Finding purpose

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Word Count: 762

Be a good man. Don't do crime, do something useful for the community! Maybe you'll find some kind of meaning in doing so and grow to enjoy it as much as you enjoyed robbing  any house that wasn't properly locked. Yada, yada yada- blah blah blah. _Ugh._ Perhaps if it was just one person saying such nonsense he could ignore it. Infact, if it was two people  he would also be able to ignore it- but it wasn't just one. It wasn't just two. It was three. There were three of them telling him that maybe he should try to keep busy by doing something good for the community and he was so over it.
"Woo. Look at us. We're doing good." Honey growled sarcastically under his breath. A little Noibat and a little Zorua who both had been fused with mimikyu's surrounded him, their paws digging at the dirt and pulling apart any bits of grass or roots that they could find. Perhaps most Pokémon that wouldn't be too wrong, but Honey couldn't help but to note the way that it stained their adorable little costumes. The way that it stained his very own hands as he too dug through the dirt. This was what people thought would be fulfilling? "They're out of their damned minds." 
John, Celeste, and Seth all had been the ones giving him this advice, and it had been John who brought him a little request from the local Pokecenter. An opportunity they had said to give something new a go. and this so called opportunity that the blasted man had tried to hype up? Gathering herbs! They needed herbs! Go out into the dirty, stinking world just outside the city and go dig in the mud to find some. This of course wasn't the first time that Honey had ever been out here collecting these herbs,. You see he was quite accident prone himself and in near constant need of some kind of medicine but that was for himself. He needed them, this was, for what... a feel good feeling of helping others? "Utter nonsense."
 While the bronze haired man was mumbling with all the grouch of an eighty year old man Six seemed more than happy with it. The little Zorua's paws were digging quite enthusiastically into the dirty ground, scratching at it and then sending it flying backwards behind their legs. The ruff that they had made in mimic of that which a genuine Zorua was blocking their vision so while they were certainly digging a very good hole, Honey could see how it was more than just dirt being tossed up.
Rocks were caught occasionally and dragged out, but more often than that he was seeing Energy roots being ripped to shreds as he pulled them out too roughly. The very same Energy roots that he was here to try and collect and it caused their trainer to pull a face. Sure this area was abundant in them, but ripping them to shreds like that wouldn't do anyone good and only would make things take longer. "Six." Honey called out their name softly. "Six I think you need to slow down a bit." 
The Pokémon was not slowing down, in fact they only seemed to hear their name and grow more excited by it earning one of the heaviest sighs that Honey could manage. A sentiment shared by the little Noikyu that was watching over them. Unlike Six, Seven had been gathering them quite diligently. His little wings dug into the earth and formed neat little piles beside him and every single bit of root that they came across they had carefully excavated. Seven, had been perfect at gathering the Energy roots and was thoroughly disgusted by Six's behavior. 
Honey was about to go in to nudge at Six's side, to stop the little fellow from destroying anything more but Seven seemed to have beat him to the punch. Almost literally. The noibat couldn't handle all the herbs being destroyed and with a loud angry squeak they jumped forward at the Zorua fusion, tackling them to the ground while Honey too squeaked in surprise at the sudden aggression. He reached his hand out to try and grab them but the pairing slipped right between his fingers. Somehow Seven had managed to avoid ruining his pile of herbs- but both of them tumbled directly into the hole the Zorua had made. This was more interesting than digging up herbs, but it still worried Honey as he hurried over to peer at the squabbling Pokemon.
Finding purpose
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By AveryFish


Your character noticed a request from the local Pokecenter that they are low on herbal supplies. They have marked a location where they grow in abundance- Do you go and gather these for the Center or do you keep them for yourself?

Submitted By AveryFish for Fieldwork
Submitted: 2 years and 1 month agoLast Updated: 2 years and 1 month ago

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