Mimichu Fight

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To say Klaus has learned his lesson at all about going out on his own would be a fucking lie, the young Regal had many qualms about being followed by his hired body guard, since they tended to bring their boyfriend along who he hated, and his own boyfriend worked constantly so what other option did he have? Plus, he had Spicy and Serrano who followed him happily, the first being a large quilava arcanine fusion standing at about 5 feet tall and bordering about 230 lbs and wasn't afraid to throw his weight around despite how delicate he seemed with his long shiny freshly groomed locks, his shiny gold collar or the fancy leash his owner had him on as he strut next to the significantly smaller, 20 lb Serrano. The umbrecat was all sweet no spice and also replied on Spicy to keep him safe as he posed no real challenge outside of snarling and snapping and so he very confidendly walked out on the streets as he went on long walks to enjoy his time away from his parents and grandparents constantly trying to decide his future for him and to not think about anything else as he typed away on his phone and let Spicy lead the way. The Shadow outbreak had caused him minor issue, nothing the large quilanine couldn't handle but still something Salami had stressed for him to worry about many times and still he ignored it. He had never been good at listening to other people and honestly? He wasn't going to start now. Spicy was sniffing around as he strut confidendly in front of his trainer and Serrano, his tail high and wagging softly before he thrust his head up high, confidently, yawning and letting the light glint off his pearly white fangs. "Ah yes, you're my pretty handome boy aren't you?" Klaus cooed, causing an intensification of the tail wagging, and he went back to his phone, letting his starter lead the way.
He wasn't sure how longed they had been out, long enough for his supressor to start beeping a battery warning atleast but still not long enough to waste through all of Salami's 3 shifts today, and so he made a dissatisfied sound before finally looking up, having felt his pokemon stop as well, and froze a bit as he realized there was a definite thick... Smoke? Fog? All over the ground and he looked around, it had definitely not been there before had it? But now, it was flooding the ground and was cold, oh it was so fucking cold. He yelped as it touched his pants and stumbled back, sending puffs of it into the air and dissipating it but more quickly filled the hole and then he heard Spicy snarl, and it was sure a snarl and his eyes shot up. He whipped around seeing many glowing dots of various colors, mainly pale yellow, begin to appear all over the thick fog, before shapes also started appearing. That was something he had learned, was a sign of shadow pokemon, or more so a bright glowing neon fixture pointing and screaming "SHADOW POKEMON!" at him as the man stumbled back suddenly on extremely high alert as Spicy snarled and roared, rising up on his hind legs and slamming down, sending a few of the smaller shapes scampering, before blasting a burst of flame into the darkness and sending even more scattering before just one single shadowy figure remained in the dark. It was... A mimikyu? A very tiny mimikyu, and it's features actually replicated more of a pichu,with little stubby arms on it's costume. Klaus would've found it cute had he not been so fucking terrified of the way it walked, twitching the costume as it scooted forward with way too large glowing eyes, and then Spicy lunged, whipping his flames at the creature as it let out an aggressive hiss and swatted at him with a clawed black hand from under it's costume, causing Spicy to snarl even louder as he had to scramble to dodge it. This was bad, this was really bad. Serrano whined, tail tucked as he stood in front of his owner as bravely as he could. No, this fight would have to be all Spicy it seemed for now currently, and a fight it sure was seeming to be as Klaus stared.
The two pokemon stared at eachother, the mimichu and Spicy pacing around before finally Spicy let out a loud, angry roar and lunged forward as the small electric ghost began sparking and let out an almost wailing like cry. How horrible. 
Mimichu Fight
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In Invasion of Nothing ・ By Faust

Spicy fighting a Mimikyu Pichu fusion! 

Submitted By Faust for Invasion of NothingLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 10 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 10 months ago

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