[[GE1]] Groveheart Exploration: Advanced Nature?

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    It took a lot of time for them to arrive at their destination, but what awaited them there was something he hadn’t expected. The place was bigger than he thought and much different from Brookfell. The houses were built high up in the trees, and yet still seemed advanced in some odd way. By his side, his partner pokemon walked along the forest floor, both of them staring at the houses and the vegetation and foliage that surrounded the city. Something else that baffled him was the fact wild Pokemon could run about as they wished, not worrying about strangers.


    Why Aeson had a few run up to him and inspect him before running off to go and do their own thing. He was curious, but not so much that he wanted to touch one of the wild Pokemon, just in case it elicited them to become hostile. Knight continued to sniff the ground, different floral scents as well as earthen and wood scents filtered through the air and in his nose. Causing him to sneeze when some of the spores from the plants went up his nose. 


    Aeson laughed a little when Knight went through a small sneezing fit, using his hand to pet his partner’s head in a gentle way. “Try not to sneeze too much, else you may end up passing out on me.” Knight held a not so amused look at his partner’s joke, but Aeson didn’t seem to catch it as they continued to explore on the forest floor. The longer they walked, the more wonder they felt for this area and a sense of peace. Tranquility almost, like it was just too peaceful.


    He wondered for a brief moment where Eteri lived since he was from Groveheart, but he didn’t think about it too much for now. He was probably busy or out with his own pokemon exploring. He did lean by a mushroom tree, a hum leaving his lips as he sighed and looked back to his pokemon companion again. “Could  you imagine living here, Knight? Something tells me that you wouldn’t like it all that well.”


    Knight huffed, letting his eyes narrow at his trainer. “What do you think human?” He asked, of course again his partner wouldn’t understand. His human didn’t have a sensitive nose, he may have a little bit better hearing, but he doubted it. The grass tickles his paws, the trees were too tall to see over, the scents flooded his system. He actually hated being there in Groveheart for the moment. 


    “There’s one main place I want to go and see, Knight, then we can head around to try and talk to some of the residents here to learn more about this forest, nature home.” He hummed, passing through some of the foliage. They were being watched again, which Knight hated, it filled him with a sense of anxiety, like if he did even the smallest thing wrong he would be jumped by every pokemon around. He gulped and stuck close to his partner, coming to a halt when his trainer did. 


    Their exploration lasted till evening, night would be upon them soon, so they would probably stay the night at a hotel if they had one. But the sight before him was more breathtaking than he ever thought. Aeson felt so small as he gazed upon the shrine of the first king, wild Pokemon abundante, so were humans and their pokemon partners, or those that seemed fused. Aeson stayed admiring the statue for almost a little too long, but a sharp bite to his finger - just enough to get his attention - caused him to come out of his daze and realize how dangerous it was actually getting.


    “Let’s go get that hotel now, huh Knight?”


    He barked in agreement, quickly running toward one of the structures so they could find a strong light source, or a hotel within the buildings that were among the trees here. They Would definitely have to explore the place more tomorrow! It didn’t take them long to find the hotel, just barely slipping inside of it and the safe area before it got darker than it usually did. He was quick to get a room, surprised how they used the nature in their houses and the bed and flooring. Even the food was more unique than he thought it was, and Knight was even perplexed by all of this. 


    The night time was upon them and the two needed to get some much needed sleep. Aeson did say goodnight to his partner pokemon, who responded with a soft yip of his own and the two closed their eyes to get ready for the workout they would have the next day.


   (Word Count: 789)

[[GE1]] Groveheart Exploration: Advanced Nature?
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By Umbra-Moon

Two Pokeblocks were used on this prompt. 

+3 EPX Points gained for Knight. +1 For the Piece, +2 for  the pokeblocks.

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Grovehart Exploration
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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[[[GE1]] Groveheart Exploration: Advanced Nature? by Umbra-Moon (Literature)](https://www.reignsrest.com/gallery/view/260)
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