A Starrola

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Isaiah almost never went out at night. It was a dangerous world out there and more times than not he was simply too exhausted to even attempt travelling at that hour- he'd rather stay inside and sleep until something would pop up for his work but. Tonight it was a bit different, tonight he did go out as chaos had broken out in Brookfell. The places of his work had been overrun by shadow-pokemon, causing him massive losses and as it stood everyone he usually sent out to handle things like this were already too busy caught up in the fights with their own pokemon. 
His hands were sweaty as he gripped a round pokeball at his side. He tried his best to stay to the most lit streets and take the safest route to his destination, avoiding anywhere that had been proclaimed as a dangerous zone but he knew at any moment he might be faced with battle. And while he admittedly didn't have too many pokemon well suited for battle he knew both of his would try their best and he just had to pray it would be enough.  It would only be about five more minutes before he would be able to get to where he needed to go when a loud crash came from beside him. A dark shadowy pokemon came scrambling out of the alleyway, their body dripping the misty ooze in a trail behind it as it rolled to stand in the center of the street. 
It looked, round. Very round and while Isaiah had never been great at identifying the two parts of a fusion, it almost looked like a Roggenrola... and, a Staryu? He at least recognized the Staryu shape but the Roggenrola was merely his best guess and soon it turned itself to face him. Isaiah stood painfully still in hopes it might continue to roll away but instead it let out an ear piercing screech and began to roll its way towards him. 
Quickly Isaiah fumbled around with his pokeball, tossing it out and hearing the cry if a small Dusklet, a Rowlet that had fused with the DNA of a Duskull. Typing wise they seemed to match up fairly well against them and aggression wise? This particular pokemon was the best. They had an absolutely horrible temper than even caused Isaiah problems and it sparked almost the exact instant they came free from their pokeball. 
Many pokemon would make cute screams when they are let out free, trilling out their name but Spectre? No. No no. Spectre had to absolutely shriek in a blood curdling way, that made Isaiah flinch. It was a sound that could easily have made his ears start to bleed if they weren't prepared, although even being prepared it threatened to do so. The Shadow Starrola stared back at it before it gave a loud scream in return. It's body rolled in towards itsself as it barreled down towards Spectre, and Isaiah were to back up a bit to give them more space. They were both quite small for pokemon, neither of them would even come up to the mans knee but. Even if they were small they could rip his knee out. 
The Starrola would most definitely come for his knee caps if it could and Spectre would do the same- albeit the Dusklet would do it more by accident. The fact it would be an accident didn't make it any better though as Isaiah tried to give them some space. The two of them lunged at eachother and he could hear the solid sound of an impact as they crashed into one another. Perhaps had Isaiah's own pokemon been entirely ghost they wouldn't have tackled enough with such a loud crack, but even against the whispy form of the Shadow-pokemon Spectre hit them with enough gusto to sound entirely solid. 
Isaiah didn't watch to see what might have happened after that, the man turned on his heels and instead were to scan the rest of his surroundings. He could leave Specter here to handle them and keep going, he had a place to be and a goal in mind after all, and that little pokemon was always good at finding him again later but as he started to take a few steps he found himself frozen. He was good at finding him- when they weren't in the midst of a shadow pokemon invasion. If he did get hurt in this battle and then stumbled across another shadow pokemon before returning to Isaiah, they might not be okay. Taking a deep breath the Vileplume fused trainer forced himself to stop and stay. He would wait, to make sure that his Dusklet would win.
A Starrola
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In Invasion of Nothing ・ By AveryFish

Specter vs a Starrola! (Staryu x Roggenrola)

Submitted By AveryFish for Invasion of NothingLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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