Little Black Card

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Draw or write about your Trainer delivering something of your choice! It could be a simple package, a fragile Pokemon egg, A person? Anything! So long as the cargo gets to the destination safely.
Word Count:  878

John didn't know why he was even doing this. He stared down at the little card that was in his hands and sighed heavily, he went to this bar because it was near to his house and served some of the best drinks round. It might be a bit on the pricier side but that had never been much of a problem for him. Sure he dressed like a normal person, not wearing anything expensive and rather going for the comfortable clothes but his looks were deceiving. He had more than enough to splurge occasionally-- but to think he actually came here not to drink but simply to return a little card was absurd. In many cases he might see something like this then just throw it in the garbage, it was litter after all and he didn't particularly care for the business of others. Not to mention if it was dropped it wouldn't be important but frankly? This card looked a bit important. It wasn't like a normal business card and the bartender that it came from was the one who tended to serve him the best when he visited. Maybe that is why he had a bit of a softer spot to maybe help them out just a little. 
The bells above the door opened as John pushed his way in and he glanced around. Nothing here was out of the ordinary, just the same as the day before and the day before that. Perhaps it was the monotony of this place that John liked most but he didn't pay it much more mind as he came up to the bartender and tapped at the countertop to get their attention. "Hey" He called out to them till they looked his way. "Noir dropped something earlier." Setting the little card on the counter he slid it towards the other. Whatever this card was, they could decide its value. If it was important he was sure they would go give it back to them, and if it wasn't? Well then they could be the ones to toss it out. He'd done his part to bring it back and that was all that mattered. He didn't even stop to consider what it might mean to return this card or that it could be anything particularly special.
As John walked in, his words where visibly almost entirely ignored by the woman at the Bar, seemingly just annoyed at her shift and everyone around her and it was taken out on the unfortunate man behind her as she purposely ignored him, until the thunk of the heavy card on the marble bar and her attention was now entirely on him with a strange kind of excited interest as she investigated it, the gold glinting off the lights of the bar. "Oh, lucky man, usually he vets people pretty hard. Wonder what he saw in you?" She hummed gently as she tucked the card into her Apron before grabbing John by the arm after coming around, smiling as she pulled him towards what seemed to be a bar of liquor before pressing it open into a much larger room then it seemed the bar was capable of, hushed whispers where heard the moment it opened, no longer sound proofed as the sounds of clinking glasses and giggling and laughter, doors opening and closing as she shoved the card back into John's hands, opening a door and shoving him in with it with a sing song voice of "Enjoy, tip well~" She called out with a wink aimed at Noir in the back.
Noir had been relatively busy after hours, like he always was. He hadn't even realized the important card he carried had been dropped, usually something reserved for incredibly prestigious clients wanting to have a night with just his attention on them. Never anything past flirting and lap sitting but horny rich people really had nothing better to do with their money it seemed, he had resorted to only keeping a few of the cards, then even fewer still, and then only one. It was a thicker card, heavy with gold embossing and some strange symbols on it spelling out the word simply "Bat" in some other language, but to most it just looked to be an expensive business card despite the almost complete lack of information on it, even more so coming from the man who dropped it. The noivern fused trainer often sat behind a bar in a neat, orderly and prestigious bartender get up, pinstripe vest, black dress shirt, red tie, his hair pulled up and suppressed to a dull, deep silky black and not a single strand out of place. His suppression was to keep in dress code, however, and that didn't apply here with bright neon stripes of purple and teal as he was slumped in the back rooms, a relatively dim room with star lights dappling it, lounging on the soft velvet love seat, and just kind of twiddling with his own tail as he waited the night out, confident nothing eventual would happen.
He sure hoped nothing would, and John coming in crushed all his hopes as he figured the man was about to have a fucking heart attack by the change of scenery.
Little Black Card
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In Missions and Explorations ・ By AveryFish, Faust
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Submitted By AveryFish for Occupation Missions
Submitted: 1 year and 8 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 8 months ago

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[Little Black Card by AveryFish, Faust (Literature)](
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