Bonds of Companions

In Rank-Up ・ By Umbra-Moon
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    The day had just begun but Aeson was already worried about it, the thoughts of shadow pokemon making their way into the city was a call to be wise and on the lookout. He didn’t want himself or Knight to end up on the back end of the fight with them, and while he thought about how bad it would be, Knight was still there to press his head lightly against Aeson’s hand and nuzzling it comfortingly. He didn’t entirely understand what Knight was thinking, but he smiled at the pokemon regardless.


    “I keep forgetting that you can read my emotions,” he stated with a sigh, removing his hand from the top of Knight’s head, and standing up from where he was kneeled down. “Let’s get going Knight, we have some patrols we need to do, now don’t we?”


    Knight hopped in circles a moment, before rushing to the door, his tail wagging a little. “Yes, out, let’s go now!” He barked happily, knowing Aeson couldn't understand him. 


    Getting impatient and while his trainer wasn’t looking in his direction, Knight jumped at the door and worked his magic as he had many times before. The door came open, revealing the outside to him, and he was quick to run out of the house, claws clicking against the wood before they were firmly planted on soil. His head tilted, and he waited for Aeson, who stopped to inspect the open door. 


    “Did the door just open?” He found himself inquiring. Not that anything could answer him, but he could have sworn he left the door closed. How did it open up? I know it was closed, else someone could have come into the house at any time!


    He didn’t have too much time to think on it, as Knight was bounding away from him when he just got a few steps within their proximity. Knight was hyped up to be out and to walk around, to just stroll and not be in the house at all. Aeson kept his hands in his pockets, trusting Knight to be on his best behavior like he usually was and walked down the road with him. He knew walking around time would slip by fast, but he thought about stopping at the park and letting Knight play with some of the other pokemon that may show up there. Their walk was silent for the most part, except for the occasional bark from his companion.


    The two of them stopped at the park, and Aeson let Knight run around it for a few good hours, playing with other pokemon while he sat on the bench, fingers intertwined and his eyes closed. He seemed to be deep in thought about some things that have happened recently. 


    With the outbreak of these shadow pokemon, I should train Knight better. We are going to need to get stronger, way stronger than what we let on. I’m not sure how else to…. get him to learn some new things though? He doesn’t seem to like training too much, but we will need to spar against someone else. Perhaps I can find someone under one of the chatrooms or something?


    His thoughts were interrupted when a wet nose touched his hand, and Knight barked at him, to tell him he was ready to head around the area again. Aeson stood up, hands pushed in his pockets and his shoes clicking on the ground while they walked. Aeson reflected on how long he’s had Knight, the time they spent together with each other, the good and the bads. When he would get irate at Knight, and moments of extreme happiness, jovial looks on both of their faces. The memory that stuck out the most to him however, was when Knight evolved, and how proud he was at himself and at his pokemon for managing to be strong enough to evolve.


    The memory caused him to fall in his steps, and a few tears to prick at his eyes, rolling down his dark-skinned cheekbones. That was until he heard a slight whine, and he cracked an eye open to see the concerned blue-eyes looking at him. “Don’t worry,” Aeson tried to console. “I'm Fine, just… memories.”


    Knight still whimpered, letting his head nuzzle against his partner's side and turned from their path to head back the way they came. He gave a bark to Aeson, if he was going to think about emotional things, and start getting emotional, it was best they get him home then!


    The entire walk home Knight stayed at Aeson’s side, not going past him, not lagging behind, and not yelping really loudly. He was calm and worried, but he didn’t act on it too much. Once they were home, and back inside of the building, Aeson walked toward the couch so he could sit down and sighed. Turning his eyes to look at Knight with a bit of a grin of his own. 


    As he sat there on the couch, the pokemon hopped up on the couch beside him, and laid his head and paws in Aeson’s lap, his tail wagging slightly and his eyes closing from being close to his trusted companion. Knight didn’t know what Aeson was thinking about, but he did feel like he was in deep thought about something.


    “I  guess that’s something that will never change, and something that I’m learning just now,” he commented, getting Knight’s attention turned to him. “You pay more attention to me than I give you credit for, Knight. I guess, over the years, I just figured that it was normal for us to understand each other the way we do.”


    Aeson looked  down, moving his hand up to gently touch Knight’s cheek in a gentle way, the smile staying on his face. “You’re my best friend, Knight, I’ll try to pay more attention to the clues you try giving me.”


    The simple words acquired a bark of approval from his pokemon, and his head leaning in toward the hand that was petting him, longer and wider tail wags from him as well. Knight was content, and he figured Aeson knew, he felt the same way about his trainer.

Bonds of Companions
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In Rank-Up ・ By Umbra-Moon
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Submitted By Umbra-Moon
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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