Awakening: Battling Litwick Fusions

In Awakening ・ By Umbra-Moon
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This seemed to be the last mission Vasuki would do for the time being, he needed a break from running around and fighting. He didn't have a lot of experience in fighting, only training with himself for the most part, but he wanted to learn to get better!

But even that was about to change, as he approached his destination, a sound caught his attention, turning to look at the noise, he felt a drop of sweat as his heart rate increased slightly. Standing not far from him was a Litwick fusion, it looked like a Litwick/Bulbasaur staring at him, ready to attack at any moment. Swallowing as his hands began to sweat, he grabbed one of his pokeballs. The first one he threw was Tiamat, not the best type match-up considering they had each other's weaknesses, but it was better than nothing!

Battle 1

The two fusions stared at each other for a moment before Tiamat charged the litsaur. She tackled the creature, knocking it off balance for a moment, but the creature quickly recovered and tackled Tiamat back, knocking her off balance as well. She did not falter, however, and was ready to fight again, as was the litsaur. She launched another attack, dodging to the left to avoid an ember, but missed her shot at the creature, only to be hit by a bullet seed instead. She winced as the type was grass against her water type, but that was okay!

Her gaze narrowed and she went in for another attack, this time trying to be sneaky, pretending to do something else, but it didn't work as she was met head on with a tackle. The two collided and battled, each trying to push the other back or to the ground. The Litsaur, however, used Ember while they were body-on-body, causing Tiamat to stagger backward in slight pain from the point-blank fire.

Worried about his Pokemon, Vasuki considered calling them back and sending another Pokemon to fight instead, but as he reached for Tiamat's pokeball, she shook her head, fire glinting in her purple eyes. She wasn't going to back down from this fight, and she was going to win! She was confident that even though she had the advantage, she would find a way to win. 

Tiamat decided to at least give herself some strength, and as the Litsaur tried to attack her, she dodged here and there, whirling in the sky and doing a dance. The gems on her tail and neck began to glow and her body began to sparkle a little, her angelic ears stretched out, and the dragon dance was used to increase her attacks - granted, she had no dragon attacks at the moment.

Undeterred, the litsaur sent another ember in her direction, which she managed to dodge, but the next attack sent her flying to the ground while the litsaur floated down, seemingly unharmed and undeterred. Angry that she seemed to be fighting a losing battle, she narrowed her gaze and began to focus more of her energy. Her body began to glow again and it felt as if fire was beginning to form in her body. Her lungs burned and cried out as she inhaled air into them, she felt like she wanted to spit something out, but she was afraid of what it might be!

As the pressure built in her lungs and her eyes closed, a tear forming at the corners, she couldn't contain the energy in her body anymore. With a force, she opened her mouth and let out this breath attack, it was dark purple and black with a swirling white-blue mist around it. The Litsaur dodged the first one, but Tiamat threw another one its way, and since she'd already built up so much, she could probably get off a few shots. She finally made contact with the creature, making it scream in pain as the breath burned on its skin, amplified by the dragon dance she'd used earlier.

As Tiamat closed her mouth, she noticed that the Litsaur was on the verge of fainting. But she also felt dizzy and lightheaded, but before she fainted and hit the ground, Vasuki quickly returned her to the pokeball, she had done well and he would praise her later. He was surprised, however, that she had learned an attack during the battle, Dragon Breath. (582)

After the Litsaur fainted, Vasuki went to Ahed and sent out another Pokémon in case there was another battle. That's exactly what happened, like a wildfire spreading, another Litwick Fusion came floating toward him. It was a Cascoon/Litwick, not so ominous except that it looked like floating wax wrapped around a Pokemon. Vasuki shrugged, it didn't look that dangerous to him. And so he pointed at the Pokemon and gave Xuihcoatl a smile, "Ready to go?"

Battle 2

Xuihcoatl looked at the Pokémon with a narrowed gaze, opening his mouth as he glared at the creature, who only seemed to sneer in his direction. The spikes on the Litsoon shimmered in the light, and the red eye seemed to glow, indicating that it was awake. Xuihcoatl wasted no time, however, eager to enter the fray as the fire on his tail flickered up and down, showing his eagerness to fight.

