A bunch of Pests

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Word Count: 802

This had to be, perhaps one of the stupidest plots that Lanca had ever heard of. Knock Wintervale out of the sky. Why? For what purpose? It was a frozen wasteland up here and associated with Cynic- who surely wouldn't be keen to destroy it. Cynic is the most likely to aim for the destruction of the city but they wouldn't be the ones responisble for this which then would leave Ethos. And Ethos? This was the only thing keeping life alive up here, so many Pokémon and people would die if it crashed down that surely it wouldn't be something they'd want either so what was it. A group of radicals? Someone unhappy with how snobby everyone up here was? They seemed to prideful of themselves to care much for outsiders, but even so. Knocking them out of the sky felt extreme to say the least- and it was a problem as far as Lanca was concerned. 
He was sitting in a clients house in Wintervale, having stolen their computer momentarily to check on the camera's where he had first started to catch onto this little plan of theirs. If he was to be completely fair, he didn't care one way or another if Wintervale would stay or fall down- the problem was merely that it would affect his employers and for that reason alone he couldn't leave it be. It would be fun to sit back and watch the chaos with a bag of popcorn but alas, that was not in the cards for him and he let out a heavy sigh at such a thought. Right now they were still in the planning phase of everything and had set up a little rendezvous to discuss some of the finer details in person. It would start in ten, no, fifteen minutes give or take and Lanca tapped his finger on the desk infront of him as he debated. Should he crash it right away? Or let them think all was well for the first little bit~
This was such a hard decision to make and the small tapping of the desk didn't stop. The hand made of bone dug into the wood grain as he leaned back in his chair to look up at the ceiling.  It was such a boring ceiling. With all the beautiful light fixtures that were available for purchase and the wonders of modern day architecture you could do so much better than this. This was something that if the right amount of bug pokemon got in could screw you over unless you could catch them right away. Who was he kidding, when a swarm of durants would start to appear it was always best to go and deal with them right away. Letting them grow more and fester while more entertaining  would only be problematic.  The chair squeaked as he pushed it back to stand up, his arms stretching high above his head. Well. He was here to deal with such problems and with a small hum he turned his way to go and grab his jacket. 
The moment he stepped out into the cold he could feel himself regretting his decision. The cold was never particularly his favorite, ever since he had been fused with Nera when the fog first broke out he found it harder and harder to keep himself warm. As such this blizzarding wasteland of Wintervale was less than ideal, he should just let this whole place falter and crash. Then he'd never have to experience this cold again!  But those were all whims of fancy that he could never genuinely act on so he steeled himself to make the trip.
The pests were gathering down town, in some semi-run down old bar. Probably in the back rooms of there and the mere thought made Lanca scoff. What was it with these street urchins and petty extremists that made them go do plan their heinous deeds in equally as heinous locations? Couldn't they have at least chosen somewhere that would be clean? There were many private, clean venues that you could go to but no. Had to go to the dirty rotting bar hidden in a back alleyway. 
As he reached the entrance to their little hideout he quietly called out one of his Pokémon, Mr. Business to bring the toxic sludge out. Mr. Business was harmless and never one to partake in violence- he knew that coming in contact with him would burn others but he was so... naïve. And he was always desperate to try and make a friend who could potentially come in contact with him. Crouching down Lanca smiled at the purple ditto. "Hey, guess what Mr. Business. I found you some new friends~ They're right inside this door, and they'd all love to carry you around."
A bunch of Pests
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By AveryFish


A group of criminals has been going around and hacking the propulsion systems being used to keep Wintervale afloat. We need to find them and stop them before they can cause serious harm and possibly…knock Wintervale out of the sky! Your trainer can encounter these trainer's and criminals and try to stop them - or they can join them and try to cause more discord in the floating city.

Submitted By AveryFish for Cacophony of the City
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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