Little Button Eyes

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Word Count: 1481
Featured Trainers: Honey (T-116) + Noir (T-146)
Featured Pokemon: Nine (S.MImikyu P-366) + Three (Dragonair/Mimikyu P-335)
Capturing: Zorua/Mimikyu - Dark/Ghost - Sylvangloam

Sylvangloam. Ugh. Something about this place just made all of Honey's skin crawl as he looked around it's ever shifting landscape. They were here to ensure that the collection of mushrooms was going well, a simple enough task really but even so Honey couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand it in the slightest and to make matters worse Noir had, for the moment, left him be. He was seated ontop of an oversized mushroom, letting his legs hang down and sway in the empty air below. He couldn't quite reach the floral ground from here but he kept his eyes firmly upon it. Everything here was weird.. Things would come, and things would go- and honestly just where the fuck did they go to?? Was Noir going to be gone for good? Carted away by some strange unknown force? No that was ridiculous and Honey scoffed at the mere idea. Whatever was wrong with this place Noir wouldn't get caught up in it. 
A small shiny Mimikyu was sitting in his lap while circling around the base of the mushroom was a rather large Dragonair fusion. Both of them rested calmly and contentedly but even if they felt at home and safe in this environment Honey still couldn't shake off the bad feeling. Noir wouldn't get caught by anything here, but what about him? Would he get swept away? Maybe this mushroom would just start to move, or what if this entire section of Sylvangloam just. Vanished without a trace... No he was thinking nonsense, anything that came to try and eat him and cause his disappearance here he could handle. Maybe. Another chill went up his spine at the thought and he held the Mimikyu in his hold tighter, earning a content and rather happy squeak from it. Sure, it could squeak happily, but with every minute that Noir was gone his own anxiety was raising and he grew more and more aware of every minute  disturbance of his surroundings. 
Despite the plush-like appearance of the dragonair he could hear their steady breathing, the rustling of movement as they curled in tighter around the mushroom and the sound of grass shifting with a wind of unknown origin. There was the small cracking of branches and Honey could swear that every once in awhile he was hearing something giggle. Was something out there looking at him? Laughing at him? Taking a deep breath Honey shifted Nine, bringing her up to rest on his shoulder as he leaned down to nudge at the resting Three. "Can you come up here" he whispered to them quietly and with a small sigh the Dragonair in question began to shift. They wormed their way up the stalk of the mushroom to then curl around Honey, blocking him from the rest of the glowing world and attempting to give him just a small ounce of safety. It worked great! Honey began to relax into their snake-like body while nestling in with Nine, letting himself take deep breaths and close his eyes to sink into the safe feeling of his pokemon. Until the mushroom that they all were cuddled on shook. 
Honey's equivalent of a scream- which really resembled a squeak more than anything resounded in the area as he jumped. His arms shot out as he scrabbled forward to try and climb out of Three's wrap, to flee from whatever was there and probably about to eat them until he felt a hand come and rest solidly on his head. It was a rather large hand for his head and ruffled through his hair gently, trying to calm him down from his startle before a low voice joined it.
"Relax kid, are you alright? It's just me." 
Embarrassment quickly skyrocket through Honey's entire being and he could hear the faint snickering of his two pokemon. Perhaps there was something out there that might be laughing at him- Something he couldn't say for certain but there but there were definitely two Mimikyu fusions who were completely laughing at him without any kind of doubt. Settling back down in the nest his pokemon made he tilted his head back to look at the new arrival, peering up at the concerned face of Noir. To think he had just been scared by their return... He should of been better than that.
"...Hah! Of course I'm alright, I knew it was you from the start."
That was a lie. A very blatant and obvious lie
He could see how the expression of the Noivern man changed a little, going from the concern into an expression of doubt him and honestly Honey couldn't blame them. From the way he had scrambled seconds ago he too wouldn't believe this very obvious lie but they ended up just ruffling his hair further. "Of course."  They agreed calmly and Honey was just relieved that they didn't question it any further. "You know, I found something while I was out there." 
Honey perked up a little at that. Pulling Nine down off his shoulder he brought them down into his lap as he leaned back, resting his back Three as he calmed himself down from his previous moment of panic and peered up at the man. Noir was back, and as such everything was okay. "Did you? And what would that be?" There was nothing good in Sylvangloam. This whole place was just off. That was Honey's belief and he was sticking too it- until something Noir held something out infront of his gaze that would capture all of his attention.
A little pokemon. His favorite kind of pokemon too.
At first glance it was nothing more than a poorly put together plushy that might be squiggling due to the wind but Honey was adept at knowing the pokemon he looked at- or more specifically. He was adept at finding any and all Mimikyu fusions that might be hiding away under a different costume and this one. Ooohh, this one. It was a little tiny Mimikyu masquerading as a Zorua, the holes in the fabric for it to see where hidden underneath it's ruffle and Honey couldn't help the small purring cooing noise that bubbled it's way up from the very depths of his soul as he grabbed them from Noir's hand. 
"Oh would you look at you." Honey whispered out, his eyes widening in pure awe of this critter before him. A little tiny Zorua Mimikyu- a baby whose costumes had a few rips and tears in it, and one who now squiggled their fake wooden tail in glee at the attention. They were trying so hard to look like a real Zorua, a real little pup but honestly it was such a botched attempt. The tail was far too stiff to look remotely natural in the wag but the fact they attempted it at all warmed Honey's heart. "You even found yourself little button eyes~ Where did you pick those up from hmm?" 
Honey was enamored with the newly found pokemon. Whispering praises and questions at them while the two mimikyu's already with him came to look closer. The large dragonair that had coiled around him began to curl up tighter, bringing their head around so that they could peer at the gift Noir had brought and they couldn't help but quietly judge the costume. It was definitely needing repairs, that much the dragonair could tell but the Zorua didn't seem to notice. No, this little fellow exuded nothing but pure joy at this moment over the praises it was receiving. Carefully Honey brought them down to sit on his lap, squishing them into the tight space beside Nine where the two Mimikyu's looked at one another before those fake eyes of theirs turned to look up at Honey himself. It was enough to make him melt. Arceus above, these two looked adorable together.
"I found him just wandering around on his own." Noir began to explain and Honey could hear the small purr of their voice. Without a doubt due to his own happiness at the fact that Honey had lit up like a child on Christmas morning when seeing the pokemon.
"All on his own~? What a brave little Zorua you are then!" Honey praised the little pokemon. "Do you not have anyone to look after you?" It was a silly question to ask, Honey already knew the answer. If Noir brought them here then of course they didn't have anyone to take care of them and while he started to try and squirm to find a pokeball; wanting to attempt a capture he found there wasn't quite enough room within Three's coils for him to do so. Thankfully however, Nine managed to reach down into his pockets to pull one out and set it in his hands. This little fellow was definitely coming home with them back to Brookfell.
Little Button Eyes
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In Miscellaneous ・ By AveryFish

Capture piece for a Zorua/Mimkyu Fusion!

Word Count: 1481
Featured Trainers: Honey (T-116) + Noir (T-146)
Featured Pokemon: Nine (S.MImikyu P-366) + Three (Dragonair/Mimikyu P-335)
Capturing: Zorua/Mimikyu - Dark/Ghost - Sylvangloam

Submitted By AveryFish
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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[Little Button Eyes by AveryFish (Literature)](
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