Xuihcoatl began with a tackle, lunging at Litsoon, who seemed to have anticipated the move, as Xuihcoatl's actions were not difficult to read. The creature dodged to the side, watched Xuihcoatl miss, and quickly retaliated with a pin missile. The spikes on its cocoon shot smaller ones at Xiuhcoatl, and while some missed, others hit him, causing him to flinch and leave small scratches on his body from the fight.

Annoyed that he'd been hit with such a weak move, he lunged forward again, this time with the intention of ramming into the Litsoon with a tackle, but he made contact with the creature and knocked it over, rolling it away from him on the spindle-like shape in an odd fashion. Unhappily the creature narrowed it’s eye and was ready to attack once more, seeing that Xuihcoatl was ready for another tackle, the Litsoon did something one wasn’t expecting. From the wax-like body it had, a string was shot forth, wrapping around Xiuhcoatl as he tried to move forward, and slowing him down in the process. Before he knew it, he was suddenly trapped in the thin waxy string that grasped at his body and made it impossible for him to move.

While Xuihcoatl was stuck there in the string shot, the Litsoon began attacking him, Tackle was the first moe and then pin missile, he was stuck and couldn’t really wiggle free, he tried snapping at the Litsoon but it never stayed close enough long enough for him to do any damage. Frustration settled in his body, his gaze narrowed and the flames on his tail flickered higher and higher the more he was attacked. His claws curled into his fists and a puff of fire escaped from between his lips. 

Xuihcoatl didn’t know what to think or feel for that matter, it felt like his insides were on fire, like his fangs were beginning to melt from the energy that was building up within him. He could feel more flames seep from his maw, threatening to spew over like hot lava, but that’s not what he wanted. He really wanted to bite his way out of the thread that was keeping him trapped there. He could feel his fangs becoming searing hot, and he took a chance, nipping at the thread the best he could reach, and when he was free enough using his arms to break free from the rest of the thread.

His teeth still on fire, he turned to the Litsoon who was preparing another tackle, Xuihcoatl figured it wouldn’t be too effective, but he chomped down onto the creature when it came back in for a tackle. The flames from his fangs pierced against the waxy shell of the Litsoon which cried and wiggled in pain before being let go and tossed away. Smirking, Xuihcoatl took a battle stance, the fire surrounding his fangs dancing in the light.

Unfortunately for Xuihcoatl he didn't faint his, as the pokemon turned tail and ran from him, seeming to go back to the area it had emerged from. A little tired and exhausted, Vasuki patted his pokemon’s head and gave him a smile. “You learned a new move,” he stated, giving praise to his pokemon. “That fire fang of yours can come in handy.” 

Xuihcoatl nodded with a slight smile, and closed his eyes when his pokeball rose toward him and he was whisked away into it to recover and go to sleep, leaving Vasuki exposed once more without a pokemon. (658)

Battle 3

Being prepared Vasuki brought out his next pokemon in case of danger, having Haietlik out following him and slithering on the ground since she was now too big to ride on his shoulders. For a bit it seemed peaceful, that was until an ember was shot out from the trees at them directly. Vasuki was pushed out of the way, as Hiaetlik took the ember head on, it didn’t seem to hurt her too much, thankfully, but her gaze narrowed in the direction the attack came from. Making itself known was a small Pyukutten, staring at them with its singular eye and stare shaped mouth. Haietlik knew better and rushed into attack the small creature, tackling it with the force of her full body as it was knocked away from them and on the ground. It huffed some it seemed, but got up quickly to retaliate.

Bubbles spewed from it’s maw, hitting Haietlik and causing her to close her eyes and shake her head, temporarily blinding her it seemed, with this happening, the Pyukutten sent out another ember in her direction, smacking her with it as she cried out in pain. Once the bubbles left her eyes and she could see again, though her vision was a little blurry, she slithered forward quickly. She knocked back the Pyukutten again, and it got right back up and ready to attack. The two exchanged blows back and forth for a little bit, between tackles, bubbles, and embers, they seemed to be somewhat matched. Haietlik tossed the creature away from her, and dodged when she could, as the Pyukutten did the exact same to her attacks. 

Frustrations were mounting between the two of them, and Haietlik hadn’t realized the electric energy that was building up around her. When she went to tackle the creature again, she ended up nuzzling against it instead, and delivered an electric shock to it.

This stunned the little one for a time, and caused her to snicker, the creature was water/fire or water ghost, she didn’t know which, that had to hurt! When it recovered it sent another wave of bubbles at the inexperienced fighter, causing her to temporarily have blurred vision again and get tackled, being nudged backwards by the creature.

