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Word Count:  963

He backed away as soon as the man's gaze fell upon him, heart racing as he glanced sideways at the Ditto digesting the ring. Atlas was perched on his shoulder, watching the goopy creature with wide eyes. The Pipsail let out a small chirp, more akin to what a Natu would sound like. He was, of course, completely unaware of the trouble he could have gotten Corvus into.

I knew I should have left him at home.

Corvus smiled reproachfully, blushing slightly as he glanced back at the guy he had just tried to steal from. Wow, he's kind of hot-no, he could probably kill you.

"Oh, no. That was Atlas; he, uh...probably has allergies. Or something like that." Corvus knew there wasn't much he could do now; if the guy wanted to hurt him, he really didn't have anything to defend himself with. Except a fish-bird that only knew Tackle.

Oh would you look at that even, they were blushing. How cute~ A faint glow started to come into Lanca's eyes in delight at this reaction from them. What was it that was causing them to blush? Their heart was certainly racing, he could practically hear it from here and he took note of fact that they were backing away~ It all was of intrigue to Lanca as with every step away they took he took one to follow after them. Mr. Business didn't seem to care about the movement of his trainer though as he bubbled happily on the pavement behind them, only looking up to watch the pipsail as they chirped at him. What was it that they wanted? Gurgling once he looked at them. A pipsail... What would a pipsail want? Ah! He knew!

A bone was soon chucked up from the insides of Mr. Business to land on the pavement infront of them.

The poisonous ditto looked quite proud about that bone dripping in a horrible liquid. A bone! Yes! All Pokemon would want a bone as well right? It was his personal prize bone- So surely they would like it even if it was completely ignored by his trainer.

"Oooh, I see I see. Allergies." Lanca mused out over their words. Nodding his head as if he believed it but really who would believe that? "Probably." If they were going to lie they at least should sound confident in it. "Isn't that something that you should know for sure about your pokemon?"

Lanca tried to keep his tone light and amused as he raised an eyebrow at them questioningly. It was a soothing tone, but deep inside he was merely mocking the poor man. "I'd think it would be rather important to know if he does or doesn't, should we need to take him to a pokecenter to check?

Atlas squeaked at the sight of the bone clattering to the ground before them, a look of sheer horror on the little Pokemon's face. Whose bone was that, even? Though, as he perceived the other man as a threat, a low growl started rumbling in his throat.

Corvus stumbled in his attempt to back away, almost losing his balance as he willed his bad leg to not give out on him. Usually he didn't get caught. Usually he wouldn't have to attempt to run.

But damn, when he was caught, it usually ended very badly for him.

"Oh, I-uhm, I just got him, actually. I haven't had a Pokemon in quite a bit." He tried to keep his voice steady, but he failed miserably. It didn't help that there was now a sizzling bone next to them on the pavement. "Oh, I don't know...I should probably get back to my place before it gets dark-" Wait, no. Then this guy would know where he lived, and that'd probably be very bad.

Horror was not joy and friendship- Mr. Business didn't want horror in this situation and as he saw it be joined with the low growl he deflated. Now that wasn't what he wanted... His entire purply self began to deflate and just ooze out on the ground sadly, spreading out to consume the bone once more with a couple of sad bubbles. The ditto just couldn't understand it. That was the best bone around! He has had it for months and it has yet to fully dissolve- clearly that meant it was superior and amazing.

Lanca however knew better. He looked over to Atlas as they growled before looking down to his ditto and the bone that they were sadly retrieving. Oh come on.. He's told them repeatedly. 'When you want to make friends, chances are they don't want a bone.' and yet they still were out here trying to give the bone to others.

It made him click his tongue in disappointment.

He couldn't focus on that though as he instead looked back up to the nervous man. A part of him figured he should just let them run away~ He wasn't here to play around with strangers after-all. But at the same time he wondered if he would be able to get them to break their silly little 'brave' façade and genuinely panic.

"Oh nonsense!" Lanca chirped out happily and while they had been backing away steadily he now hopped forward to hook his arm in with Corvus's. Holding them at his side while he brought up the much more skeletal hand to pat their forearm. "A pokemon's health is a trainers top priority~ If he hasn't been looked over then we should do exactly that! What if it's serious? It won't take long. You'll be back home safe and sound before you know it." He showed off every boney, corpselike digit in his hand as he patted them. "Now where's the closest Pokecenter here?"

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In Daily Life ・ By AveryFish, EtherealEnds
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Submitted By AveryFish for Pass the Time
Submitted: 2 years and 1 month agoLast Updated: 2 years and 1 month ago

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[Allergies! by AveryFish, EtherealEnds (Literature)](
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