[[DNA-T]] Jar theft

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Tracking: Houndstone DNA (Advanced Nera Jar) | Wintervale
Word Count: 759

Why was he so picky. Honestly, there was hardly anything that was ever good enough for him and it was driving Lanca up the wall as he sat on a small, ice covered wall in WinterVale with a rather agitated expression. Four empty Nera jars laid infront of him in the snow- five technically as he also had a basic one but honestly his client would hardly be happy with something basic. What good was a first stage evolution? No no, this man wanted something hard to obtain, something dangerous- He wanted the DNA of something he could use to create a complete monster.  Something perhaps ghost-like. A Gengar maybe? 
"No those are too stereotypical and cliché." Lanca mumbled under his breath in some degree of distress. He carried these around with him on the off chance that he might be able to find something that would suit his client but they also were so unpredictable. Sometimes it felt to him that they would just pick up the DNA of whatever was around which, thinking more on made him a little bit uncomfortable as he stared down at Mr. Business. The poisonous ditto was sitting beside the different jars, bubbling happily as he looked at them and their arm slowly reached forward to try and touch it, only to get a very stern no from Lanca. 
Quickly they retreated again and it almost made this man feel a bit guilty over having scolded the ditto and he rubbed his face. "I'm sorry Mr. Business, I didn't mean to yell at you- I just am trying to figure out what to do with these jars and it won't be good if you eat them. You know? Or if you fill them with... Poisonous Ditto DNA. You'd certainly be interesting DNA wise for our client, but frankly I'm a bit selfish and want to keep you all to myself~"  Yeah. He would rather die than give Elijah any DNA Nera's of his own pokemon. 
The Ditto quickly forgave him and Lanca closed his eyes to sigh and lean back a bit. Looking up to the sky. It was rare the Witervale had clear skies, but for the moment he could see the slightest bit of blue above him. "Hmm, isn't this lovely."  He mused out before there was the abrupt sounds of Mr. Business squeaking. They yelled and grew to be quite loud and Lanca sighed. "I thought you liked the cold weather-" he began but as he looked back down he noticed now what it was that was upsetting his poor pokemon so much. 
A Houndstone. A large, dead dog was sitting in front of him with one of the jars in his mouth and a gravestone on it's head. You, lovely little Houndstone, was not what he was after. Was it a ghost? Yeah. Was it dangerous? .... Well. It could be he supposed? They had claws. A small smile crossed features as he hopped down off of the ledge. "Hi there buddy..." Lanca said quietly. God. He hated Pokemon, and this was exactly why. "Can you drop that jar for me please bud? I kind of need it." 
The Houndstone, safe to say, did not in fact drop it. No. It's bony tail merely wagged at the attention it was given and it let out a low and loud bark in his direction. Then it turned and began to pitter patter away. Lanca watched as it turned to leave with one of his Nera Jar's and he felt his temper starting to rise. "Hey! No- Drop it!" He snapped at them but at his raised voice they turned from simply bubbling away, to running away. 
"Fucking hell." Looking down Lanca stared at the ditto who waved their arms upsettably and he debated on if he should just ball them now or leave them be. "Mr. Business! I'm leaving these other Nera jars in your care. DO NOT. Eat them. DO NOT, let anyone else eat them or take them. And for the love of arceus, please, fucking. Do not somehow fill it with your own DNA. I'll be back in a moment."  He just had to go and retrieve his stolen Nera jar. 
He could see the footsteps of the dog in the snow and quickly he turned to run in that direction. If that thing managed to get it's DNA in that jar- he was going to lose it. The last thing he needed was to go back to Elijah with the DNA of some overgrown mutt.
[[DNA-T]] Jar theft
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In Tracking and Battles ・ By AveryFish
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Submitted By AveryFish
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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