Helping Injured Pokemon
It seemed that during the fire, as the group was packing up to go home, there were some cries from inside the forest that sounded like little Pokemon calling for help. Vasuki looked in that direction for a moment, a bit stunned - he was sure they had gotten everyone and everything out of there, right?
Tiamat tilted her head, moving her long, angel-like ears to listen better, and the cry came back louder and clearer than before. She turned to the group of snakes and spoke quickly to them.
"Sounds like a young one, we better go. There may be more injured."
The four snakes took off in a slither, with Tiamat floating through the air, Vasuki barely having time to yell back to those helping him, he'd be back soon, they had some Pokemon to save. Though he wasn't the only one rushing in, a few of the workers who weren't too tired ran over to see what was going on.
Invidia arrived first and saw a small rodent-like Pokemon that looked like a Tandemaus. This was the child of the set, and it looked at the snakes with big, frightened eyes, tears streaming down its cheeks. The little one was all alone.
Tiamat floated down to it, one of her angelic ears poking out slightly, and her soft, ruffled arm caressing the little creature. "Where are your parents?"
The creature sniffed and pointed to a cave that seemed to be blocked by debris, and the little one made some movements with its hands. Perhaps it was too young to speak.
Attila went quickly to try to remove some of the debris, Haietlik behind him, and the others went as well. Vasuki continued to work with them, as did some of the workers, while Tiamat continued to comfort the baby, not wanting it to get too worried. There were no flames, or so it seemed, but there was smoke coming from inside the cave. That could be a bad sign for the little one's family.
A small hole was created, but no creature came out, everyone waited with bated breath, hoping that something would come out of the hole they had made, but alas, nothing came through. Worried glances turned to each other, and the humans went back to work making a bigger hole. Haietlik entered the cave when the hole was large enough and used her electricity to illuminate the dimly lit hole. She looked around, picking up no heat signatures from anything for the moment, and turned her head toward Xuihcoatl as the fire serpent entered behind her.
"Nothing, huh?" he hissed, turning his head to look at her for a moment. Seeing Haietlik shake her head, he huffed and opened his mouth slightly. Though he didn't use an attack, he puffed out fire to illuminate the area in front of them. "Looks like there are some tracks?"
As the two snakes ventured further in, the hole was dug out, and all but Tiamat went into the other cave to help search for the small family. At the far end of the cave, the group could finally make out some shapes; it seemed that there were still many Zubats in the cave, huddled together with slightly singed wings. The bats turned on them all at once, ready to attack, but Xuihcoatl stepped in front of the group and Haietlik, holding out one hand with a narrowed gaze.
"We are not here to hurt," he tried to speak to the creatures, their heads tilting in unison. "You all look injured, we can help you."
The cave filled with the chatter of the Pokemon, some of which fluttered to the ground to rest on the cave floor and examine them a bit more. Vasuki pulled out a potion bottle to show to the creatures.
It took a little longer than he would have liked, but the creatures finally seemed to agree, and they followed them, the Tandemaus family hiding with the Zubats and being led out of the cave they were using as a safe haven. Once outside the cave, the family was reunited and the bats were examined.
Despite the dangers they faced, the group managed to help the little family and the injured bats by spraying them with potions and wrapping up any injuries that couldn't be treated with the potion. Though the helpers wanted to take them to a real pokecenter to be examined, they seemed content to leave the area quickly, away from the humans, and find a dark place to hide - daylight was not Zubat's friend.
Invidia crept over to Tiamat and then looked at Vasuki, a small smile appearing on her usually unfriendly face. "He's gaining confidence," Invidia noted, more to herself, but Attila seemed to nod as he approached her side.
"I agree," he hissed softly, giving her a smile of his own. "It seems he's getting more comfortable helping out in this crisis. We'll just have to make sure he doesn't get too hurt, won't we?" He laughed softly.
Tiamat and Haietlik nodded in agreement and slithered over to the other two snakes, their eyes full of affection for their trainer. "At least they get to take the Tandemaus family back to a pokecenter," Tiamat chimed in.
Oh, that's right, the six of them could go home as soon as the little pokemon could be dropped off at the pokecenter. It was a bit far away, but at least they had good transportation!
Tiamat and Haietlik have Motor Drive and Rough skin, affording all other Pokemon a +2 EXP Bonus, and giving themselves a +1 EXP Bonus.
Haietlik Gains: 4
+1(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)
Tiamat Gains: 4
+1(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)
Invidia Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)
Attila Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)
Xuihcoatl Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)
Vasuki gains +10 AXP [Event]
Submitted By Umbra-Moon
・ Location: Rivertide
Submitted: 2 years and 1 month ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years and 1 month ago