
"I think that's it."
The woman looked to her holographic screen and scanned the numbers as Fern plopped itself down onto the ground next to her and Micah. It lovingly received some pats from the man, and a treat for its good behaviour, before walking off to sit in the grass and wipe its feet.
"That it?"
"Yes. I'm not sure if it's necessarily supposed to do a lot of damage, or if it's just for the chance to poison the target, but with practice we'll be able to nail both."
Vewil learning Acid Downpour, featuring Fern this time as the target dummy!
Submitted By Kelyias
Submitted: 2 years and 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 3 months ago