Escape East

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Word Count: 799
Honey had been distracted for only perhaps a single minute, his gaze looking down at his hand as he scowled over the bloodied nail and quickly went to wipe it off on his pants. it was a bad habit of his to chew at his nails like that, but it was one that he didn't do fairly often in his defense. It only ever happened when he was uneasy or nervous- and that was rare now a days. The fact that this one man even managed to bring it up was disgusting in his mind as he let his whole face skrunkle up and finally looked away from his nail, to peer at the ground below and his eyes instantly caught sight of a familiar neon pink sight.  Honey's whole body tensed up as his eyes widened over the man- when did they get so close?? He still didn't know their name, he never fully bothered to learn it as they were nothing but a bothersome cop but as he looked at them the modifications in his eyes instantly brought up the information. 
Seth. That was his name. Seth-- they were far too close!! Honey didn't mean to, but even just the sight of them earned a small squeaking peep from him. They might not have noticed him before then, but he most definitely would have noticed them then- they were addicted to that sound. The last time they got a hold of him they kept trying to make him squeak repeatedly and now it was simply instinct to see them and do so. That meant that his hiding place up upon the roof wouldn't be safe any longer and quickly he forced himself up to try and run. The sun was going to set so he wanted to get out of the slums- get somewhere else and maybe he could loose Seth in the many tunnels that surround brookfell? 
He didn't know if that would work or not but he would give it his best as he scrambled upon the rooftop to try and run away. He was not going to let them catch him again, the last couple times were more than enough and he didn't want any kind of repeat. Seth was fused, they were stronger than him- he wouldn't be able to win if they get the jump on him no matter how hard he would try, and they didn't always seem to realize that.
It hadn't really taken long for Seth to get the general jist of where Honey was, which was up, and as he scanned the borders of the rooftop he heard it, a squeak, and honestly? That was genuinely all the man needed before his tail began to turn into a pink blur and he was scrambling up as he scaled the walls of the roof, the man had been pretty good at parkour from his days in rivertide and it was a very good skill to have here. The walls had no visible ways to scale them but the tiny grooves from the bricks gave him all he needed. He nearly slipped a few times in his excitement and while it was going to be enough to give the other a head start, they really needed it unfortunately. 
They certainly weren't weak or slow by any means, Seth's fusion just gave him a lot more speed then he really needed, or that his heart really needed. He smacked his face into the lip of the roof as he finally scrambled on top. he wanted to go, oh he was so ready to go and when his eyes locked on theirs his tail paused before starting to go harder, he wasn't sure what they where doing up here but honestly he didn't care. 
He was like, positive this wasn't how you flirted but he didn't have a chance with them as is so he might as well have some fun with it and so the moment he had stable footing on the roof, it was go time. 

Oh dear arceus they were on his tail-- they were right there they were so close to him. Honey could hear them scrambling up the walls after him and while he hoped that maybe having to travel vertically might slow them down it seemed to do absolutely no such thing. They ran up just as easily as they ran forward which was quite problematic really. Honey looked over his shoulder briefly, just to see them get onto the rooftop and another small noise came from him as he were to run towards the edge and jump overtop of it onto the next one. He was due East and focused his efforts on travelling that direction to escape the absolute madlad that was giving chase. 


Escape East
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In Daily Life ・ By Faust, AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish for Pass the Time
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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[Escape East by Faust, AveryFish (Literature)](
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