Midnight Life

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Ganon felt a jolt of electricity dance through their fur. It was play time! Play time! He scratched the walls in excitement, what to play? what to play! There were so many shelves to jump across.

Ganon leapt onto a shelf. But there wasn't a lot of room. Ganon knocked an object off. It fell to the floor with a satisfying clack. And there was plenty more where that came from. Once he was done with that shelf, it was time for the next, but was it enough?

Ganon's back arched up as he heard heavy footsteps. Eep! It was their captor, their protector. It was dark out, so clearly this was a party pooper with no respect for the satisfying clicks of something hitting the floor. Ganon played dead. It was hard to do. So badly, Ganon wanted to get up and play! But then their captor would put them in jail for the night, and that was no fun.

Ganon heard yelling, but then the captor calmed down. After the heavy footsteps stopped Ganon got up. Where were all the fun pokemon? In the captor's bedroom, that's where. Ganon bolted across the hall into the bed room. Why would pokemon willingly let themselves be caught by the captor? Ganon couldn't understand. One was offering it's self up to the captor, which was even more confusing.

They pranced over to where a red plant was sleeping. Ganon started circling around her and yipping, hoping she would get up. The plant made an angry noise, and the captor noticed. She started reaching for the pokeball, which was Gannon's cue to get out of there.

Ganon was so bored. They wanted, they needed to do something. But everyone was so boring. Ganon began running around. What to do, what to do. Ganon noticed a plant they hadn't seen before move.

Ganon immediately hopped on Deku while he was mid-yawn. Deku was surprised. But after his shock wore off, he lifted Ganon into the air. Ganon wiggled and wiggled, until they wiggled free. Ganon began running around. Did the plant follow. Deku looked at Ganon with a somewhat confused expression on his face. Ganon began acting out, they wanted the plant to follow! follow! follow!

Ganon began crying out, but Deku still didn't quite get it. Ganon jumped around, wilder, and wilder. Deku calmly walked over to the sliding glass door, and opened it. He motioned for Ganon to follow him.

Ganon bolted right out the door, right onto the railing. They began calling out into the night, freedom, Freedom! Freedom!!!

Deku grabbed a chair, and started lifting it up and down. Ganon thought it was a good start, but they wanted to play! Ganon went over to Deku, and bit onto the chair. They began pulling back and forth, tug of war. Ganon gave it their all. They pulled back, growling, jumping, wiggling. But it was barely a fight over Deku's strength.

Ganon suddenly felt themselves being pulled into the air. They clung on with their teeth as the chair rose above Deku's head, giving Ganon a clear view of the stary night sky. But Ganon couldn't sit still. And this area was so small. Ganon saw a tree near the railing. They jumped onto the tree and started climbing. They called out for Deku to follow.

Deku was very slow at tree climbing. He had his tongue out and was drenched with sweat. But he didn't give up. Ganon easily danced around the tree, calling, and pleading Deku to follow.

Deku slipped and fell from the tree. He landed flat on the ground, but it didn't bother him too much. He began punching the tree, testing his full strength with every punch. Ganon climbed down to see what Deku was doing. Ganon tilted his head in curiosity, then joined in letting out a full flurry of scratches.

In no time at all, the two pokemon were running through Rivertide. A silent mutual understanding went between the two pokemon. They played tag back and forth, running as fast as their little legs could carry them. The city was their playground. Deku appreciated Ganon's fighting spirit. Ganon was having a blast that someone finally willingly played with them.

It was all fun and games until Ganon came across a pokemon that was much bigger than them. And they were followed by a human. Ganon's back hunched up, fur sticking out, as they hissed, slowly backing up.

The trainer yelled something. Flames appeared right next to Ganon. It was clear they were going for the kill. Ganon was terrified. They wanted their protector now. But their protector was far away. No one would be coming to save Ganon now. Yellow tears rolled down Ganon's goopy fur. This was the end for them.

Another blast of fire came roaring at Ganon.

They braced for impact.

They felt the heat, but it wasn't as intense as they thought it would be. Ganon opened their eyes to see Deku in front of them, shielding them from the flames with his body. Deku was panting heavily, the fire took a lot out of him.

Ganon began muttering in disbelief. He didn't know a word for this feeling. He didn't know this feeling, or did he? Ganon looked in horror at Deku's injuries, but Deku stood up tall.

"Mak! Makuhita!" Deku yelled at the trainer and fiery pokemon. The trainer stared in disbelief of a normal pokemon protecting a shadow one. The Makuhita stood up ready to fight. The trainer reached for something in their pocket. Ganon growled. The trainer held up some strange bottle, and began spraying some sort of water at Deku. Ganon ran up to attack the trainer, but Deku put his arm out. Ganon didn't trust this trainer one bit. Ganon bit Deku's arm, and began pulling him away. Deku began to follow. Ganon's heart was racing, and they wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

After a while, they got away as the night dragged on. Ganon let out a yawn. Their steps grew slow, uncertain. With another yawn, Deku picked Ganon up. The rhythm of Deku's steps going up and down as Ganon was carried was soothing... so... soothing... zzz...


Ganon was warm. They let out a big yawn. They were under a blanket, that Ganon immediately crawled under. They looked back and forth, and saw their captor's legs. Wiggling their butt, Ganon leapt forth, snatched a flip flop, and then began running. The thrill of the chance excited Ganon's body! But wait, where was Deku?

Ganon looked around, slipping past their captor every time she reached for them. Ganon didn't remember walking back here last night. They were confused.

When Ganon saw Deku they cried out, dropping the flip flop that was in their mouth. Ganon tackled Deku. The two roughhoused, oh what beautiful and exciting roughhousing!

Ganon was bouncing off the walls with energy. The captor did some yelling, but is wasn't bad enough for Ganon to be concerned. They ran laps around Deku. But something seemed a bit off, probably nothing important though.

Ganon playfully tackled Deku as they were eating breakfast. But Deku didn't really respond. "Maku..." Deku said with low energy. Ganon jumped around, yipping, even making human noises. All Deku did was let out a yawn.

After breakfast Ganon followed Deku, jumping around, yipping, swearing, but he didn't respond. Deku climbed into a pot of dirt. Ganon was persistent. Eventually Deku had enough. He reached out and grabbed Ganon, and hugged them into his bed like they were a pillow. Ganon tried to wrangle out, but all the captor did was look at them making annoying sounds.

Ganon wiggled and wiggled but the struggle was useless, Deku was not getting up for anything. And he did not get up until the sun began to set.

Midnight Life
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In Miscellaneous ・ By ACottontail

Ganon gets hyper right as everyone's going to bed.  Deku is nocturnal.  When I realized this, I wondered how these two would get along.  Surprisingly well actually.  They enjoy eachother's playfulness, and somehow, Deku of all people on team Mera was the first to become actual friends with a shadow pokemon.  I didn't except these two to get along so well, but they have a surprizing amount of chemistry as I wrote them playing together.

Submitted By ACottontailLocation: Rivertide
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago

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