[LoL] Best of Friends

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Ahimoth had been putting Snatcher through some harsh tracking battles recently and while he knows Snatcher’s movepool isn’t the best, he can’t help but to try to encourage his best buddy to do better, to keep trying. This was something him and Ahimoth shared though, because Snatcher didn’t give up easily, just like his trainer. Ahimoth thought back to when he first got Snatcher as a Pipsail, the little creature having stolen something from him and he had to chase it down and wrangle with it. The fond memory brought a smile to his face, and he lowered his gaze, he was just getting ready to cook when a thought came to mind. It was the month of love, as some liked to call it, and while it was a hurtful subject for Ahimoth, thanks to how the breakup went with his Ex-boyfriend and everything, he sighed to himself.

That didn’t mean that he couldn’t express his love or appreciation for other things - humans and pokemon alike. With a smile forming on his usually dull face, he decided to get out some of the special treats he had. They were poke-safe and good for pokemon to heat. Ahimoth could back to a degree, and so he whipped them up into little heart and seashell shapes before he placed the mixture in the oven. He could hear Snatcher walking around the house, and walking into the kitchen when he finally found Ahimoth. The smile grew on his face when his large pokemon rubbed against him, and Ahimoth petted his thick neck with a smile of his own.

“Hey there bud,” he whispers to the pokemon, getting a soft gurgling hiss like noise from his partner, which was usually his way of saying hello. Ahimoth watched when Snatcher took a seat in the kitchen, and he moved to scratch and pet his pokemon some, he knew the scales could get itchy, and while Snatcher was a little confused at the attention, he gladly accepted it. It wasn’t too long later the oven dinged and Ahimoth left Snatcher to go and check on the treats. With the food done, he gently placed the tray on the over top and moved the cookies off of it onto a plate. Snatcher had his own plate, and Ahimoth had one as well.

Ahimoth got himself milk and got water for Snatcher, giving the confused pokemon a grin, Ahimoth moved his white hair behind his finned-ear, letting it flick when he did so. “I realized Snatcher,” he spoke, gaining the pokemons’ attention, seeing as he had just eaten one of the delicious cookies. “You’re the best friend I could ever ask you. You’ve been there with me through all the harsh times in my life. You make it not so lonely,” he nodded, and lowered his gaze. “I’m lucky to have you as a pokemon partner, and I hope that we can keep being as good as we are, if not even better in the future.” 

He paused in his speech, taking a sip of his milk and eating some of the cookies he had. “I know I’ve been pushing you through a lot of battles, and I’m sorry for that. I just want to help you get stronger. That’s my main goal.” Ahimoth nodded, and looked back up at his pokemon with a smile. “I really appreciate you, Bud.”

[LoL] Best of Friends
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In Daily Life ・ By Umbra-Moon

Ahimoth has been pushing Snatcher hard in some of the recent battles they've had. 

Wanting to show how much he appreciates and loves his starter pokemon, he decided to bake him some cookies that are poke-safe while he wats some of his own.

They've been friends for a while now~


Ahimoth gains 10AXP - Event Bonus

Snatcher gains 2EXP - Event Bonus

Submitted By Umbra-Moon for Labor of LoveLocation: Wintervale
Submitted: 1 year and 7 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago

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