Never felt like Home

In Belonging ・ By Faust
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Seth wasn't sure where he really belonged for lack of a better sense. From the moment he and his twin brother where born to an already fruitful family, he felt like he had to hit the ground running to earn any form of recognition among the masses he found himself fighting in. Even from the moment he was crawling, somehow his brother crawled just a bit faster, somehow when he count count his ABCs, his brother did so just a bit better and this cycle continued through his entire life. No matter what achievement he managed to gain and no matter the praise for his grades, his talents, his abilities he garnered from peers and more, his teachers, his parents, anyone he looked up too always had something to compare him with and it was always, ALWAYs his brother. When he wandered the bustling streets of Rivertide, somehow calling them home never felt the proper description. Sure his home town was beautiful, he loved the sound of the moving water, being on the piers as the sea gently rocked them, over seeing the ocean while perched on some rocks, seeing it brutally smash against them before scattering into foam. Nothing was quite like it, is what the other students in his class used to say, but it never quite felt right. So he kept his head down in his studies and kept up his routine to try to grab his parent's approval. School, study, sleep, school, study, sleep. When he took a different route home one day is when the cracks started to form. He was 7 when he was walking home alone, as he did generally. His parents insisted his twin was just too tired from all the sports and trainings he did, even though Seth did many of the same, and that he needed to be driven, but that Seth himself was kind of chubby and could use the walk, and so he did.

It was peaceful, but when the rain started, he took to the sheltered alleys of the city to make his way back home in the maze like setting, he was like a robot marching through the streets, and though he was used to the sound of the pokemon that his city sheltered, he still paused at hearing a strange cry from one of the many dumpsters littering the street like alley ways. When he came upon it, he found something quite unusual, an impidimp. While fairy types where common in the city, dark types where never seen, and he knew his parents told him he wasn't responsible enough for one, but he couldn't help but share his leftover lunch, untouched due to him mooching off the school cafeteria lady's soft heart for him. The impidimp sniffed at the sandwich for a moment before snatching it and devouring it, then his apple, then his juice pouch, before it was all gone and by the end of it, he had a friend. Something very unusual for him, and an act of defiance against his parents and the start of him beginning to break free of the stigma his parents had placed upon him, following him like a haunter in his shadows. He began staying out later after school, missing the bus in the morning in favor of walking to visit his new friend, who he had named Razor and had happily taken to the child, who had happily taken to him as well, and often times he even skipped classes to visit him. He kept his grades in the As, so as much as his parents would gripe, he began to find himself caring less and less, but through it all, the city still never felt like home, and he could tell it never felt right to Razor either, who seemed anxious when hearing the waves crash and was constantly trying to get his trainer to leave the gates of their city to go exploring. When he was finally found skipping class, his parents had had enough in their own words, and after a fit of crocodile tears, some screaming being thrown around and some general nasty words being slung back and forth, all the while his twin sat back with his own shit eating grin, Seth's cracks finally broke fully, shattering as he jumped on him as well.

The next day, he was shipped off to a police academy in Brookfell to train.

It felt wierd to sit on that bus with all his things, Razor sleeping peacefully huddled against his stomach and chest and snoring away, but something began trickling as he watched the rocks of Brookfell become more and more visible, before finally stepping out. As he settled into academy, his achievements began to matter, his efforts where witnessed and where applauded. It was different, and while he was far from the sounds of the splashing sea where he was born, as he stepped into the city in the mid afternoon, the beacons keeping the fog away, reflecting off the stone walls of the quarry the city was built in, something in him just felt like it clicked. It felt like home.
Never felt like Home
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In Belonging ・ By Faust
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Submitted By FaustLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 2 years and 3 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 3 months ago

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[Never felt like Home by Faust (Literature)](
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