A Magirtle

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He had planned to stay with Specter until the end, but his attention had been caught by the faint sound of laughter in the distance. The shadow pokemon as far as Isaiah was concerned weren't particularly one for any kind of laughter, they were all a bit too aggressive for that but he had most definitely heard the sound of laughter. In this kind of situation it wasn't the type of sound that Isaiah expected to hear from a person either and unease was rising within him. He had kept his hand at his waist, holding onto a pokeball but he now were to call out the one it belonged to. A little- once upon a time phantump turned yamask fusion. The little creature often cried but as it was called out to be with Isaiah it gave a small cry of delight and it's ghostly figure clung at his arm. 
There was always something comforting about this little ghostly tree trunk, and just having them with him made Isaiah feel a little better as he wandered forward. The sound of laughter had come from this way and against his better judgement he wanted to see just who it might have belonged to.  It had sounded familiar in a rather unsettling way. Had he been any wiser then he would have left it be- he had a goal in mind and a place to be. This was not the time to go exploring and it was even worse a time to go exploring considering the fog and the shadow pokemon that roamed it- but how was he supposed to resist? 
"We have to be quiet right now twigs." Isaiah warned the little pokemon quietly. "We don't want to draw any attention to ourselves, now isn't the time or place for that." He just wanted to find the owner of the voice as he roamed forward carefully. One step after another step- he walked in towards one of the lesser lit alleyways in Brookfell and as he rounded the corner his movements all stopped.  Infront of him there was a funny looking little creature, flopping around on the ground like a lump and the sight of it just made Isaiah pause. Twiggy too paused. 
It resembed a magikarp, the dark purple swirls wandering across it's entire body but it had two short stubby legs underneath it and it's  tail curled up behind it. A... squirtle perhaps? It felt like that was a squirtle and he stared at it dumbfoundedly. Shadow pokemon were always unpleasant in his eyes- and this one just... was rather funny? The way it walked around like that couldn't help but make Isaiah think of a certain Magikarp fusion and with that thought his mood soured drastically. Perhaps this dorky little fusion would have been cute or funny to some, now it just left a sour taste in his mouth. 
Being nothing more than a Magikarp with legs Isaiah glanced towards Twiggy and were to softly tap the Yatump's shoulder. "You can handle that, can't you?" He asked to it quietly before looking back over in some degree of disgust at the magirtle. It stomped it's foot on the ground once as if to try and show it was strong and fierce, but the whiskers  and it's overall shape just. Made any form of intimidation practically useless. It was trying so hard to be scary and raised itsself up higher but with a face like that isaiah wasn't intimidated at all. The Roggenrola Staryu had been leagues more intimidating than this thing. 
With some delight Twiggy pulled themselves away from his arm, raising themselves up and puffing out their chest as if to try and mock the other beings attempt at being intimidating. They too, were not very intimidating like that but they were at least somewhat better than the Magirtle. "Try not to play around too much." Isaiah reminded them lightly "This isn't the time or place for that so we want to hurry up." 
Twiggy paused in his small display of splendor and looked up towards Isaiah before giving one last puff. That was okay, they could hurry it up- that wouldn't be too bad. "Do you want to leave it to me, Isaiah?" A voice now asked. It came from one of the rooves of the alleyway and Isaiah jumped at the sound. His gaze turned up to the sky to peer at them and scowl. The laughter had most definitely been familiar in an unsettling way- and now Isaiah could see Honey up above peering down at him with sparkling eyes. They were far too excited in this moment it seemed.
"no." He said coldly towards them. "Twiggy will be able to handle them."
A Magirtle
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In Invasion of Nothing ・ By AveryFish

Twiggy vs a Magirtle (magikarp x Squirtle)
Word Count: 790

Submitted By AveryFish for Invasion of NothingLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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