A creature of bad habits

In Daily Life ・ By Aldarch
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   The silence would have been deafening were it not for the buzzing and crackling of lights and hazardous electrical equipment. Viggo sat with his head hung low, hands clasped together. He felt like he was in the dentist waiting room even though he would have been the only person waiting. Well, there were some odd Pokemon scurrying around, but they were quite content causing harmless sparks and not bothering him.

   Sparks’ den wasn’t the best digs in the world, but it was home to him. A safe home, far, far away from Brookfell… He was accompanied by the little Elekid fusion, Tang, helping him finish up some final pieces on some sort of weapon he was working on. Sparks generally knew better than to bother Viggo about the intricacies of his work, and he hadn’t been working for the man very long. He was a complicated character to judge, but Sparks had learned quite quickly to keep his mouth shut most of the time. For a criminal, Sparks did share concerns though. Genuine ones. The yamper man gave Tang the tiniest of high-fives once lifting his mask, letting the Pokemon run off to play with the others - or to bother Veto and Grape, who were so easily riled up by his antics.

   “Are you sure about this, Mr de Jager?” Sparks questioned, tilting his head back over his shoulder from his wonky chair. It caught Viggo off guard in the quiet, and his thumbs stopped twiddling like he tried to process the fact he’d heard anything at all. He sighed. His suppressor had shorted out hours ago, and he was more or less hiding in the Wintervale underground until it was repaired. Again.
   “Sure of what?”
   “Well, I… It’s just, y’know, someone of your… Esteem? I guess–”
   “Would benefit greatly.” Viggo finished the sentence for Sparks, making the younger of the two nearly sweat in his boots. Viggo sighed, combing his hair back with his hand and disturbing the flame on his head.
   “Alright… If you’re sure.” Sparks conceded, wheeling his way over awkwardly with cables and the like in hand. “ And if you’re ready.”

Viggo grumbled, slipping his coat off and folding it neatly, followed by his waistcoat, his cardigan, and at last his jumper. “Will it take long?”
   “As long as it needs to… Can’t really fuck it up, or like.. Y’know. I am fuckin’ with your–” Sparks caught the stare as he looked up at Viggo, stopping in his tracks as he was entirely unsettled by the glowing yellow eyes set on him. “... Well, y’know… It’s vital. But, hey, ‘cause you’re gonna’ be just, like, sat here, did you need anything? Drink…? Sandwich…?”
   “Why would I want a sandwich?”
   “‘Cause I always want one, so...” Sparks awkwardly confirmed. Viggo sighed and leaned his head into his hand for a moment. He was reconsidering employing Sparks at all, the youngling was unbearable - no matter how much his work spoke for itself. Sparks curled his lip awkwardly, setting up an external PC and getting started. Viggo took out his phone, idly scrolling the news until his Rotom Partner freed himself from the device.
   “Micah’s gonna’ be mad!”
   “Micah is mad about anything I do. What, are you going to tell on me?”
   “No!!! I’d be implicated!!!” Watt screeched back in defense, like a whiny child through a walkie-talkie. It made Viggo smile a little at least. Watt wasn’t a snitch, or he hadn’t been up until now.
   “ It’ll be just fine.” He comforted Watt, or so he hoped he persuaded the Rotom. It didn’t take long for Sparks to finish setting up, connecting a few wires and holding the bodged-looking end out towards Viggo.

   “O-kayy! Let’s get rolling. I just gotta’ jam this into your core.”
   “If this kills me, my Pokemon will turn you into a ghost. Forever.”
   “Thaaaaaaat’s nice….” Sparks chuckled anxiously, opening up the diamond-shaped technical unit on Viggo’s chest and plugging in. Viggo grunted, like he’d gotten the most uncomfortable shock ever. Watt nearly panicked, zipping around and inspecting Viggo just to reassure himself his partner was still alive.
   “Oh, cool! You’re the first person who didn’t scream.” Sparks grinned, but Viggo glared daggers at the pup. “So long as you haven’t fucked with this yourself, it shouldn’t take long.”
   “I know better than to tinker without the knowhow.” Viggo sat back, scrolling his phone idly. He rummaged through his coat pocket after some time, fumbling through a box of cigarette. Sparks had to double-take.
   “ DON’T—!! Smoke in here.” He snapped, causing Viggo to genuinely jump, and drop the cig on the ground. He wasn’t impressed. “ Sorry, it’s… Dangerous. And it stinks.”
   “Are you saying I stink?”
   “NO!! Of course not, no. Obviously not. Never. Noooo.” Sparks huffed a sigh of relief, cheeks puffed out as he turned back to the PC to override and replace the link to the system.
   “Mr de Jager, did you know your system’s a little.. Damaged?”
   “Seems fine to me.”
   “Was it from the fog?” Sparks inquired genuinely and Viggo went quiet, furrowing his brow as he was clearly irritated. He didn’t answer, and Sparks knew better than to pry. He assumed that was a yes in any regard.

   After some time, and a long-term silence, Sparks was just about done. He yawned in the face of the screen - it was late. After all, Viggo had turned up at around 1am as it was. He didn’t question why. With a considerable amount of beeping and Viggo’s TD flashing numerous colours, the cable disconnected. And fell a little limp. Sparks pulled it away from Viggo and closed up the core. “ All set.” Viggo stretched, moving his arms around and making sure everything still worked before he started putting his clothes back on. “Your suppressor is good to go, but maybe you shouldn’t wear it for so long Mr de Jager. Doesn’t matter how expensive it is, they’re still not great for, like, a nine-to-five let alone anything else.”
   “ Look, kid, I get it. But you should mind your own business. You fix my shit, you keep my business out of the public eye - that’s it. I don’t pay you to ask me questions and give me advice.” Viggo pulled his coat on and flipped his collar up, picking the suppressor from its charge as he passed. “Let me know when you’ve made a permanent solution yourself if you’re so worried.” The man waved a hand, taking his leave before Sparks could explain much more.

He sighed, again, looking down to Grape and Tang who waddled up to him once Viggo was gone. “ Don’t look at me like that… He puts the sandwiches on the table, guys.”

[1116 Words]

A creature of bad habits
1 ・ 0
In Daily Life ・ By Aldarch


Draw or write about how your trainer manages the changes to their system. Are they hacking it themselves? Are they visiting a cyberdoc to reset it to return to a life of no-crime? 

Requirements: Halfbody with shading and simple background or 750 Words. 

Where Sparks, yet again, is face to face with the consequences of Viggo's actions. At this point he might as well be a babysitter.

At least this time Viggo turned up in one piece and not filled with bullets or on fire or something ❤

Submitted By Aldarch for System ResetLocation: WintervaleView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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