Haietlik’s body was still full of an electrical charge, it surged over her long body and made some crackling sounds as it went over the electric orbs centered on her tail. She was confused, she used a Nuzzle and she still shouldn’t be charged. You could see the lines of electricity traveling back up her body and began to release little noises around her long fangs. She didn’t fully understand this meaning, but she did know she could bite the Pyukutten. Maybe that would make it go away?

As the creature came in for a tackle, Haietlik slithered around to dodge it and quickly bit the creature on the back, trying to avoid the spikes that stuck out from its back side. As the fangs made contact a loud cackle could be heard, as electricity was released from them and into the Pyukutten’s body, the creature cried out and seemed to spit its innards out. Which caused Haietlik to withdraw her bite and slither quickly back to Vasuki.(543)

 It seemed to be fainted but otherwise fine, and Vasuki sighed before petting his partner pokemon with a smile. “Good girl, who knew you could learn thunder fang so easily, huh?” he commented, feeling her nuzzle him with a tingle going through his body. “Still gotta work on your nuzzle though, huh?” Vasuki was quick to return Haietlik so she wouldn’t take any damage and threw out his next pokeball, which was Attila. The trend had been going as he explored and looked for more pokemon to help in this area, that he was getting jumped by the creatures that were coming out of the fissure. At least he had a capable team with him after all, right? 

He ventured a little further down and away from the fissure slightly, but the odd drilling sound caught his attention, as it did Attila, alerting him that something was wrong. They expected something large and menacing, but what popped out of the ground was a flame at first, and then slowly the wax-like body joined it. A Dunsparce-Litwick fusion was staring at them, ready to battle as it was still enraged from Groudon’s influence. 

Battle 4

The Litsparce stared at the two before it, eyes closed still but one could see a smidge of a golden eye peeking from the closed eyes, glowing with intent and malice. Attila was ready to battle, always willing to test its strength, and against another snake-like pokemon nonetheless, this would be fun! The Litsparce went with a tackle first, charging at Attila as fast as it could and Attila dodged it easily, turning around to tackle the creature as well. However, as he went to tackle, it seemed the ghost part of the Litsparce had phased out and Attila went through the creature’s body, hitting the ground along the way. Wincing from the impact, he hissed a bit himself, this wasn’t going to be easy now was it?

The rattle on his tail shook, showing his annoyance, but he charged again to try to hit the creature, only to go straight through it once more. The creature mocked him a little, laughing at his attempts to hit it when he couldn’t, and thus disappeared on him as he was looking around for it. Usually he could see heat signatures, but it seemed the creature didn’t produce heat the way he thought it would and even the flame was gone. Confused and a little panicked, he slithered around, trying to dodge blindly so he wouldn’t be hit.

The Litsparce phased back in, hitting him from behind and causing him to be stunned for a moment, astonish worked and he was soon tackled and thrown away from the fusion and Vasuki. Vasuki thought perhaps he should recall Attila as this match-up wasn’t fair, but the snake hissed in his direction, gaze still narrowed. He was determined to find a way to hurt the Litsparce and something was starting to come together for Attila. When the Litsparce went to do a physical move, Attila dodged it, but was quick to tackle it, making contact this time since it didn’t have time to phase its body out. It was thrown back a little, and Attila breathed a chuckle, there we go, that was more like it.

It was a bit of a hit and miss back and forth for the two of them as they battled, sometimes Attila would hit the Litsparce and sometimes he would miss, sometimes the Litsparce would miss when Attila would manage to dodge it, and at other times he would get hit. The two of them had scratches and smudge marks on them from the ground, but neither was ready to call it quits. Hissing at each other, as if smack-talking, they went in for another attack. Instead however, Attila’s body wrapped around the Litsparce's, deciding to try something new, he began to squeeze the Litsparce within his coils.

The creature thrashed and wiggled trying to get free, but the coil Attila had trapped him was strong, thanks to Attila’s fighting style and working out. The creature was finding it hard to escape, and thus even headbutted Attila on the nose. While the contact was painful and almost had him loosen, he didn’t and stayed coiled with the Litsparce until one of them gave up. Attila loosened his coils when the pokemon fainted, knowing that it would be calmed down when it awoke, he slithered back to his trainer happily. (551)

Vasuki smiled and gave Attila some praise, as well as some pats and held out his pokeball. The pokemon returned to the ball more than willing and Vasuki looked at the last ball that he had ready. He knew Invidia would easily fight, but he was worried about her getting hurt too much - just as he was worried about the others. Nonetheless though, he threw her pokeball and allowed her to come out, she looked around her surroundings for a moment, not impressed at all by it.
“I know,” Vasuki started gently, petting her head in a soft way. “But you’re the last uninjured pokemon I have, and I know you worry when I don’t have protection. Let’s do our best not to get too injured, shall we?”

