Tripping over words

In Miscellaneous ・ By Faust
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Seth tried to use his free arm not filled with a clinging, whining toxel to rummage through his own pockets to find something, a shrunk pokeball and felt relief until his thumb rubbed over it and he cursed quietly. It wasn't Razor's pokeball. No, Razor was in a duskball, this was a normal pokeball which meant it was... In a flash of red light it took everything in him to not sigh in vague dissapointment. "...Hi, Batsby." He said defeatedly at the energetic gligar fusion as it instantly began zooming around in excitement, shrieking in excitement as he wrapped around a branch and instantly ignited it. He certainly wouldn't help, would he? He made a small frustrated sound. His grouching was interrupted by a familiar presense by him and then a familiar voice and he was instantly all purrs as he looked over and planted a kiss on their forehead. "I think he just needs some Tlc, honestly. Was gunna drop him off at the camp then go back to it!" He said enthusiastically as though he had not accidentally brought a miniature arsonist with him, but his pretending was interrupted by another shriek from Batsby and he flinched, ears going back. He sighed heavily as he continued walking, using his free arm not full of toxel to pull out the documents he had gotten and began reading them out loud to Honey as he walked towards the camp with his boyfriend and their little plush friend following and squeaking at him. 

"Calling upon all able bodied people to help the repair efforts to assist in the damages that where caused by Guardian Groudon's fissures and the litwik fusions following suit. This includes helping put out wild fires, sealing fissures, defeating or capturing the various litwiks and litwik fusions and or assisting the wild life in the areas affected by everything. " He droned on as he continued to walk, tail swaying lazily as he glanced up and saw the flag of the initial camp come into the distance and his ears perked back up. Batsby was still going from tree to tree, flapping after the pair and occasionally bounding beside Four to chitter and chirp at the pokemon, excited to have someone to 'talk' too and dodging his trainer's feet as he wove between them. As Seth came into the camp and set the Toxel into a nurse's waiting arms, giving it a gentle scratch as he went back to the document and started back out. He could see the smoke in the distance and gestured vaguely out at it. "Those who assist pokemon should approach with caution as the distressed wildlife may be defensive and should use any non-violent means to help relocate them and provide as much care as is needed. Those in need of rehabilitation and relocation may drop them off at designated camps. Like the one we just came out of." He continued, glancing over at his partner with a head tilt. "Sorry I didn't give more in the text, It was bounced on me last moment." He finished with a toothy smile, fangs flashing in the sun. "I brought burn heals, potions, some revives. The basics, the camps can take care of the rest~" He added before sprinting a few steps ahead, turning to look at Honey as he walked backwards and Batsby landed on his back like a little back pack. "We can just find pokemon that need help, help em and barely need to even help people today--" He was cut off with a mix of Batsby's shriek and his own as he stumbled backwards, tripping over a lump that got up and scrabbled with it's own scream, but didn't get far. An injured shinx, also burnt. It appeared many pokemon where dislocated by this all as Seth sheepishly stared as the pokemon scrambled behind a log as best it could. "..Or we could step on them, I suppose?" 

Tripping over words
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In Miscellaneous ・ By Faust
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Submitted By Faust
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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[Tripping over words by Faust (Literature)](
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