Move Learning: Bone Rush [Gunter]

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Time off, between runs. Hrist liked these little moments all the more now that they had somebody to spend it with. They rolled onto their belly, eyes sweeping the little alley-way nook. Some might call it cramped, but the place was filled with little treasures- and, amidst them all-
This creature. Gunter, with his watery sail-fins and bone helm. A little monster, who they had found not terribly long ago in the mines. Not all that far away, honestly. He was sleeping, curled up with a deceptively peaceful snore permeating the air. Hrist rolled forward, out of the bed, and to her feet. They almost hated to wake him, but they wanted to get him synced more with their sleeping schedule. Plus, he didn't seem to be terribly... coordinated.
His scars told a tale of clumsy scuffles. Pale fingers traced one, and his eyes flicked open, skulled head whipping up and amber eyes hyper-fixating a moment. A soft smile, a gentle coo of reassurance. Once he relaxed a moment, Hrist scooped him up, and walked around, dodging this pile or that of clothes, junk, and knick-knacks until he chirped and squirmed. They chuckled, and then set him back down.

"Alright, Gunter. Let's see. It's been a long while since I handled a young'un like you, but- well, these things never really leave you. Right?"

At least, that was the hope.

A quick look around, and Hrist beckoned him to follow. He grumbled, but trot-hopped after them, to the alleyway. Some near-forgotten place in the tangle that was Brookfell. Ideal, to feel like somebody was more or less alone. There would be no real risk of them being interrupted, at least. They held up a hand, and, after he tried to keep up with them a couple times, they picked Gunter up, and set him back down in the same place twice. He sat still, then, watching as Hrist moved about, and picked up an old trash can and some cardboard boxes. Satisfied that they'd made a decent target for him to practice against, Hrist stood up straight, and backed up.

At first, Gunter didn't seem to understand what Hrist wanted. His wide eyes stayed on them, more than the target. They crouched and pointed him towards the target manually, slipping their fingers up under his flippers. "Here, buddy. Just like this. I know you can tackle things- oh boy can you Tackle. But you've got this," a loft of his flipper with the femur fragment to attract his attention to it. "This bone. Good sturdy one, this! You can use it," a guiding flick down and in front of him, to show him the motion, "like this!"

Hands let go, and the young pokemon stared at his bone, still, for once. Thinking. The motion was percolating through his newly awakened mind, his head slowly tipping one way, then the other. The motion, repeated, and then, he peered back at Hrist. They sprinted around him, and made a slashing gesture at the target, and danced back, twirling to give him space, and mock-bowing. "Your turn, you're up, little guy. Show me whatcha got..."

Another second's contemplation, and then, with a loud- well, loud for his size- roar, Gunter threw himself at the target, bringing the bone down hard. One smack, two. Three. Hard as he could, hard enough to dent the metal can, send the cardboard flying.

"There you go! Well done! Good boy, good boy! Alright-" Hrist started to congratulate him, but he just kept smashing the can, hopping up onto it and shrieking in victorious euphoria.

Move Learning: Bone Rush [Gunter]
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In Miscellaneous ・ By wrigglingwyvern

Hrist teaching Gunter to use his bone to beat things up instead of his head.


[597 words]

Submitted By wrigglingwyvernLocation: Brookfell
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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