Battle 5

Before Vasuki could go too far, it seemed Invidia was immediately alerted to something, she used her tail to smack Vasuki out of the way, shoving him against some bushes as what looked like a steel baby’s rattle barely missed her when she dodged. Invidia let out a hiss in the direction, her red eyes narrowed at the pokemon that stepped out of the shadows with a smirk, smacking the rattle as it came back to it against one hand. Invidia quickly slithered forward with angry and malicious intent at the Litaton, showing her disdain for the creature trying to attack them out of the blue. Litaton dodged to the side, and emitted a mist from her body, using the baby-like rattle to help spread the mist around her. This was known as Aroma mist and it carried with it a soft, sweet smell.

Unphased by the mist, Invidia tackled the creature again, using her body to force Litaton away from her trainer and so they could fight without worry of Vasuki possibly getting injured. The two of them got into a scuffle of slithers, coils, bites and smacks to one another, and a dust cloud was kicked up so Vasuki couldn’t see anything that was happening. At least fairy moves didn’t hurt Invidia too much and this rough playing wasn’t going to phase her at all either or at least Vasuki hoped.During the entanglement however, a fire had been ignited, swirling around their bodies and the dust cloud.

Invidia hissed in pain from the fire spin, trapping the two of them in it together while the Litaton wasn’t affected at all due to being fire type. Annoyed at the burn that hit against her scales, and chipped at her blade, she wasn’t ready to give up yet. She tackled the Litaton, knocking her out of the fire spin and taking the leap herself. Invidia was out of it, though a bit burned from the flames, and the two went at it again against each other. The Litaton tried using baby-doll eyes but Invidia wasn’t affected by it, not sympathizing with the little creature.

The Litaton readied another fire spin, getting Invidia stuck in it again for the moment and she winced once more, Vasuki wanted to come to her aid, but he wasn’t able to because of the fire dancing around her. Invidia wasn’t afraid, she had felt worse than this when she was younger, when she fought that Zangoose that kicked her ass. 

The past anger brought out something in her, causing the venom sacks in her fangs to start producing venom, oozing from the tips of them the venom dripped onto the ground, hissing as it dissolved there. She wasn’t thinking anything when she saw a creature come at her from the flames, she coiled her body around, dodging the tackle and instead sinking her venom dripping fangs into the creature’s arm that was closest to her.

Venom was injected into Litaton, who seemed to be in more pain than Vasuki thought she’d be, and Invidia went in for another bite, ignoring the flames again, she did not let go this time. Not until the Litaton managed to knock her off, the flames dispersed and the creature fled back to the crater from where it came. Though slightly burned and a little injured, Invidia hissed out in victory and slithered back to Vasuki, giving him a gentle nuzzle.(574)

With all his pokemon except Invidia put up the two of them traveled back to the vehicle that brought them to the area, his hand gently stroking her scales as the smooth ride that was taking them back to the main city. He would heal them up at a poke center to make sure none of them were hurting for too long, and then treat all of them mto some good food. He was surprised that each one of his pokemon managed to learn a move during the battle, but he was most thankful that none of them were gravely injured or hurt for that matter. Just seemed tired, learning a new move, that had to be tiring in itself, right?

Awakening: Battling Litwick Fusions
0 ・ 0
In Awakening ・ By Umbra-Moon

Tiamat and Haietlik have Motor Drive and Rough skin, affording all other Pokemon a  +2 EXP Bonus, and giving themselves a +1 EXP Bonus.

Haietlik Gains: 4
+1(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)

Tiamat Gains: 4
+1(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)

Invidia Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)

Attila Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)

Xuihcoatl Gains: 5
+2(Ability EXP), +2 (Event EXP), +1(Featured EXP)

Vasuki gains +10 AXP [Event]

Submitted By Umbra-MoonLocation: Rivertide
Submitted: 2 years and 1 month agoLast Updated: 2 years and 1 month ago

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