Quality Time with Knight

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    In the off days when work wasn’t calling him, Aeson was usually found inside his home lazing on the couch, watching the television projected from a hologram-like machine almost. Sometimes he doesn’t get to relax much, and it seemed like today was going to be one of those days. While he allowed his brain to rot from the garbage that was on the television, something was suddenly tossed on his lap. He made an off sound, and there was another creature not far from him, nuzzling the hand and even attempting to lick it since it was hanging off of the couch. At first Aeson ignored the gentle affectionate attempt at his attention. 


    Knight frowned, his tail lowering from its curled upright position and his ears tilting down a little. “Fine if you want to play that way.” Knight thought to himself, walking away from the couch a bit. Aeson was used to this routine, and so he was quick to move, lurching forward just when a heavy weight pushed against the cushions and Knight was firmly standing where Aeson’s stomach once was. 


    “Didn’t get me this time buddy,” Aeson chuckled a bit tiredly, though his teal green eyes looked at the bright blue ones of his partner. “Alright, alright, just for a little while thought okay? I’m really tired.” 


    Knight yipped happily, bouncing around on his paws and jumping off of the couch, lower body closer to the ground and his tail end up in the air, wiggling his tail back and forth like a puppy. The display always caused Aeson to smile, butterflies lighting in his stomach from the playful nature of his pokemon companion. He took the item he was holding - a favored ball that belonged to Knight and reared his hand back. A quick flick of the wrist sent the ball flying through the house and into the hallway.


    Knight was quick to chase after it, retrieve it, and bring it back to his owner while waiting for it to be tossed again. Aeson and Knight did this for a few good minutes, until Aeson’s arm was tired and Knight was panting from the exertion of running back and forth. After a small break from chasing the ball, their next activity was wrestling. Aeson would try and trap Knight in a hold and not let him get free, while Knight would try to find a way to get out. He would ‘attack’ his partner, but never did anything hard enough to harm him. This helped sharpen their skills and helped Knight figure out how to get out of situations because he was always praised when he did a good job!


They even played tug of war when it was time to take a break from wrestling and eventually Knight would be worn out from all the time of playing with Aeson, his human partner. Then Aeson would lean  back on the couch and Knight hopped up there with him, laying his body partly on his owners, and snuggling up against him for the moment. 


    “A nap sounds nice.” He thought, closing his tired blue eyes and enjoying the feel of his trainer’s hands petting along his neck and head, in between his ears, and scratching around his sides which made his leg kick a little. He enjoyed the love he gained, and was quick to close his eyes when the pets had started to slow in their momentum and firmness. 


    Aeson’s eyes had started to close, and he was passing out slowly, keeping conscious was hard and anytime Knight laid with him he felt way too comfortable and almost always fell dead asleep unless Knight stirred or kept moving around. 


    He deserved this break, this rest and this time with his partner pokemon to relax and unwind. While some would probably say playing with your pokemon is as exhausting as working, for Aeson it was more relaxing and soothing. It tired them both out and also gave some exercise and it’s not like they were in a high-risk situation. This gave them enough time to calm down, and even cuddle up together.


    Knight was finally starting to drift off, Aeson was already asleep, his chest heaving up and down in light, soft breaths as no noise was made when he slept most of the time. Knight settled his head between his paws, a smile forming on his maw and his tail wagging back and forth. Blue eyes drooped close, but he was content. Just like that, he was out completely, only to be disturbed if danger was sensed or a noise was at their door or windows.


(Word Count: 771)

Quality Time with Knight
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In Daily Life ・ By Umbra-Moon

Three pokeblock were  used on this prompt

Gives +4 EXP: 1 EXP for the piece, +1 EXP per Pokeblock.

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Pass the TimeLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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